08-17-2019, 08:49 AM
Hello everybody thanks for your interest in my post in advance, also english is not my primary language so it might sound funny at time i'l do my best, i'm going to lay it all out without filter and everything i have so you guys can help me the best you guys can if possible because i am very stressed about all this
my first problem to have a better understanding of what's next is:
5 months ago i saved a baby squirrel from the exterminator at a friends house basicaly pushed the guy over as he was gona spray a nest and threatned him to beat him up if he keeps going i went home with the last baby alive i named him *kazooie* from the nintendo 64 game banjo&kazooie i read everything i could find for weeks in order to help him(boy) to live and thrive i started by rehydrating him with unflavored pedyalite and after the only thing i could find was pupy milk extremely expensive 50$ for a small light jar with individual packets mixed it properly and fed him around the cock even at night he seemed to be doing good climbing and playing slowly developing motor skill. i would come back from the grocery store and he was hanging from his cage screaming to be held and i would or my gf feed him every time he needed according to how old we estimated him to be often he would refuse the milk (freshly mixed every time) so we assumed we did it good one day i woke up and he looked fine and jumpy then i went to work and my girlfriend 3 4 hours later said he was looking paralised from the rear end and twitching and barely breathing i took the road home from work litteraly and the time i took to come back in the traffic (1h30 2h) he was dead.... i did read a lot of things online saying baby squirrels really are one of the most fragile babies in the animal kingdom and can die for no aparent reason every frequently but i also suspected MBD since i'm a nutritionist and a trainer i know puppy milk isin't squirrel milk and no one can feed him better than his mommy... maybe he wasent metabolising the 400% increased need of calcium for him in *that* specific food source and he died of it but that fast ?? maybe you guys can elighten me on that my question is:
what do you think i have done wrong and killed him ?
second part is i found a very weak squirrel i taught was male in the attic barely moving so to took her in a cage and after warming her up with a hairdryer 2 hours and feeding pedialyte unflavored later she was very energised and playfull buy would try to bump the cage if i put my finger close so i left her alone(agresive). then i researched and i think he was like that because now the planet is so unregulated and it gets so unaturaly cold in the sumer night (almost drops below zero) that he entered a state of tropor because it mimics winter and squirrel semi hibernate in cold weather. so as i was about to release him went to the store and when i came back oh well... there was 4 babies in the little nest *now she* had made ! named him rufio (after peter pan's movie the king of the Lostboys with his agresiveness but turned out well it's going to be rufie and now she is very relaxed and come for food with no agresiveness and no problem seem very calm in fact after 3 days.
SO my question is this, i'm a nutritionist and very knowledged in nutrition i spent the last week researching and if there is one thing i can tell you man oh man is the internet a place of contradictions when it comes to squirels... i joined this site because it looked like the most beleivable place up to now. so what i cached up to now what i think at least a solid fact is: i'm going to need to feed my squirrel 80% rodent blocks and the rest are treats and i made a list of do's and don't for squirrel feeding THAT being said. many people have rodent block recipe on there and i'm in canada so henry's rodent blocks cost a fortune to ship here and also i'm a good cook so why not but include in them things that they say everywhere not to feed squirrels.... like peanuts , cherios , honey (sugar) also some recipes even contain sodium bicarbonate and it's mostly insane amout of sodium and all i read is salt is bad for squirrels !! its even used as a squirrel repellent and poison in some recipe's i've read what the hell ? also baking powder wich contains baking soda ????? hmmm well..
my second questions are those:
i did get a hold of aluminium free baking powder is is ok ?
some recipes say add vanilla some say vanilla EXTRACT are they the same ? because i do have vanilla EXTRACT but it contains alcohol.. alcohol i d'ont think it's good for squirels !
also some say they add honey so the picky eater want it could i add stevia so it taste sweet but zero sugar ?
and last question can i use the puppy milk as a whey protein base instead of whey protein ? its packed with vitamins i d'ont have in hand right now
i know this is a lenghty post and i'm sorry i really love squirels and i want them to thrive and live a long healthy life if you guys could help me and my girlfriend that would be amazing ! also i spend the last 3 days off building a huge cage for them i will attach pictures if i can figure that out here and old pictures of kazooie as well and current rufi and rufi's babies ! thanks in advance
my first problem to have a better understanding of what's next is:
5 months ago i saved a baby squirrel from the exterminator at a friends house basicaly pushed the guy over as he was gona spray a nest and threatned him to beat him up if he keeps going i went home with the last baby alive i named him *kazooie* from the nintendo 64 game banjo&kazooie i read everything i could find for weeks in order to help him(boy) to live and thrive i started by rehydrating him with unflavored pedyalite and after the only thing i could find was pupy milk extremely expensive 50$ for a small light jar with individual packets mixed it properly and fed him around the cock even at night he seemed to be doing good climbing and playing slowly developing motor skill. i would come back from the grocery store and he was hanging from his cage screaming to be held and i would or my gf feed him every time he needed according to how old we estimated him to be often he would refuse the milk (freshly mixed every time) so we assumed we did it good one day i woke up and he looked fine and jumpy then i went to work and my girlfriend 3 4 hours later said he was looking paralised from the rear end and twitching and barely breathing i took the road home from work litteraly and the time i took to come back in the traffic (1h30 2h) he was dead.... i did read a lot of things online saying baby squirrels really are one of the most fragile babies in the animal kingdom and can die for no aparent reason every frequently but i also suspected MBD since i'm a nutritionist and a trainer i know puppy milk isin't squirrel milk and no one can feed him better than his mommy... maybe he wasent metabolising the 400% increased need of calcium for him in *that* specific food source and he died of it but that fast ?? maybe you guys can elighten me on that my question is:
what do you think i have done wrong and killed him ?
second part is i found a very weak squirrel i taught was male in the attic barely moving so to took her in a cage and after warming her up with a hairdryer 2 hours and feeding pedialyte unflavored later she was very energised and playfull buy would try to bump the cage if i put my finger close so i left her alone(agresive). then i researched and i think he was like that because now the planet is so unregulated and it gets so unaturaly cold in the sumer night (almost drops below zero) that he entered a state of tropor because it mimics winter and squirrel semi hibernate in cold weather. so as i was about to release him went to the store and when i came back oh well... there was 4 babies in the little nest *now she* had made ! named him rufio (after peter pan's movie the king of the Lostboys with his agresiveness but turned out well it's going to be rufie and now she is very relaxed and come for food with no agresiveness and no problem seem very calm in fact after 3 days.
SO my question is this, i'm a nutritionist and very knowledged in nutrition i spent the last week researching and if there is one thing i can tell you man oh man is the internet a place of contradictions when it comes to squirels... i joined this site because it looked like the most beleivable place up to now. so what i cached up to now what i think at least a solid fact is: i'm going to need to feed my squirrel 80% rodent blocks and the rest are treats and i made a list of do's and don't for squirrel feeding THAT being said. many people have rodent block recipe on there and i'm in canada so henry's rodent blocks cost a fortune to ship here and also i'm a good cook so why not but include in them things that they say everywhere not to feed squirrels.... like peanuts , cherios , honey (sugar) also some recipes even contain sodium bicarbonate and it's mostly insane amout of sodium and all i read is salt is bad for squirrels !! its even used as a squirrel repellent and poison in some recipe's i've read what the hell ? also baking powder wich contains baking soda ????? hmmm well..
my second questions are those:
i did get a hold of aluminium free baking powder is is ok ?
some recipes say add vanilla some say vanilla EXTRACT are they the same ? because i do have vanilla EXTRACT but it contains alcohol.. alcohol i d'ont think it's good for squirels !
also some say they add honey so the picky eater want it could i add stevia so it taste sweet but zero sugar ?
and last question can i use the puppy milk as a whey protein base instead of whey protein ? its packed with vitamins i d'ont have in hand right now
i know this is a lenghty post and i'm sorry i really love squirels and i want them to thrive and live a long healthy life if you guys could help me and my girlfriend that would be amazing ! also i spend the last 3 days off building a huge cage for them i will attach pictures if i can figure that out here and old pictures of kazooie as well and current rufi and rufi's babies ! thanks in advance