View Full Version : Traveling with Petunia😑 NEED ADVICE
08-16-2019, 04:30 PM
Hi All, it has beeen a very long time since we have spoken. My Petunia is a full time job. Some of you may remember her as Sebastion (that is before I realized that her “penis” was not a penis) the paralyzed Eastern Gray. Well she is a year old! My guess since she was about 5 weeks when I found her Sep2018. She has been a very difficult child to say the least. She is a very finicky eater. I have to still feed her fox valley twice a day just to make sure she gets her nutrients. Believe me, I have tried ALL suggestions on this forum, all boo ball recipes. Everything you could think of. So I give up. I just feed her the formula. She is also unable to relieve herself without my help. And to top it off...I am the only person who can really handle her. She does like the other humans in the house but not enough to get so up front and personal.
Here is my current dilemma... I have to bring my son to Colorado ( from NJ) for college. I wish that I could drive him up and fly back but because I will have Petunia with me that is not an option. So I am looking for advice regarding our journey. Also I welcome advice related to ANY of the issues that I have mentioned. Thank you my friends. ☮️
08-16-2019, 06:10 PM
I remember Sebastian/Petunia. :grin2 She is a lucky girl to have you as her mom.
As a general rule squirrels travel very well. They mostly sleep. Make sure the cage is secure and you should be fine. Keep in mind that is illegal to have a squirrel in most states so you do not want to be pulled over for speeding, etc. You don’t want to have to explain the squirrel. It could put her life in jeopardy. I would partially cover her cage so that she feels secure and so that no one sees her.
What are you going to do about stopping to eat? If it was winter she would be fine but not in the summer. That presents some problems.
08-16-2019, 08:37 PM
Hi HRTS4SQRLS! You helped me save Petunia. :blowkiss !!! As far as stopping, I will only be stopping to sleeep. Drive-thrus and junk food all the way. Do you have a recommendation for a travel cage. She has a critternation. Need to order something. Any ideas?? Also wanted you to know that I think of you often and will never forget what you did for us:serene
island rehabber
08-17-2019, 06:57 AM
I've traveled a fair amount with squirrels because my release sites are 20 miles from my home. They are great travelers! I like to place their cages in the back seat where they can see out front, between the seats, and then cover the cage except for the front view. Make sure water bottles are filled and they have snacks to munch on. I've often said I would rather travel with 50 squirrels than one cat -- my cat screams an ear-splitting howl for the entire trip.
08-17-2019, 07:01 PM
Thank you so much. Yes I have traveled with many screaming cats. Yikes. I just feel sorry for her being cooped up like that for days. I will make sure she can see her mama though. She is very attached. As am I :Love_Icon☮️
08-17-2019, 07:51 PM
I’m not sure how much room you have in the car. I doubt you have a lot of spare room if you’re moving someone across the country. :) I would try to get an all metal cage. She might get bored and chew a plastic pan. I would put her cube or whatever she sleeps in in the cage. Make it feel like home as much as possible.
Just so you know, LaQuinta Inns are pet friendly. They don’t even blink an eye over squirrels in their rooms. Of course, I wouldn’t advertise it openly as squirrels are illegal in most states. I would put her cage on a hotel cart, throw a blanket over it, load up the suitcases and roll her in. No will think a thing about it. I can personally state that they have had squirrels, flyers, raccoons, prairie dogs and armadillos as guests. :grin2 They told me they have also had large snakes as guests.
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