VRB Black Squirrels
07-06-2019, 01:53 PM
I have a group of maybe two dozen or more squirrels who visit my yard, some intermittently, some daily, some I've know for a little over a year now. On the other side of my backyard fence is a public walking / cycling path with lots of trees and open field, looks like a utopia for suburban squirrels. Outside of a wave of mange following the end of the worst of winter, and some minor nicks and scrapes here and there, I've never had one turn up looking injured or ill (knock on wood) and haven't had one I know on sight go missing permanently, expect for one who was hit by a car. There was the one with the ultra bad case of mange, but I got him fixed up.
Being that there are so many, I usually treat them with roasted peanuts in-shell or unsalted sunflower seeds because of affordability and availability, and here and there almonds and walnut halves and pieces. I usually wait until evening to treat them, with the thought that they'll be forced throughout the day to eat from nature, the stuff they actually need to be healthy. I know peanuts and sunflower seeds are far from ideal but it seems like everything else is so much more expensive and less available, like how within twenty minutes I could have a kilogram of peanuts for $5, whereas a kilogram of almonds is going to run me $20 at least, I'm going to have to journey far to get it, and it'll be gone in the blink of an eye with how many squirrels show up here. Also, I've been laid off a while now waiting for the next thing to ramp up, so where they used to have me for a week and then have to fend for themselves for twenty days while I was away, I'm around daily now.
I've been aware of the specific dangers of unroasted peanuts for a long time, and especially how dangerous peanuts are if they're a dietary staple for an orphan being raised by humans, but having browsed around here I'm reading it's a hard "NO" for peanuts in any case and that sunflower seeds are also frowned upon.
Am I screwing up here and putting these guys' lives in danger? Has it just been luck that I've gone a year without negative side effects from what I give them as treats?
Being that there are so many, I usually treat them with roasted peanuts in-shell or unsalted sunflower seeds because of affordability and availability, and here and there almonds and walnut halves and pieces. I usually wait until evening to treat them, with the thought that they'll be forced throughout the day to eat from nature, the stuff they actually need to be healthy. I know peanuts and sunflower seeds are far from ideal but it seems like everything else is so much more expensive and less available, like how within twenty minutes I could have a kilogram of peanuts for $5, whereas a kilogram of almonds is going to run me $20 at least, I'm going to have to journey far to get it, and it'll be gone in the blink of an eye with how many squirrels show up here. Also, I've been laid off a while now waiting for the next thing to ramp up, so where they used to have me for a week and then have to fend for themselves for twenty days while I was away, I'm around daily now.
I've been aware of the specific dangers of unroasted peanuts for a long time, and especially how dangerous peanuts are if they're a dietary staple for an orphan being raised by humans, but having browsed around here I'm reading it's a hard "NO" for peanuts in any case and that sunflower seeds are also frowned upon.
Am I screwing up here and putting these guys' lives in danger? Has it just been luck that I've gone a year without negative side effects from what I give them as treats?