View Full Version : How often do nursing mamas leave the nest?

08-01-2019, 08:41 PM
My favorite wild squirrel (I call her Petunia) disappeared recently. She was looking very pregnant the last time I saw her, so I think she probably had her babies!

My question is, how often do new mothers leave their nest? Is it unusual not to see them for a week or two? Or longer?

I miss her and am trying not to worry :)

08-04-2019, 12:37 AM
Before a pregnant squirrel gives birth she will build two or three nest within a certain area to raise her babies in and she will move her babies to any one of these three nest during danger if needed. Once the babies are born momma squirrel will leave the nest for short moments to get herself some food to eat. --if your squirrel have been gone for longer than two weeks and think she was ready to have her babies its very likely that she had them in one of her three nest and hopefully she will bring the babies by to see you when they are older, around 12-14 weeks old.

08-04-2019, 12:38 AM

08-04-2019, 12:39 AM

08-05-2019, 10:13 AM
Thanks! Petunia is back and has come by for treats the last two days! :w00t

She was gone for about a week, which is unusual for her. She's been a daily visitor for about a year now.

She does look skinnier which leads me to believe she did give birth while she was away, but I don't see any nipples? Also she seems to be back to her regular visitation schedule, coming by multiple times a day (which seems like it would be too frequent if she was nursing?)

I'm just so curious to know what's going on in her squirrely world! This would have been her first pregnacy, and I've read that sometimes the first litter of a young squirrel doesn't survive. Either way, I'm giving her extra Henry's wild blocks (and fewer nuts!) to try to support her nutrition. Love this sweet girl so much.

08-05-2019, 10:27 AM
If she had a litter, or is nursing, you should see her nipples right now, even if they did not survive.
Females normally do not have their first litter until around 11-18 months old.

08-05-2019, 10:37 AM

Sweet Petunia a couple of weeks ago. Sorry pic is sideways.

08-05-2019, 10:42 AM
If she had a litter, or is nursing, you should see her nipples right now, even if they did not survive.
Females normally do not have their first litter until around 11-18 months old.

Interesting! I just posted a pic of her from 2 weeks ago, when she was (I assumed) pregnant. She disappeared for a week and now is much skinnier (no more big belly), but I don't see any nipples :dono