View Full Version : Possibly bot fly?
08-09-2019, 05:55 AM
I found a 2-3wk old baby yesterday morning in my yard. He has a lump on his left arm that I thought was some type of infected wound. I tried to drain it and didn’t get much. Then read around on here and stumbled upon some info regarding bot flies. I’m wondering if that’s what this baby has?
The mark is a round raised bump with a mark/scab in the center. Like a very raised bug bite.
The baby is behaving normally. Eating and urinating well. I have been having a time getting him to pass a BM but I think it’s due to having been dehydrated. Hopefully it will resolve.
Is there a treatment for bot fly? Or does it just run its course?
Nancy in New York
08-09-2019, 06:11 AM
Please post a photo, that will help a lot.
Bot flies basically have to run their course.
He most likely has been away from mom for
a while so a BM may not happen for a day or two.
Here's a great guide to baby squirrel care.
It's 6 pages long with the next button on the
top right corner.
What formula are you feeding?
08-09-2019, 08:16 AM
The purple stuff is blue kote wound care that I had here for my other animals. I’m not sure I’m attaching the pic correctly so it is huge I’m sorry!
08-09-2019, 08:23 AM
Here’s a pic of him in general. And I’m feeding him esbilac. He’s been taking about 2cc a feeding.
I’ve actually done this twice before. A tree surgeon that works for us cut down a tree with a nest last summer and the mama didn’t come back. So I hand raised the 3 babies. And we found another baby a few weeks later on our property that I raised alongside the 3. All four grew up healthy and we released them back into the woods. I didn’t think I’d ever have that experience again but then this little guy was just lying on the ground when I came back from my morning run. We live on a wooded property and I guess this is how it goes out here.
08-09-2019, 09:08 AM
I've personally not dealt with bots but that certinally has the appearance of being a bot fly.
If it is a bot it is still growing. My concern with one that age and the location of that bot is
the possibility of cutting off circulation to baby's arm.
Nancy in New York
08-09-2019, 02:59 PM
I will contact the "Bot Fly" expert and have her take a look.
08-09-2019, 08:03 PM
The first baby squirrel I ever found had a couple bots. Like you, I did some reading and came to the same conclusion.
I believe this is a bot. Is the lump very hard and very defined like a capsule shape? In FL this is prime time bot season. I hope you didn’t kill it by trying to ‘drain’ it. Also I’m not sure if the Blue Kote would kill it. You don’t want to kill it while it’s still in the body as the dead larvae will cause an infection and possible sepsis. As Step mentioned, I’m very concerned about the location of the warble. I would not recommend pulling the larvae in that location. You have the shoulder, elbow? and wrist that you don’t want to damage. It takes more pressure to pull them than you would think. The larvae has rows of barbs that hold the larvae tightly until it’s ready to exit. I have pulled many and they pull against you as you extricate them. I wouldn’t be comfortable putting that much pressure in that location.
Hopefully it’s still alive. I would not let that grow on a baby in that location. It could permanently damage the arm. When they are mature and exit the larvae is huge IMO. They are the length of a quarter.
Do you happen to have a vet that would see a squirrel? Most vets, even in FL will not treat wildlife.
The safest way to deal with this would be a vet that would open the pore slightly and remove it without putting extreme pressure on the babies arm. We might be able to find a vet in your area.
A little test you can do is to put some Vaseline on the opening. If it’s a bot.... and if it’s alive, you will see it move in the hole. Then you will have no doubt.
I hate bots and on a baby they are especially vile.
08-10-2019, 07:25 AM
I’ll try the Vaseline thing.... but I don’t think I have any so it will be later today... I’ll get some when I go out.
I’m concerned also that I killed the larvae.
I’ve observed the area better where I found him and there is a nest 35+ ft up in a pine tree right. I actually saw the mother climbing on the tree and then going into the nest. She also had bot marks. Hers were much bigger... possibly 2-3 spots.
The little guy is feeding and eliminating but not quite as much as I think he should on either account. He weights 61 grams and I am getting him to take maybe 2.5 cc at a feeding.
If there is a vet that sees wildlife here, I’d like to have him seen. We sure would like to raise the little guy and release him here in our woods. Sure want him to make it!
08-10-2019, 07:54 AM
You might want to give him extra hydration between meals until you can get the bot fly removed.
Bot flies suck a lot of fluids out of a squirrel... that's what they grow on and excrete.
08-10-2019, 09:53 AM
Just in case this is helpful info, babies should be eating between 5% - 7% (in MLs) of their body weight per feeding. So for a 61gram baby that is 3ml - 4.2ml per feeding. I'd guess that baby to be 3 - 4 weeks and so I would feed every 3 - 4hours. I am posting a feeding chart cheat sheet.
Keep us up to date on the bot... and if it is a bot. I too would be concerned with the bot's location and that this is a baby... I have dealt with bot's but never (thankfully) in a baby.
08-10-2019, 02:03 PM
As the day has gone on I’m leaning less towards it being a bot. The bump seems smaller than yesterday and when I feel it there does not seem to be something discernible in it. Seems soft... perhaps it is a wound? I’ve not poked at it anymore of course ... and the top mark is scab like. It isn’t hot or red... or noticeably growing.
The little guy was really fidgety and not pooping but that has seemed to resolve. At first he couldn’t even pass his BMs without a little gentle help. Now he can and his poops are the normal yellowish color but they are softer than normal — I’m a bit concerned about that. But he is calmer and sleeping more soundly.
He isn’t a very agreeable feeder either. I have to really work at it to get him to eat. I did get him to take 3cc this last feeding.
Nancy in New York
08-10-2019, 02:46 PM
He isn’t a very agreeable feeder either. I have to really work at it to get him to eat. I did get him to take 3cc this last feeding.
You can try making the formula a little warmer.
Also try pottying him before feeding. Many times
during feeding they will get fussy because they
have to go to the bathroom. I stimulate them, they
pee and go back to eating. :)
Refresh me please, which formula are you feeding?
08-10-2019, 03:37 PM
You mentioned a of the best squirrel vets anywhere is an hour and a half from you - Dr. Alicia Emerson, here:
We have members who have brought their squirrels from Texas and California to see her...
08-11-2019, 06:17 AM
You can try making the formula a little warmer.
Also try pottying him before feeding. Many times
during feeding they will get fussy because they
have to go to the bathroom. I stimulate them, they
pee and go back to eating. :)
Refresh me please, which formula are you feeding?
I’m feeding with Esbilac.
I’m thinking he’s improving. I’m wondering if the little guy was quite dehydrated and under fed; and he had to adjust/recover.
I made a couple of changes:
— swiched his box and bedding. The initial box I put him in was thin and I honestly think it was allowing too much heat through. He’s much more peaceful in his bed now.
— I switch from a 1cc syringe to a 3cc. He seems much happier with that. He took 3.5cc this morning very well.
At his first feed his poo was firmer, still a bit softer than normal but better. His wound is smaller and less swollen — I’m still not sure but I’m going to wait before I try to take him anywhere at this point.
Thanks for y’all’s insight and help! I was really worried about him.... but maybe he just needed some time and steady care.?..
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