View Full Version : Adult Grey Squirrel Multiple Bot Flies - Infection?

08-13-2019, 09:16 AM

I have a 2 year old male grey squirrel that I raised and released, but have now captured again in my outside release cage. I have posted about him in the non life threatening forum for a couple of weeks now with great help (See https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?63023-Grey-squirrel-multiple-wounds-Antibiotic ) I wanted to get some expert opinions on the amount he has and on the condition of one of the wounds. He has about 6 or so bot flies on him, in which a couple of them he seems to be scratching and opening the wound on. I understand this is probably normal, but one of the ones underneath his chest has me a little concerned as it's becoming very fleshy and an open gaping wound. If I had known I could have given him Ivermectin in the beginning stages to get rid of them I would have, but now I'm sure they are too far along for that. But what about treating this wound? Does it look normal? Should I leave it alone to see if it heals on it's own?
(I will attach some pictures for reference. Feel free to also check the Non life threatening post for other photos from the past 2 weeks)

08-13-2019, 09:23 AM
Is there a hole in that one you are talking about? I don't see one. If not, I am wondering if it is an abscess perhaps caused by his scratching...

08-13-2019, 09:48 AM
Is there a hole in that one you are talking about? I don't see one. If not, I am wondering if it is an abscess perhaps caused by his scratching...

It's difficult to tell without holding him. I believe he has 2 or 3 bots on his chest in the same area. I'm just not sure if that's one of them. The swelling around that fleshy area doesn't really seem to be getting any larger or smaller

08-13-2019, 10:28 AM
David, on the label of ivermectin it calls it a boticide among other things. Keep in mind these products are for cattle and horses. You can certainly kill bots in a cow or horse without a problem. They can easily absorb the dead larvae. That isn’t the case with squirrels. If you kill too many bots in a squirrel they will abscess and cause a potentially life threatening infection. I personally don’t use ivermectin for squirrels. I’m afraid of it because if you overdose it you have a dead squirrel. Many on TSB do use ivermectin without problems. I prefer Revolution (selamectin) because I feel it’s safer. I know that Revolution does NOT work when the warble is visible. It had no effect at all when used on very early bots. One year in the spring I dosed Susie with Revolution a couple times BEFORE the bot season. That year she had none. Was it the Revolution or just an off year? I don’t know. Based on ivermectin being a boticide it will certainly kill them but I’m not sure you want to. Just my opinion. Using it before the season would be a better plan IMO if you chose to go that route.

From the pics I think I see a couple empty warbles. Am I seeing that right? Usually by the next day the flesh has mostly retracted and heals quickly. I see 2 that will exit soon. It is a vile process but for the most part they are unharmed. Of course there are exceptions where intervention is necessary. From my perspective, I see a healthy squirrel that doesn’t appear compromised. He has a nasty case of bots where some have exited and others are soon to exit. If you think there might be an infection you can definitely treat with antibiotics.

08-13-2019, 01:43 PM
David, on the label of ivermectin it calls it a boticide among other things. Keep in mind these products are for cattle and horses. You can certainly kill bots in a cow or horse without a problem. They can easily absorb the dead larvae. That isn’t the case with squirrels. If you kill too many bots in a squirrel they will abscess and cause a potentially life threatening infection. I personally don’t use ivermectin for squirrels. I’m afraid of it because if you overdose it you have a dead squirrel. Many on TSB do use ivermectin without problems. I prefer Revolution (selamectin) because I feel it’s safer. I know that Revolution does NOT work when the warble is visible. It had no effect at all when used on very early bots. One year in the spring I dosed Susie with Revolution a couple times BEFORE the bot season. That year she had none. Was it the Revolution or just an off year? I don’t know. Based on ivermectin being a boticide it will certainly kill them but I’m not sure you want to. Just my opinion. Using it before the season would be a better plan IMO if you chose to go that route.

From the pics I think I see a couple empty warbles. Am I seeing that right? Usually by the next day the flesh has mostly retracted and heals quickly. I see 2 that will exit soon. It is a vile process but for the most part they are unharmed. Of course there are exceptions where intervention is necessary. From my perspective, I see a healthy squirrel that doesn’t appear compromised. He has a nasty case of bots where some have exited and others are soon to exit. If you think there might be an infection you can definitely treat with antibiotics.

Hey there! Was going to message you directly sometime today but decided to go ahead and post first. Yeah you are right regarding the Ivermectin, I wouldn't have trusted using it on him, especially after what you said about it not being safe for a squirrel with 6 bots.

As for the wounds, no there haven't been any that have exited yet, that's the thing. I've been watching every day. That flesh wound is near the hole of one of them under his chest I believe. It is swollen like there's still a bot in there, but that wound looks larger and more fleshy than the others, which is why I was wondering about possibly needing to treat it. I believe its like that from him scratching it. This little guy means alot to me, so just I'm trying to do whatever I can to help him :)

08-14-2019, 09:15 AM

Here are some pictures of what the area looked like a week ago, yesterday, and then today. I really can't tell if there is a larvae in there or not. From the old pictures it looked like there was one with 2 holes in it. To me it didn't look like anything matured enough in that area to have hatched already before the other more mature ones, unless they can hatch early? I really don't know if it's an exit hole, an abcess, or just irritated from him scratching. What do you guys think I should do?