View Full Version : Hi Everyone! So glad I found this forum. I have a question.

06-22-2019, 03:36 PM
Hi Everyone,

My husband was working outside and a baby squirrel came up to him. We're pretty sure it was blown out of it's nest. My husband said it almost looked like it was asking for help.
So we put her in a blanket and left so the mom could come and get her. No luck. I fed her kitten milk and kept her warm and raised her for a couple of months. We took her outside a little at a time and didn't want to leave me. So adorable! Well, we finally got her to love outdoors and my husband built her a squirrel house. She loved it and would come up to us every day for nuts or corn. I could make a little sound like "ch ch ch" and that meant let's play. She would run around the yard and I would chase her and she would chase me. I was so happy for her. Well, a couple of weeks ago she didn't come back. I called her by name and she used to come all the time. We looked everywhere and are so worried. We're happy she is free, but we miss her so much. Does anyone have any idea what might have happened? Is this normal for a squirrel? Any advice or help would be appreciated!!!! Thank you!:blowkiss

06-22-2019, 05:48 PM
Sounds like you girl has been having the best of both worlds :) At this time of year - over here anyway - some of the females have started being in heat and some of the males are very busy chasing them. Maybe it's the case?

She also could have decided to go explore on her own, decided she's a big girl and wants to see the world.

I know that is not much consolation when we so want to have at least a sign from them, but... I always say, the hardest part of rehabbing is recognizing and accepting the fact that we have done the best we could for them and trusting mother Nature to do the rest. :grouphug

I hopeyour girl decides to come and see momma again real soon, if only to show signs of life.

06-22-2019, 08:16 PM
Awwww...thank you so much Scooterzmom. That makes me feel better. I'll post if she comes back to say hi.
