View Full Version : Baby Skunk Found Beside Dead Mother on Roadway

06-26-2019, 09:26 PM
I found a baby skunk by its dead mother (hit by a car) on the side of a road. I have since taken the baby in. He is hydrated, by all appearances healthy, and I have been feeding him every four to five hours with Esbilac. The skunk's eyes are open and from head to butt he is about 4 inches. He does not have flees, lice, etc. He was clean when I found him. He is already able to scent perceived intruders and walks around well. I have been keeping him in my mudroom away from everyone, unless I have him tucked into my sports bra (feeding convenience). My intention was to raise him until he was able to fend for himself out of doors, then release him.

My question is, what is the truth about them being rabies carriers at this age and what is the likelihood that the baby will infect one of my indoor babies? What are the symptoms of rabies? I am familiar with caring for pinkies and youngish squirrels, but would he be better off with a certified rehabber? And with new wildlife laws, is it possible to hand him over and him not be euthanized? Lastly, he did scratch my lip, no blood, but should I now consider getting rabies shots?

Any help anyone can offer will be great. Thank you.

06-26-2019, 09:58 PM
This is a huge problem. In your state the skunk is the number one Rabies Vector Species.
Because you were scratched the baby would be euthanized to be tested for rabies. You should go to a doctor. More than likely they WILL recommend rabies shots to be safe. I’m sorry to say that but rabies isn’t something to take lightly. :(

06-26-2019, 10:46 PM
Thank you, HRT4SQRLS. I will make an appointment.


06-27-2019, 08:14 AM
Hi all,

Does anyone have recommendations for what can be done about this baby? I am taking the issue of rabies very seriously and do not think that I should keep this little one in the house. He is acting as if he hasn't been weaned yet, but if necessary, is he old enough to forage on his own? I will not give him to someone to euthanize. And I do not have a release cage on my property. Anyone know of a rehabber in OKC, near OKC that has the facilities to house him until he comes of age?

Thank you.

06-27-2019, 09:34 AM
You could contact this rescue. They are wonderful and may know where you can turn locally.

06-27-2019, 09:57 AM
Thank you!