View Full Version : Hello!

08-13-2019, 04:19 PM

I'm new here and just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. Not too long ago my wife and I noticed a pair of squirrels hanging around our deck regularly. Both of them were rather small and had tails with little to no fur on them. We felt bad for them and went in search of info on what might have caused their hair loss/condition (seems that most likely culprits are fungal or mange but still not sure). One of the things we quickly learned in our reading was nutritional info and we ordered and began treating them to one or two blocks (Henry's Wild Bites) per day. We've been trying to help them but are also trying to be careful not to get them too comfortable around us / humans or to become reliant upon us.

It's been a a little over a month or so and the one that had the least fur on it's tail, we call her Ratty (her tail was nearly hairless, thus the name) continues to come to visit us on a regular basis. The hair on her tail is starting to fill in and overall she's looking much better than when we first met her. About a week ago she didn't show up for a few days which had us worried for her but then she showed up again, albeit with what looks like some sort of small wound on one of her front legs / shoulders. The wound is quite small and seems to be healing as far as we can tell. She seems to be doing okay fortunately.

I've attached a picture of Ratty, enjoying a treat, from a couple weeks ago. (Her tail has filled in a lot more than that now.)

Anyway, thank you all for sharing so much wonderful information and such touching stories.

08-13-2019, 09:30 PM
Thank you for taking the time to care for our wild little friends and for sharing the pic of Ratty.

:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :grin2 :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

08-13-2019, 09:52 PM
I am sure Ratty enjoys the treats you are giving him! The Wild bites are a nutritious treat that should help him to get strong. If Ratty's tail continues to fill in, your treats probably helped a bit. If his fur gets worse, we may be able to offer some treatment suggestions that will help. Squirrels are really wonderful little beings, they will surprise you with their personalities and behaviors!