View Full Version : Petey: Esbilac MBD Recovery

08-19-2019, 04:37 PM
Hey guys!
I've noticed these little lumps on this little guy's back legs. At first they were just red dots now they look like this. Any idea what this could be? I was googling pictures of other babies and I don't notice it on any others so I'm assuming it's not normal..

08-19-2019, 04:40 PM
It looks like ant bites.

08-19-2019, 07:14 PM
It looks like ant bites.

He has been in my house with 0 bugs since he was 2 days old though. They're in the exact same spot on both legs.

08-19-2019, 07:47 PM
Just investigated it further as I was feeding him. They are hard and attached to the bone (or are the bone?) It's almost like both of his hind legs grew crooked

08-19-2019, 09:01 PM
I was about to say that the area on the right leg looks like a bone.
Watch and see how the baby is able to walk as it moves about.

08-19-2019, 09:51 PM
I was about to say that the area on the right leg looks like a bone.
Watch and see how the baby is able to walk as it moves about.

He's definitely not walking yet at this point. He is getting strong in his front legs and is pulling himself around some and kicking his back legs with it but doesn't quite have the strength yet. Honestly he seems SUPER small to me too and like he's developing slower than I'm seeing a lot of the babies on here.

I guess wait a couple weeks until he's walking more to see how his legs are working?

08-20-2019, 09:16 AM
What is his weight? I have noticed a phenomenon that when a baby comes in at such a young age, it seems to take them much longer to develope than others that come in older:grin2

08-20-2019, 05:06 PM
What is his weight? I have noticed a phenomenon that when a baby comes in at such a young age, it seems to take them much longer to develope than others that come in older:grin2

He weighed in at 36g right now. He did just eat 30 mins ago so some of that weight could be formula.
When we found him he couldn't have been more than 2 days old (born July 28th estimated) and we've been doing the absolute best we can with him since then. I've been feeding him the proper formula, feeding the 5%-7% body weight rule, keeping him warm, feeding him at appropriate times, and coming to TSB for any and all questions we've had about him. I'm just worried that his little legs are going to be painful to use as he grows up if they are growing in crooked like that, although he doesn't seem to show any sort of pain when I touch the bumps.

08-23-2019, 04:43 PM
Update: now that he's growing a bit more and I'm seeing pics of more his age, I'm noticing his front legs are all wonky too. This is unfortunately the best picture I could get of his fronts.

AND this evening when I got home from work he had this lump to the left of his ribs. Anyone have any idea what that could be?

08-23-2019, 07:33 PM

I turned the picture to get a better look.

His legs do look wonky, and I think it wonky that they seem so bald for a baby with that much fur on his face and head? :thinking

I wonder if the dwarf experts should take a look at this one..

08-23-2019, 07:42 PM
Thanks for flipping that! Didn't notice it until after I had posted it!

He will be 4 weeks old on Sunday and he only weighed 39g this morning. I've had a heck of a time keeping him hydrated and he just doesn't seem to be growing much and now his little legs are all sorts of funky and I'm just worried that I need to be doing something different. I was wondering about dwarfism as well after teading several threads on here but I can't seem to find any info on someone who's had one this young and realized it was a dwarf. If you know of one please ask them to send any advice!

08-24-2019, 08:35 AM
Is he a red squirrel? I would not rule out dwarfism and you should be able to tell in a bit. To be honest, there has been some weird wonky stuff going on with limbs this season. How far are you from Maryland?

Nancy in New York
08-24-2019, 10:05 AM
I too am wondering if this is a red. It sure looks like it, and
the weight would be almost spot on for one this age.

08-24-2019, 11:06 AM
Is he a red squirrel? I would not rule out dwarfism and you should be able to tell in a bit. To be honest, there has been some weird wonky stuff going on with limbs this season. How far are you from Maryland?

I'm only in Martinsburg, WV so only 30 mins from Hagerstown, MD. Where in MD are you located?
Honestly I'm not sure if he's red squirrel or not. We found him at like 1 or 2 days old and he's just slowlllllyyyy growing. Is there something in particular you'd recommend for my trouble keeping him hydrated? I've struggled a lot with this; it seems to be a constant issue with dehydrating then bouncing back then dehydrating then bouncing back.

08-24-2019, 11:07 AM
I too am wondering if this is a red. It sure looks like it, and
the weight would be almost spot on for one this age.

That would make me feel better if he is a red. I couldn't find average weights for reds anywhere so I've been nervous about him being underweight for a grey.

08-24-2019, 11:19 AM
Are you wanting to get this baby into rescue? I know you have been working really hard with this sweetie, but I want to know how we can help you.

08-24-2019, 10:19 PM
I'm not sure if it is a red squirrel though. But, the bumps are very odd. He has the lumps on his head too, right or am I seeing things that aren't there. Can you please get better pictures of his body and head? If you can't get them to show up right side up we will fix it.

What bedding is he kept in? Did the bumps show up AFTER he was with you or did he come with them. His legs don't look wonky at all so that's why I'm asking for more pix. If you have someone to help you, you could stretch his leg and then take the picture.

His weight, hydration look great so good job :)

08-25-2019, 08:05 PM
Are you wanting to get this baby into rescue? I know you have been working really hard with this sweetie, but I want to know how we can help you.
We would like to know that a rehabber could take him in the case things get to be too much for us. If you know of someone close by that we could get in contact when the time comes, that would be great!

08-25-2019, 08:10 PM
I'm not sure if it is a red squirrel though. But, the bumps are very odd. He has the lumps on his head too, right or am I seeing things that aren't there. Can you please get better pictures of his body and head? If you can't get them to show up right side up we will fix it.

What bedding is he kept in? Did the bumps show up AFTER he was with you or did he come with them. His legs don't look wonky at all so that's why I'm asking for more pix. If you have someone to help you, you could stretch his leg and then take the picture.

His weight, hydration look great so good job :)

It must be the picture because he doesn't have bumps on his head. We found him at just a day or two old and I don't recall seeing the bumps on his legs then but as he grew they just sort of formed on his bone. He is kept in tshirts for bedding. I will see if we can get better angles and stretch his legs for a pic this evening and I'll post it!

Should I be giving him water throughout the day every day? Because it seems every few feedings when I do the tent test his skin takes forever to go back down. It just seems he'll be fine (but sort of wrinkly still) for a while then we check again in a few hours and the tent test shows he's dehydrated..

08-25-2019, 08:14 PM
Here's a few more of just his head. I'll get others of his legs and body here in a bit

08-25-2019, 10:37 PM
Here are better pictures of his legs. The other front doesn't look so bad so I didn't add a pic of it. He didn't seem to have any problem with me stretching his legs out either, so I don't believe there's any pain.

08-26-2019, 09:17 AM
We would like to know that a rehabber could take him in the case things get to be too much for us. If you know of someone close by that we could get in contact when the time comes, that would be great!

I was going back to look over your thread and saw this. I am an hour and half from you, could take him. I very much would like my vet to look him over and check out those bumps.

08-26-2019, 10:23 AM
I was re-reading this thread myself and the questions that were asked about being a dwarf. When I got my dwarf his eyes were already open. My first indication that he was different was when he just wouldn't gain weight and grow like I knew he should. We don't have red squirrels in Florida, so that was ruled out.

I think once your guys eyes are open and ears stand up it might be more obvious if he's a dwarf grey or red squirrel. Dwarf squirrels have very large eyes for their faces. The ears sit lower on the head and the legs are shorter. The fact that he has some unusual bumps on his legs, near his knees, might be significant because dwarf squirrels joints don't connect properly. An X-ray can determine whether he is a dwarf or not.

If you can work something out with Redwuff to get the baby to her that would be awesome. She has tons of experience with squirrels and even dwarf squirrels!

I'm very curious to find out what may be going on with your little guy.

I've attached my dwarf's X-rays for reference. You might be able to see how his knee sits perpendicular to his leg bones.

08-26-2019, 12:42 PM
Thanks for all the help guys! I actually work once a month at a vet's office out of town with some of my old clients. I will ask the vets there if they will be willing to do some xrays on him when I head up there and if they aren't willing, I'll definitely check out that vet you recommend!
I thought it was odd that he's not furring up as quick as most. I wonder if this could be a developmental thing since he's been raised by people since the very beginning?
Thanks for all the help guys!

08-26-2019, 11:42 PM
Thanks for the additional pix.

Based on the color of his tail I don't think this is a Red Squirrel, I'm no expert, but I do have 8 eyes just opened Reds and their tails are very red.

Glad he doesn't have bumps on his head :) The ones on his hinds, I've seen it with one of my squirrels as has Sammysmom and a few other people in other groups. We treated with Clindamycin and the bumps did get smaller and are almost gone on our babies. Neither had front leg issues, so not sure what, if anything is going on with your babies fronts. Redwuff is a good rehabber you might want to take her up on her offer to rehab this baby. If you want to rehab squirrels we can find others for you, I just wouldn't recommend something like this baby as your first rehab.

If you can put him on the Clindamycin that would be great, do you have that antibiotic? if you don't can you get it?

As for the water, how often are you feeding and how much is he getting each feeding? If you're doing it all right and you've had him more than 2 or 3 days he shouldn't be dehydrated anymore. Can you take a video of you pinching the skin?

08-27-2019, 01:32 AM
I’m feeding babies and I took a picture of a 5 week olds leg. You can see it bends out a bit so I’m not sure if your baby’s legs are that odd. It’s hard to tell in pictures sometimes this is the right front


08-27-2019, 02:46 PM
Thanks everyone!! Redwuff and I are working on things now!!

08-27-2019, 04:15 PM
Thanks everyone!! Redwuff and I are working on things now!!

Well keep us posted so we know how it all turns out.

08-27-2019, 04:24 PM
Petey has a vet appt scheduled for Tues. We can see what is going on with those bones of his. I can’t wait to meet the little guy:hug

08-27-2019, 09:19 PM
Petey has a vet appt scheduled for Tues. We can see what is going on with those bones of his. I can’t wait to meet the little guy:hug

I can only imagine what these xrays are gonna look like! Looking forward to hearing what the vet has to say!!

08-27-2019, 09:40 PM
What formula is Petey being fed?

08-28-2019, 09:16 AM
What formula is Petey being fed?

Esbilac. 2 parts water to 1 part formula

08-28-2019, 09:20 AM
Here's some updated pictures of Petey from last night. His little teethers popped through and he had a little blood in his mouth last night but all is well this morning with that.

08-28-2019, 10:32 AM
I thought it was odd that he's not furring up as quick as most. I wonder if this could be a developmental thing since he's been raised by people since the very beginning?
Thanks for all the help guys!

Him being raised from a very early age should not make difference as long as his formula meets his nutritional needs.

08-28-2019, 10:35 AM
He is so cute! What is his weight today. He is now 4 weeks old?

Thanks for the pictures:w00t

08-28-2019, 10:47 AM
He is so cute! What is his weight today. He is now 4 weeks old?

Thanks for the pictures:w00t

Yep! He's 4 weeks old as of Sunday-ish. We found him 4 weeks ago yesterday.

I'm currently at work, and usually weigh him at lunch time. So when I head home for lunch, I'll be able to update everyone on that!

08-28-2019, 01:13 PM
Weighed 41g at lunchtime today

08-30-2019, 06:02 AM
I'm not sure if it is a red squirrel though.

His weight, hydration look great so good job :)

Why kcassidy you are so right. Little PeteyPancake is a:



08-30-2019, 06:58 AM
Why kcassidy you are so right. Little PeteyPancake is a:



Can their tails be solid grey at this age? That's the only color difference I see! He has those little red paws and all!

08-30-2019, 07:16 AM
We did a formula change as recom by redwuff and he's up to 48g this morning and his hydration is looking so much better!!!!

Looking forward to the vet appt Tuesday to figure out what's going on with these legs of his

08-30-2019, 07:25 AM

He's all curled up in my hand this morning :Love_Icon

Note: I don't keep him in towels. Just grabbed a wash cloth to hold him in because my hands are FREEZING this morning

08-30-2019, 07:36 AM
The pic I posted of him showed a very orange tail. This pic is grey tail. Verdict is still out on type of squirrel. He certainly has the rounded ears of a foxer. Little Petey Pancake, I cant wait to meet you in person!:blowkiss

09-03-2019, 03:37 PM
I had the very special privilege to take care of Petey for two days, and to meet Peteys mom and dad. All three are wonderful!

Today we took Petey to his vet appt. Pete’s mom met us there. The doc took Pete, now 5 weeks old back for X-rays. You might remember that he had ‘knobs’ on both back legs and swelling on his left front shoulder. Doc was pretty grim when he came back. Petey is dealing with the same issue that stephenandandrea little squirrel is dealing with. He has MBD that has caused multiple fractures in his bones.

I will post the X-rays of his body. We are going to try to give Petey a set amount of time to see if his bones can heal with a change of nutrition. He has been on Esbilac since 2-3 days old and there seems to be more issues with it. He was switched to GMF and will be switched to fv20/50 in the next day or two.

09-03-2019, 03:55 PM
So doc is going to work with Petey and his mom. He was put on pain management, given anti inflammatory meds, and had three of four limbs splinted. He will be seeing the doc weekly for splint changes, and in a month another X-ray will be taken. If Pete has not made any progress in bone growth and healing, a decision will be made. We do not anticipate any backward movement. Only forward healing.

We need TSB prayers. Remember how well you guys healed my little Tulip...we need that and more for Petey Pancake:grouphug


09-03-2019, 04:07 PM
:grouphug Petey! :grouphug

Stay strong little man and heal up fast! :great


Milo's Mom
09-03-2019, 04:27 PM
The crew up here is sending endless positivitiez to Petey. Good healings, good bone development, lots of healing!

09-03-2019, 07:20 PM
Sending prayers for Petey.

Redwuff, did the vet have any thoughts on MBD in a baby on proper formula?

09-03-2019, 09:36 PM
Sorry to be obtuse, but can you say that in a different way?

09-03-2019, 10:47 PM

We love you, keep strong Little Man!

09-04-2019, 05:47 PM
Sending prayers for Petey.

Redwuff, did the vet have any thoughts on MBD in a baby on proper formula?

Milo’s mom and I will be seeing the vet on Tuesday and it would be great if anyone who has questions post them here so will can present them to him.

I have an almost 4 week baby that has been brought up since he was 2 days old mostly on GMF. It would be great to get an X-ray of his bones. If we could get a baby that was in since they were a pinky in the 3-4 week age that had no apparent problems, fed Esbilac as formula, and X-ray that baby, I think we could learn a lot from the different X-rays.

Yesterday when we took Petey to doc, I snuck in a 3 week old that had come in the day before with serious head trauma. I wanted the doc to check him out but it turned out that the doc wanted an X-ray comparison with a ‘healthy’ baby. So new guy Henry was used.

Interestingly it turned out that Henry has a skull fracture and sub-dural hematoma. But the long bones are quite different between Petey and Henry.

Milo's Mom
09-05-2019, 08:12 AM
This is Henry as a comparison

These 2 are Petey
311191 311192

09-05-2019, 09:51 AM
I just finished reading the whole thread, and {{{{{ Petey }}}}} Poor little bones! Thank you for posting the radiographs, they were always my favorite part of working at the vet clinic. I hope he improves with the new diet! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

09-05-2019, 05:03 PM
What a crazy few days it has been!! Little Petey is battling some tummy issues today but we have all of the proper meds to balance that out.
We just recieved his MBD treatment in the mail today and will be starting that as well. He goes back in on Tuesday to be resplinted but for anyone who has kept up with his weight issues he is now up to 74g this morning!! A HUGE difference since we have switched off of Esbilac! Looking forward to seeing his xrays in a month after all of the treatments!!
Thanks for all the kind words and support!!

He's not too thrilled with his splints because he's at that age where all he wants to do is start to move around but now his mobility is limited! Keeping him still is tough but he's a fighter and I have faith in him that he'll pull through 311205

Nancy in New York
09-05-2019, 05:13 PM
Little Petey and yourself have taken our hearts completely. :Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon

Milo's Mom
09-05-2019, 05:24 PM
What a crazy few days it has been!! Little Petey is battling some tummy issues today but we have all of the proper meds to balance that out.
We just recieved his MBD treatment in the mail today and will be starting that as well. He goes back in on Tuesday to be resplinted but for anyone who has kept up with his weight issues he is now up to 74g this morning!! A HUGE difference since we have switched off of Esbilac! Looking forward to seeing his xrays in a month after all of the treatments!!
Thanks for all the kind words and support!!

He's not too thrilled with his splints because he's at that age where all he wants to do is start to move around but now his mobility is limited! Keeping him still is tough but he's a fighter and I have faith in him that he'll pull through

There has not been a minute that you haven't been on my mind since learning of what's going on. I'm really glad to hear of the improvements since stopping the Esbilac. Poopy issues should resolve pretty quickly. Prayers for improvements and remarkable healing continue.:grouphug

09-08-2019, 10:28 PM
Milo’s mom and I will be seeing the vet on Tuesday and it would be great if anyone who has questions post them here so will can present them to him.

I have an almost 4 week baby that has been brought up since he was 2 days old mostly on GMF. It would be great to get an X-ray of his bones. If we could get a baby that was in since they were a pinky in the 3-4 week age that had no apparent problems, fed Esbilac as formula, and X-ray that baby, I think we could learn a lot from the different X-rays.

Yesterday when we took Petey to doc, I snuck in a 3 week old that had come in the day before with serious head trauma. I wanted the doc to check him out but it turned out that the doc wanted an X-ray comparison with a ‘healthy’ baby. So new guy Henry was used.

Interestingly it turned out that Henry has a skull fracture and sub-dural hematoma. But the long bones are quite different between Petey and Henry.

How do you tell that he has a skull fracture? Can you point that out on the radiograph?

I vote he is a Gray Squirrel :D :D

09-09-2019, 10:35 AM
Hey people, Stay outa my man cave


09-09-2019, 10:47 AM
My mom and dad took me down to the lady that takes me to the doctor. I think I will see him tomorrow. I hope my pictures will make him smile.


So Petey came down to me last night cos his mom and dad both have to work and can’t be there for his weekly appointment to change his splints. We are also going to hopefully get another X-Ray to see if diet change is moving him in the right direction.

He is an incredible powerhouse wrapped in a tiny package and cute as a button. This little boy is loved very much by mom and dad. His weight is now at 77g and as you can see he opened his eyes yesterday.:grouphug

we love you Petey Pancake a

09-17-2019, 12:58 PM
News Flash

We just got back from the vets office and Peteys X-ray has shown a 1000% improvement. Two weeks of being on FV 20/50 with 100g of calcium (1st week, 70 g 2 nd week) and he has bones where he did not have them before. We are so excited and relieved. Will post X-rays soon:serene

Nancy in New York
09-17-2019, 01:00 PM
News Flash

We just got back from the vets office and Peteys X-ray has shown a 1000% improvement. Two weeks of being on FV 20/50 with 100g of calcium (1st week, 70 g 2 nd week) and he has bones where he did not have them before. We are so excited and relieved. Will post X-rays soon:serene

Just the news we want to hear, thanks to you.!

09-17-2019, 01:01 PM
My mom and dad took me down to the lady that takes me to the doctor. I think I will see him tomorrow. I hope my pictures will make him smile.


So Petey came down to me last night cos his mom and dad both have to work and can’t be there for his weekly appointment to change his splints. We are also going to hopefully get another X-Ray to see if diet change is moving him in the right direction.

He is an incredible powerhouse wrapped in a tiny package and cute as a button. This little boy is loved very much by mom and dad. His weight is now at 77g and as you can see he opened his eyes yesterday.:grouphug

we love you Petey Pancake a

Peteys pictures made the doctor smile today

09-17-2019, 04:07 PM
X-rays as of today


09-17-2019, 04:10 PM
Here are side by side of initial X-ray and today’s X-ray


Milo's Mom
09-17-2019, 04:55 PM

I can't believe the difference.

I love you little Petey! :Love_Icon

09-17-2019, 05:58 PM
Wow! Look at that density! This is proof positive that this issue can be overcome if attacked vigorously. Oh, Petey!

09-17-2019, 06:33 PM
Wonderful!! It is great to have documentation that intervention appears to be making a turn-around in these little guys. I’m so happy for little Petey! :Love_Icon:bliss

Milo's Mom
09-17-2019, 09:12 PM
Hi little Petey Pancake! Now that we've seen your new beautiful bones might we see your cute little furry face? Please? I just have to kiss you through my computer screen. :Love_Icon

island rehabber
09-18-2019, 07:25 AM
:bliss:bliss:bliss:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:bliss:bliss :bliss

I see bones! Adorable little boney-bones!!!

09-18-2019, 09:45 AM
:bliss:bliss:bliss:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:bliss:bliss :bliss

I see bones! Adorable little boney-bones!!!

Thanks Maura

We were fist pumping and high fiving all over the vet office yesterday. None of us could believe our eyes.

:w00t:w00t:hug:dance:blowkiss:blowkiss:broccoli:br occoli:grin2:grin2:grin3:bliss:thumbsup:thumbsup:b roccoli:broccoli:dance1:jump:jump:multi:multi:alri ght.gif:alright.gif:alright.gif

I wonder if Peteys mom could change the name of this thread and move it to another section? How would she go about this? Thank you!:hug

09-18-2019, 07:02 PM
Petey is trying VERY hard at hiding. Do you think he's doing a good job? Hahahaha

09-18-2019, 07:07 PM
He sure is a wiggle worm! He doesn't let a couple broken bones get in his way!

We are absolutely THRILLED with his incredible turn around! There is hope! Anyone with MBD issues from Esbilac seek help to get those poor babies on PROPER nutrition

09-18-2019, 07:09 PM
Here are side by side of initial X-ray and today’s X-ray


I'm still just SO shocked at his bone development and healing! Thank you to all who have helped this precious little booger!

Milo's Mom
09-18-2019, 09:19 PM
Petey!!! Theres your cute little self.:Love_Icon Just keep growing bones little man.

You are a very good hider too. :grin2

09-28-2019, 11:38 PM
A lot has been going on in Petey land. September 17th Petey had those excellent X-rays that showed he had laid down a LOT of calcium in his bones. We were elated and high fiving to beat the band. We were basking in that glory for a week. The next vet visit it was determined that he must have the splints off cos the bones were started to bow. It was tough cos the tape had been attached to skin/


10-02-2019, 09:29 PM
A lot has been going on in Petey land. September 17th Petey had those excellent X-rays that showed he had laid down a LOT of calcium in his bones. We were elated and high fiving to beat the band. We were basking in that glory for a week. The next vet visit it was determined that he must have the splints off cos the bones were started to bow. It was tough cos the tape had been attached to skin/


I think there was meant to be a photo attached and it's not showinf up?

10-02-2019, 09:33 PM
Look at this big growing boy!! His left hind is now bending at the hock nicely and his right hind is still getting a good bit of physical therapy. Daily stretches seem to be loosening the tendons up to allow it to start to bend! Hopefully he will have close to proper use of that leg in the future!

10-18-2019, 02:52 PM
Just investigated it further as I was feeding him. They are hard and attached to the bone (or are the bone?) It's almost like both of his hind legs grew crooked

A lot has been going on in Petey land. September 17th Petey had those excellent X-rays that showed he had laid down a LOT of calcium in his bones. We were elated and high fiving to beat the band. We were basking in that glory for a week. The next vet visit it was determined that he must have the splints off cos the bones were started to bow. It was tough cos the tape had been attached to skin/

I have not kept up with this thread like I wanted to. The above quote was the last time we went to the vet. I was trying to tell what had happened during the vet visit, but I think both Peteys mom an I were so devastated at the appointment that I just could not get it out.

So to recap...the owner of Petey posted a picture of Petey cos he had ‘bumps’ on both lower back legs exactly like a squirrel from New York. The NY squirrel had X-rays taken and he had multiple broken bones in his little body. That was the beginning of the Esbilac debacle when we were figuring out the damage it was causing.

Since Petey legs looked like the same, I got in contact with Peteys owner and asked if she was willing to have his legs X-rayed by my vet. She said yes and we found out that Petey had a horribly broken body. We both were devastated. The vet wanted to euthanize. You only needed to be around Petey for 30 seconds to see how how vivacious, how full of life, he was the sunbeam radiating all dark corners. I could not see how we could snuff that out.

I begged the vet to give us one month, and if he had not improved, we would make the decision at that point to end his life. My vet was not happy but took
Petey back to put splints on his legs. The vet wanted Petey back once a week. Petey’s wonderful mom and dad have made that happen.

So week two was uneventful at the vet. The doc just reinforced the splints. The next week Petey had X-rays taken and that is when we found out that his body had laid down a ton of calcium and his broken bones were healing. The following week was were I left off.

The doc wanted to remove the two splints from the back legs. He left the front leg splint on. I asked the vet if we could see how the bandage was taken off. He basically had just put bandage tape on his legs to get them immobile. Since Petey was such a live wire he was put under to have any work done. Once he came out of the gas and his rear legs were exposed, both Peteys mom an I were horrified. His legs looked horrible. They were backward, the knees bent the wrong way. He was walking on the tops of his feet and he was just crying and crying. I know I thought, “what the hell did we do”. We decided that I would keep Petey for awhile. Peteys mom cried all the way home. The vet did not put Petey on pain meds at the clinic and once I got him home and medicated for pain, his path has been upward from there.

He had his legs straight in his splints and his Achilles’ tendon and calf muscle were shortened. Every time I fed him I did physical therapy with him. His back left leg was in better shape than his BR leg. Mom and Dad came to pick him up 4 days later and he could hold that leg in the proper position. Maybe Peteys mom would talk about her work with the other leg and bring us utd with how he is now.

Petey managed to get his front splint off by himself. We missed the next vet visit, vet was out of town following Tuesday and this Tuesday is hopefully his final visit, and hopefully my vet’s opinion of me will have improved, and Petey will get a good bill of health.

I want to thank Peteys mom and Dad for trusting in me to initially get Petey seen. And then doing the hard work of rehabilitating this courageous little guy named Petey pancake. The squirrel community learned a lot from the whole aspect of his treatment.

I am going to steal a beautiful picture that Mom took of Petey.


10-20-2019, 10:27 PM
Hello everyone!!!
Petey is growing into a handsome young man! Before finding out all of these issues with him, we had problems with him not gaining enough weight. NOW he definitely doesn't have that problem! We have been working with the problem leg (hind left) and Petey is able to bend it after some stretching but it is very stiff every time and he's unable to bend it on his own that way. I don't think he'll be fully able to use that leg properly but he is adapting and learning to balance himself well with it being crooked! If there's one word that suits him, it's resilience!! I am looking forward to his vet visit Tuesday to see what Dr. Bricker thinks of his progress, but I'm also weary because it was such devastating news last time.
Petey is such a good eater of his rodent block! We've been beginning to give him veggies and occasional fruits since he's been eating block so well. He's a big fan of broccoli and oranges. Unfortunately, we learned the hard way that he has to have the skins taken off his orange slices. He gave us quite a scare with that!
We're trying to keep him well socialized with us and getting him more acclimated to noises and home life since he will be a NR squirrel. He's definitely getting used to things with only the occasional startle. We are just trying to do everything in our power to make sure he will have a fulfilling, content life with us since he will be ineligible for release.
We are so thankful for everyone's support, encouraging, and kind words. And an extra special thank you to redwuff in all of the help and advice she has provided for us!

Everyone hope for good news on Tuesday and we will update after his visit!
P.s. here's a picture of the little man because he's just so darn cute!

10-20-2019, 10:46 PM
I'm sorry, I misspoke in the last update. Working on his problem leg- RIGHT hind. Not the left hind

10-21-2019, 07:09 AM
He's so adorable!

Thank you!

10-21-2019, 07:23 AM
You are the kind of person that I Hope every person who finds a baby squirrel is like. It has been a dream working with you and your man!:grouphug

10-24-2019, 09:52 PM
Petey had his last vet checkup (for a while) on Tuesday and we finally got some good news! Dr was thrilled at his progress. That really spoke measures to me when he said that considering he was expecting the outcome to be pretty grim for quite a while. His front leg and left hind have healed beautifully and he uses them great. The right hind didn't form a joint in his ankle so he can't use that one properly yet but Dr is going to be consulting with some orthopedic surgeons to discuss the possibility of putting a rod in his little leg or whether the leg should just be amputated. I know all of that doesn't sound like good news for most but the fact that Dr was legitimately thrilled and that euthanasia wasn't even discussed this time makes me absolutely ecstatic!!

Petey got the okay to move into an actual cage and out of the plastic tote finally and he is SO happy about it! He loves his antler that redwuff gave him and chews on his new toy frequently! He's growing into a happy, healthy boy and we am so thankful to have found the squirrel board and the plethora of knowledge that we've found here!

10-24-2019, 10:23 PM
Thank you for taking such good care of Petey! He's a lucky little guy. Praying for more good news on next visit.

Pics and video's would be nice.

10-24-2019, 11:54 PM
Fantastic news! Way to go Petey (and Petey's awesome family)!

10-25-2019, 01:23 PM
I think it is time to change the name of this thread:serene:tap:w00t

10-25-2019, 09:02 PM
I think it is time to change the name of this thread:serene:tap:w00t

I'm still unsure of how to change it but I'll play around with some stuff to see if I can figure it out!

10-25-2019, 09:09 PM

Our handsome little miracle boy!!

10-25-2019, 09:09 PM

I turned the photo for you. Petey is too cute to see him sideways. :)
Nancy in New York

10-25-2019, 09:53 PM
Thanks for the pictures of your handsome Petey!

Those photos have something to do with cell phone pics I think.

10-26-2019, 05:55 AM
I'm still unsure of how to change it but I'll play around with some stuff to see if I can figure it out!

You have to request from an admin to change it. You have to come up with a new name for the thread.

11-03-2019, 09:10 AM
i am having Petey Pancake withdrawals. How is the little munchkin doing?:grin3

11-07-2019, 11:30 PM
i am having Petey Pancake withdrawals. How is the little munchkin doing?:grin3

Hey redwuff!!
Sorry we've been MIA for a few days. It's been a pretty tough week in our household. Our sweet old pup had to be laid to rest. :sadness:sadness

Little Petey is not so little anymore and he's doing great! He officially weaned himself! We are totally happy with that!!! He's also being very responsible with his eating habits! He mostly fills up on rodent block BEFORE he eats his veggies! He usually, by choice, goes to the block first! Unless, of course, there are blueberries involved hahaha! He THROWS his veggies out of the way to get to any blueberry! He's climbing well and he has been behaving well for Mom and Dad. Only a couple of rowdy times where we had to put him back in his cage. He has taken all of the newspapers out from the cage tray and filled his slipper hut now too :grin2

11-08-2019, 09:15 AM
I am sorry to hear about your old girl. May she come back spry as a young pup. You guys had a lot of history and I know you have a huge hole in your heart.:grouphug

As for Petey, it ain’t so unless there are pictures :burns:burns
Terrific about Petey doing so well on his diet. Is the block you are talking about Mazuri? It is amazing how easy to get them to eat right when the correct foods are offered. How is that back right foot? Any positive changes?

11-09-2019, 09:26 AM
He is climbing well with his hind right leg but still doesn't use it for walking around. It doesn't seem to get in his way though.
Yes! He is eating the Mazuri block and it was so easy to get him to love it! We just didn't give him any other options for quite a while and ta-dah! He loves it!!

I went in to get some new pictures of him and his newspaper nest this morning and he has his cage demolished :laugh2

Of course my pictures are sideways because I'm uploading from my phone, but you get the idea lol

11-09-2019, 10:24 AM
He has everything just the way he likes it! :w00t

11-09-2019, 06:45 PM
He is climbing well with his hind right leg but still doesn't use it for walking around. It doesn't seem to get in his way though.
Yes! He is eating the Mazuri block and it was so easy to get him to love it! We just didn't give him any other options for quite a while and ta-dah! He loves it!!

I went in to get some new pictures of him and his newspaper nest this morning and he has his cage demolished :laugh2

Of course my pictures are sideways because I'm uploading from my phone, but you get the idea lol

Wow Missy, just wow!

I can’t believe Petey looks that handsome and incredible. What a freaking great job you did hanging in there with Petey. I hope you pursue getting your wildlife Rehabilitators license and stay in my life!:grin2:dance

11-09-2019, 07:14 PM
He is climbing well with his hind right leg but still doesn't use it for walking around. It doesn't seem to get in his way though.
Yes! He is eating the Mazuri block and it was so easy to get him to love it! We just didn't give him any other options for quite a while and ta-dah! He loves it!!

I went in to get some new pictures of him and his newspaper nest this morning and he has his cage demolished :laugh2

Of course my pictures are sideways because I'm uploading from my phone, but you get the idea lol

I am so excited to see that precious PeteyPancake. He looks wonderful! You are the best squirrel mom. Little PP is such a good boy. I love to hear he eats his block and loves it.
Hope to see PeteyPancake soon !!

11-13-2019, 05:46 PM
Mr. Petey is up on his branch eating his block!! Don't let him fool you, he's totally rotten haha!
Just ordered him a plush squirrel to keep with him. He always plays with my sleeve like its another squirrel so I figure why not get him a plush squirrel!
Redwuff, I definitely would love to pursue a rehabbers license once I move to a state that allows it! Thanks for all of the help and experience!!

11-15-2019, 05:36 AM
Wow. I just read through this thread. Excellent work you guys. Thanks for trusting Redwuff enough to help you and putting the time, heart and patience into rehabbing, wiping dirty splints off, worrying, having hope, the late nights, etc. Really, really great job all around!!:w00t

09-08-2021, 01:05 PM
It has been too too long for a Petey Pancake update.:tap:tap:tap

How is everyone doing?