View Full Version : Greetings from NE Ohio!
Hello Wonderful People!
I am new to the forum but have read through quite a bit! Very helpful, and I'm so glad I found you guys! A little about me: Previous vet tech, I've volunteered at a local wildlife rehab facility and generally have had a love for all animals since I could walk :) - The black squirrel is actually our city mascot in Kent, OH too!
A little about my first rehab story...
I found a pinky female on the sidewalk near my house while I was walking my Chihuahua, and he did not even notice her. I thought she was dead, covered in sand and very still. I touched her and she started moving so I brought her home, warmed her up and ran to the drug store for some dyefree/flavor free pedialyte. I had cared for ~4 week old squirrel someone brought me about 2 years ago, but I took him to a rehabber friend within 24 hours, so I had enough knowledge to get started. This little girl had bruising on her nose and a small amount of blood coming out, she took some pedialyte but I knew her best chance was with someone experienced. I drove her about 30 mins away to a very experienced rehabber and felt relieved. The rehabber let me know she was only about 2 or 3 days old and probably had a broken nasal passage, but i got her there quick and she could be ok.
But then... I got home and took my dog out again and saw ANOTHER BABY in the grass near the same buckeye tree!! My heart sank. He was smaller in size than his sister but no injuries seen. Once I got him warmed up, he was a squirmy and strong little guy! I decided I would keep him in the house overnight to warm up and hydrate and see if I could find mom in the morning. I gave Momma a few hours by the same tree, but baby was still there. I knew I couldn't leave him much long than 3 hours so I took him back in and decided I would raise and release him. I considered taking him back to the rehabber, but I wanted to try, and felt that I have enough experience to raise a seemly healthy pinky.
Below is baby Clydell - I believe he is around 11 days old now since his umbilical scab came off yesterday, so I've had him for a week as of today and he is doing great! We have an abundance of black and gray eastern gray squirrels in Kent so I believe he will be one of the 2 colors. He was weighing at 15g consistently but as of last night he was 17g. Currently, I'm doing 0.8cc (was doing 0.5cc) Powdered Esbilac every 2ish hours (1:2), even during the night but every 3 hours to sleep. His stools are finally becoming more formed, like tiny sesame seeds, although they were liquid/mucousy and mustard colored before mostly. Is it normal for him to not defecate after each feeding? He had the loose stool but I feel that it may have taken 24 hours to firm up and that's why he wasn't producing much. What is normal? Also, is there a thread where you guys have photos of your release cages? I know it is awhile away but I like to be prepared!
310837 First day
310839 Don't worry, I got some miracle nips a day later! 310838 Most recent - starting to get dark fuzz and in a milk coma! Recommendations for dry skin?
08-14-2019, 04:05 PM
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard
Here is a link to information about baby squirrel care that will help you.
I wouldn’t worry if the baby doesn’t poop after every feeding. Just make sure the belly doesn’t get bloated. Bloat is dangerous.
Usually the dry skin is associated with a cardboard container. Get a plastic bin and it should help.
You can also put a damp gauze or cloth in a baby food jar in the container. The heating pad and the damp gauze/cloth will raise the humidity in the bin.
He gets a nice plump tummy, but it's never firm. The "milk line" is visible too. Thanks for the link! I've taken a look at it earlier too!
08-15-2019, 08:30 AM
It sounds normal. Be careful to not aspirate the baby. Aspiration of formula and the resulting pneumonia is the largest threat to the survival of pinkies. Go slow and easy. Just as a precaution it would be good to find an antibiotic tablet to have just in case it’s needed. Ciprofloxacin, Augmentin, Septra, Bactrim, SMZ-TMP, doxycycline are a few that would be good. If you could find any of these you would be covered in case of a problem.
You mentioned release cages in your first post. You are quite a way off from needing that but there is a specific section of this forum that is about cages, etc.
08-15-2019, 01:19 PM
Hello Wonderful People!
Below is baby Clydell - I believe he is around 11 days old now since his umbilical scab came off yesterday, so I've had him for a week as of today and he is doing great! We have an abundance of black and gray eastern gray squirrels in Kent so I believe he will be one of the 2 colors. He was weighing at 15g consistently but as of last night he was 17g. Currently, I'm doing 0.8cc (was doing 0.5cc) Powdered Esbilac every 2ish hours (1:2), even during the night but every 3 hours to sleep. His stools are finally becoming more formed, like tiny sesame seeds, although they were liquid/mucousy and mustard colored before mostly. Is it normal for him to not defecate after each feeding? He had the loose stool but I feel that it may have taken 24 hours to firm up and that's why he wasn't producing much. What is normal? Also, is there a thread where you guys have photos of your release cages? I know it is awhile away but I like to be prepared!
310837 First day
310839 Don't worry, I got some miracle nips a day later! 310838 Most recent - starting to get dark fuzz and in a milk coma! Recommendations for dry skin?
Hi Asos, welcome:Welcome,
A four day old pinky is quite something to take on, but it sounds like you are up to the task and have a good background for it.
I do have a bit of a concern for your little man. He should be gaining more weight for the amount of times you are feeding. The amount at each feedings sounds spot-on. If you are feeding him every 2-3 hours you must be feeding 7-8 times a day? Does he eat eagerly? He has only gained 2-3 g in 8 days and he is losing wt on his limbs.
It looks like the food you are feeding him is not nourishing him. I think you are using the correct Esbilac formula but for some reason it does not work for all babies. If he does not gain any better in the next few days, I would consider putting him on the goats milk formula. That is 3 parts goats milk 1 part heavy whipping creme 1 part full fat yogurt
08-15-2019, 01:44 PM
By the way, he will be gray. Even just at birth, the black squirrel babies are a more dusky color than they grays. We call them "blinkies"
It sounds normal. Be careful to not aspirate the baby. Aspiration of formula and the resulting pneumonia is the largest threat to the survival of pinkies. Go slow and easy. Just as a precaution it would be good to find an antibiotic tablet to have just in case it’s needed. Ciprofloxacin, Augmentin, Septra, Bactrim, SMZ-TMP, doxycycline are a few that would be good. If you could find any of these you would be covered in case of a problem.
You mentioned release cages in your first post. You are quite a way off from needing that but there is a specific section of this forum that is about cages, etc.
I have a stash of medications from working at the vet clinic / having other pets and illnesses. Meds wouldn't be an issue, and hopefully not needed! I know I am a ways away, but I have plenty of time to keep an eye out now too! Thanks for the link!
Hi Asos, welcome:Welcome,
A four day old pinky is quite something to take on, but it sounds like you are up to the task and have a good background for it.
I do have a bit of a concern for your little man. He should be gaining more weight for the amount of times you are feeding. The amount at each feedings sounds spot-on. If you are feeding him every 2-3 hours you must be feeding 7-8 times a day? Does he eat eagerly? He has only gained 2-3 g in 8 days and he is losing wt on his limbs.
It looks like the food you are feeding him is not nourishing him. I think you are using the correct Esbilac formula but for some reason it does not work for all babies. If he does not gain any better in the next few days, I would consider putting him on the goats milk formula. That is 3 parts goats milk 1 part heavy whipping creme 1 part full fat yogurt
He finally started gaining - I was concerned too! He always is eager to eat thankfully, especially after the miracle nips came in the mail. I make sure to feed him on his belly or sitting up in my hand and slowly, I've never seen any nose bubbles. He is 22g as of this morning and his eye slits are getting more defined along with more fuzz -- I work in a quiet office and he stays with me all day with his heating pad and box, feeding around every 2 hours. I try to feed him at midnight, 3am and then around 6am during the night.
Do you think he is still not absorbing properly? His stools have been formed now and he always pees at feeding time. I saw some skin conditions that babies had with the milk intolerance but his skin is healthy looking. I put the damp paper towel in with him for moisture and his dryness got better quickly. I estimated his birthday is 8/2 -- Is 22g acceptable for his age? I dont have my log with me at work, but he seems to be gaining about 1 gram every 1-2 days now.
Hi Asos, welcome:Welcome,
A four day old pinky is quite something to take on, but it sounds like you are up to the task and have a good background for it.
I do have a bit of a concern for your little man. He should be gaining more weight for the amount of times you are feeding. The amount at each feedings sounds spot-on. If you are feeding him every 2-3 hours you must be feeding 7-8 times a day? Does he eat eagerly? He has only gained 2-3 g in 8 days and he is losing wt on his limbs.
It looks like the food you are feeding him is not nourishing him. I think you are using the correct Esbilac formula but for some reason it does not work for all babies. If he does not gain any better in the next few days, I would consider putting him on the goats milk formula. That is 3 parts goats milk 1 part heavy whipping creme 1 part full fat yogurt
Ok now I'm concerned after looking at his limbs. Do i need to transition to the goat milk recipe?
08-16-2019, 04:26 PM
Ok now I'm concerned after looking at his limbs. Do i need to transition to the goat milk recipe?
What is his weight today?
Sorry I see you already answered that. How long have you had him? How many times a day do you feed?
What is his weight today?
Sorry I see you already answered that. How long have you had him? How many times a day do you feed?
He is 22g as of this morning and feeding around every 2 hours. I try to feed him at midnight, 3am and then around 6am during the night. I've had him 8 days but the first few days he was getting the premixed formula before the esbilac powder
Is goatmilk recipe only temporary? Can someone tell me if and how to transition?
08-16-2019, 09:45 PM
I feed my pinkies GMF up until 4 weeks when I start slowly transitioning to fox valley 20/50. By the time the babies are eyes open, they are fully on FV 20/50.
How I would transition Clydell is take him off Esbilac and and start GMF at 50% water 50% GMF. Feed that for two feedings, then feed 75%GNF 25% water. Feed that two times. Then feed 100% GMF. The GMF again is 3 parts goat milk, 1 part heavy whipping creme, 1 part full fat yogurt. I like using pasteurized full fat goats milk.
Yourbaby came in on the 7th of August as a fat five day old pinkie that looked to be 16-17 grams. I don’t know when you got a weight of 15 g but in 2 weeks he has gained 7 g especially when it sounds like you are feeding 8-9 times a day.
08-16-2019, 10:12 PM
Here is a thread about a baby that did not thrive from feeding Esbilac. He was in a lot worse shape than your baby, but it is a great story. The thread is “Rocky is bloated”. Start on page 5.
08-18-2019, 10:05 AM
How is your little bub doing? Hope all is well with his diet.
How is your little bub doing? Hope all is well with his diet.
Hi! Yes!! Clydell is doing so much better thanks to the goat milk! I waited a few feedings to add the whipping cream, and still have ~25% Esbilac in there too for the other vitamins and such. His limbs are looking more filled in and I feel like he's growing every feeding, getting more fuzz and his poops have been formed and consistent. The night before I switched to the GMF I had to run out and get him the baby gasx drops and give water because his tummy wasn't emptying. It did the trick and his tummy seems much happier. I'll post a photo soon for proof 😉. He was 30g this morning. You guys are the very best!
A few photos as promised! He was 31g this morning :w00t Getting little eyelid fuzz and darker peach fuzz along his back. You may notice one of his front nails fell off, but his little hand was red when I found him and his one nail fell off later on. It's never seemed to bother him and a new little speck is growing back.
08-21-2019, 05:05 PM
Great job! He looks good. Much more better. Thank you for the pictures:grouphug
Hello! Just an update on baby Clydell - He's getting so big!! I also have a question.. his 2 front toe nails that fell off.. They actually do not seem to be growing back as I thought. Any thoughts to if they will grow back eventually? His other ones are all growing normal and he is becoming a little velcro climber :grouphug Thanks! The first photo was his hand when I first found him, second photo were his nails this morning.. the rest are just cute progress :Love_Icon
09-05-2019, 11:20 AM
Clydell looks great! He is beautiful:grouphug. Good job, Momma! Your photos are the bomb!
He is on GMF now. He is now old enough to be switched to FV 20/50. Make sure he is properly transitioned. What is his weight now? How much and how often are you feeding him? You mentioned that he tends to be a bit constipated. Can you explain what you are seeing. Have you checked his bedding for poop. Is he staying hydrated enough?
Clydell looks great! He is beautiful:grouphug. Good job, Momma! Your photos are the bomb!
He is on GMF now. He is now old enough to be switched to FV 20/50. Make sure he is properly transitioned. What is his weight now? How much and how often are you feeding him? You mentioned that he tends to be a bit constipated. Can you explain what you are seeing. Have you checked his bedding for poop. Is he staying hydrated enough?
:grin3 Thank you!! Clydell was 76 grams last night. I always weigh him daily after feeding and potties to stay consistent, along with charting every feeding/weight/in&out. He's generally been eating ~4.5cc GMF (fresh GM, greek plain yogurt, heavy whipping cream) every 4-5 hours. He wasn't emptying well about 2-3x since I've had him, but I've done the method recommended on TSB by giving small amounts of water in addition to a drop of baby gasx and stimulating him, and he poops a lot and goes back to normal. I've only found poop in his bed one time and that was after an emptying marathon potty session. His poop is generally a mustard/brown color and firm. It can be pretty lumpy/segmented which makes me feel like he's having trouble. It was more whiteish yellow and soft looking, but this only lasted a day or so. Visually he seems hydrated. should I add water to his formula? I was afraid to do this and deprive him of nutrients.
I will order the FV 20/50 today and do the transition - I'm expecting a shipment from Henry's in the mail today already for bigger miracle syringes (they are the best ever!) and a bag of the hi-protein blocks to get him used to the smell. Any thoughts on his (2) front nails that fell off in the photo? His other nails seem strong and sharp. I believe the (2) nails were from his fingers being pinched or something when he fell from the nest because they were red when I found him. As always, THANK YOU!!! (and I will gladly look at any of your guys' cage examples :grin2) -ASOS
Here is his overwinter cage that was picked up this past weekend. It's about 5.5' tall x 2' x 3'. Clydell was 78g at lunch just now! I threw a picture of our chart and scale too ;)
09-05-2019, 02:27 PM
Great looking cage. It will be fun to see it outfitted with cage gear. Some of the best cage gear I have seen is Milos Mom Auntie M&M. You will have fun.:serene
:grin3 Thank you!! Clydell was 76 grams last night. I always weigh him daily after feeding and potties to stay consistent, along with charting every feeding/weight/in&out. He's generally been eating ~4.5cc GMF (fresh GM, greek plain yogurt, heavy whipping cream) every 4-5 hours. He wasn't emptying well about 2-3x since I've had him, but I've done the method recommended on TSB by giving small amounts of water in addition to a drop of baby gasx and stimulating him, and he poops a lot and goes back to normal. I've only found poop in his bed one time and that was after an emptying marathon potty session. His poop is generally a mustard/brown color and firm. It can be pretty lumpy/segmented which makes me feel like he's having trouble. It was more whiteish yellow and soft looking, but this only lasted a day or so. Visually he seems hydrated. should I add water to his formula? I was afraid to do this and deprive him of nutrients.
I will order the FV 20/50 today and do the transition - I'm expecting a shipment from Henry's in the mail today already for bigger miracle syringes (they are the best ever!) and a bag of the hi-protein blocks to get him used to the smell. Any thoughts on his (2) front nails that fell off in the photo? His other nails seem strong and sharp. I believe the (2) nails were from his fingers being pinched or something when he fell from the nest because they were red when I found him. As always, THANK YOU!!! (and I will gladly look at any of your guys' cage examples :grin2) -ASOS
Redwuff -- any recommendations on the above?
09-06-2019, 08:10 AM
Redwuff -- any recommendations on the above?
It sounds like the constipation is occasional. I really like how alert you are to it. When he appears to need help you might give a couple times a day some sugar water. Sugar is an irritant to the colon and will draw water to it. You are about to do a formula change, transition slowly and be alert for stool changes. Should not be an issue.
09-06-2019, 08:16 AM
This size cage is what I move my 6-7 weekers in while they are learning to use their body. It has a hanging hammock and a stick they can practice balance without falling too far.
Gahh!!! That baby!:Love_Icon I have him in a normal cat carrier now and I'm anxiously waiting for his little peepers to open -- I could probably borrow a smaller temporary cage or find one cheap on Facebook marketplace (where I got his overwinter cage). FV 20/50 is ordered and I'll look around on the board for a transition breakdown! Thank youu!!
Baby video and photos. How's he looking for 5 weeks?
09-06-2019, 09:52 PM
omg he is beautiful. Adorable :grouphug
Baby Clydell is doing great and opened his little peepers last night -- he will be 6 weeks old tomorrow! He's also adjusting well to the FV 20/50.
New question! An acquaintance has found a baby black squirrel we will call Beans. I haven't met Beans yet but I have offered to take him (they aren't sure of the sex due to being unfamiliar with squirrels), and I'll be meeting him tonight. He looks to be slightly older than Clydell, but I am not sure if Clyde is delayed from not having real momma's milk since he was a day or two old? The only photo I have of Beans is below. Tail looks a bit more bushy from what I can tell, but still small, eyes open.
Beans was on someone's porch yesterday evening. They left him alone for about 3 hours to see if mom would come back but we had a pretty decent storm, she never showed, and Beans never left. They've kept him warm and hydrated. He sounds like he's taking the fluid very eagerly but is overall a scared little ball.
1.) How old can babies be put together before they won't get along?
2.) How long should I keep them separated before introducing?
3.) What is the best way to introduce them?
4.) What behavior should I watch for to indicate they would need separated?
As always - you guys are the best! Any help is appreciated! -Amy
09-12-2019, 01:57 PM
Hi Amy,
Clydell looks terrific. What I usually do is have a clean bin or cage to put them in, feed them, and put them in together. Since bean is new, you might want to keep them separate for a few days till you can see if he is healthy. Don’t forget to check for fleas and fly eggs.
Can’t wait to see more pictures of bean!
Hi Amy,
Clydell looks terrific. What I usually do is have a clean bin or cage to put them in, feed them, and put them in together. Since bean is new, you might want to keep them separate for a few days till you can see if he is healthy. Don’t forget to check for fleas and fly eggs.
Can’t wait to see more pictures of bean!
Thank you! I washed an old mascara brush and comb Clydell with it. He makes the cutest noises now and wants me to scratch his arm pits!
I will keep them separate for at least 48 hours or so to monitor Bean. Luckily it's almost the weekend so I can watch closer. I have flea combs and such to check for hitch hikers, I'm assuming Dawn dish soap if necessary is ok. I'll post photos to help determine age - from what I know, my amateur guess is going to be 7 or 8 weeks. Stay tuned! :hug
Welcome Bean! Bean is actually a girl! She feels thin but not emaciated. She weighs 109g and is going potty on her own. Age estimate? Her tail has fluffed a little and is way more sense than Clydell's. Clyde was 107g today.
I pulled a tick off of her but I don't see any other bugs or eggs anywhere. Should I be concerned about any mites or bugs? Should I bathe her to be safe? She voraciously ate about 6cc of diluted fv 20/50 (50/50 water)
Welcome Bean! Bean is actually a girl! She feels thin but not emaciated. She weighs 109g and is going potty on her own. Age estimate? Her tail has fluffed a little and is way more dense than Clydell's. Clyde was 107g today.
I pulled a tick off of her but I don't see any other bugs or eggs anywhere. Should I be concerned about any mites or bugs? Should I bathe her to be safe? She voraciously ate about 6cc of diluted fv 20/50 (50/50 water)
Bean did great overnight and she was caught nibbling on her Henry's block this morning! She was 120g after feeding this morning as well. (see questions above):grouphug
09-13-2019, 11:25 AM
Bean is very interesting. She has the tail development of either a dwarf (dwarfs have crazy amount of fur and tail development)or a seven rising eight week old. She’s small for her age? but that sounds like that will change. I would put her at 61/2-7 weeks, but that is a rough guess.
Bathing her would only help with fleas. If she scratches a lot, then you need a few drops of ivermectin or revolution for mites.
We are all jealous. We love melanistic greys.
When you are ready to put them together most likely they will do fine.
09-13-2019, 11:27 AM
If you found a tick, a bath in Dawn would probably be a good idea. When she is wet it might be easier to find additional ticks. It would help with fleas or mites.
Based on that gorgeous fluffy tail I would say about 7 weeks. Beautiful!
At that age a bath will be a challenge. :grin2
If you found a tick, a bath in Dawn would probably be a good idea. When she is wet it might be easier to find additional ticks. It would help with fleas or mites.
Based on that gorgeous fluffy tail I would say about 7 weeks. Beautiful!
At that age a bath will be a challenge. :grin2
Thank you Redwuff & HRT4SQRLS! Yeah her fur and tail are SO THICK! Kent, OH is know for our black squirrels :) they're EVERYWHERE! I have a tattoo of one for my hometown love :Love_Icon I'll attempt to give little Bean a bath tonight, mostly for my own peace of mind. She loves being combed and rubbed. I can't wait for Clydell and her to be snuggle bugs. More photos to come!:blowkiss:gigg:grouphug
09-13-2019, 12:01 PM
I’m moving to Kent, Ohio!:grouphug
Haha! Its great :) look up "Kent squirrel" in Google images.. you'll see!
Just an update and a few questions! I posted a couple videos of Bean (black) and Clydell (gray) enjoying their new cage and enrichment! Let me know how you think they're progressing! Clydell is 7 weeks now and Bean is estimated to be around 8-9 weeks. Both are eating 3-4x per day FV 20/50. They have Henry's and mazuri blocks to try and I've given them spring mix, broccoli (beans favorite so far) and a few match stick carrots. They mostly just chew on things but don't seem to really eat much solid foods yet. I may back down to 3x per day or less food, as they don't seem to be emptying as well. Tummies are still soft but rounded. I have cleaned fresh wood in the cage, a water bottle that they haven't tried yet, loose twigs, some leaves and maple helicopters, and a few clean rocks. I plan to make more climbing things, hammocks, etc, but they aren't too confident in their climbing skills yet.
After feeding grooming and play this morning:
Bean's belly looks a little pink under her fur, but I don't see any bumps or anything. Their cage is cleaned fully every other day and I used free and clear detergent and hot water on their laundry. I check their skin and fur at least once daily. What could be the issue with her pink tummy? Bean's tummy after dinner:
Should they be going potty on their own all the time? I still stimulate every feeding and they go pee every time, poops most times.
Clydell doesn't really latch onto the miracle nipple anymore and just gets formula all over himself. I've tried going slow, a little faster, changed angles of the syringe, angles of his body. Is he just really messy? I'll try to get a good video.. any input from the pros is greatly appreciated!
Clydell's messy eating:
09-24-2019, 02:28 PM
Awww.. could not open photo bucket.
Look at Clydells teeth. Make sure the bottom teeth are not too long.
Hi all! Clyde (9 weeks) and Bean (12ish weeks?) are doing good. Still drinking formula but eating blocks, veggies and I've seen Bean drink out of the water bottle. Bean is has been using their litter box most of the time but I'm concerned about Clyde.. I feel like he still needs me to stimulate him every feeding (3x/ day) and it seems like a lot of pee and poops happen every time. He's 9 weeks.. shouldn't he be going potty on his own?
It's easier just to share my public Instagram for updated photos and videos here:
Hi all! Clyde (9 weeks) and Bean (12ish weeks?) are doing good. Still drinking formula but eating blocks, veggies and I've seen Bean drink out of the water bottle. Bean is has been using their litter box most of the time but I'm concerned about Clyde.. I feel like he still needs me to stimulate him every feeding (3x/ day) and it seems like a lot of pee and poops happen every time. He's 9 weeks.. shouldn't he be going potty on his own?
It's easier just to share my public Instagram for updated photos and videos here:
Bean is actually estimated time 11 weeks ****
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