View Full Version : Help!

08-27-2019, 09:46 PM
I am a new squirrel caretaker. I found a baby squirrel in the rain a week ago from today. I had never taken care of a squirrel before so when I found him I scooped him up with towel. It was pouring. I immediately started researching and studying how to care for a baby. At the time his eyes were closed, I fed him every three hours the puppy formula I was recommended too and stimulated him to poop and pee. He was doing great and his eyes opened a few days later. A few days ago, I think he aspirated. I had ran out to the store and my hubby fed him because he said he was hungry and called me freaking out because he saw formula come out his nose. Well... I know already that wasn’t good, I told him to slightly put his head down for about 5-20 seconds to get what could come now... it’s been two days later and my baby is not doing well... I noticed the clicking today and he hasn’t eaten.. he’s lathergic.. more so than normal and I have been trying to keep him hydrated with water, sugar and a pinch of salt... He wasn’t taking in much of anything. A few hours ago I had to do something because i could just tell he was going down hill... I called a lot of places with no luck and just kept getting numbers to call with no responses. I know amoxicillin is not good to give a squirrel but I had a pill left over and just for tonight and to help fight the pneumonia, until I could get through to tomorrow, I crushed the pill and mixed with water gave him the tiniest dose to see if that antibiotic could at least help, I also gave him a tiny bit of plain yogurt right after to help with his tummy... does anyone have any advice for me... he hasn’t made any progress and it’s been about two hours since I gave him the medicine, I’m really worried about him and I’m hoping I’m not doing anything to make it worse!

08-27-2019, 09:51 PM
Send me the strength of the pill and his weight and we can see how close you got. Are you near northern va?

08-27-2019, 10:03 PM
Look around and see if you can find Cipro or augmentin (human version ) or Baytril or Clavamox. They are better.

Amoxicillin is better than nothing but please be careful about dosing. Very easy to overdose.

08-27-2019, 10:05 PM
He is 105 grams. And the strength of the pill of the pill was an 800mg... I cut in fours and then took half of that fourth and diluted it with half a cup of water and took the dropper and gave him literally one maybe two drops. I feel so awful! I don’t know if it’s to little or too much... and I’m so sorry!

08-27-2019, 10:07 PM
And that’s what I gave him is augmentin..

08-27-2019, 10:13 PM

08-27-2019, 10:16 PM
Give me a min and I will dose for you

08-27-2019, 10:24 PM
Thank you so much!

08-27-2019, 10:25 PM
Dosing sent in pm