06-19-2019, 01:10 PM
Hello Everyone!
I am new to this site. Thank you all for your time to read this new thread. My wife and I discovered a nest in the attic of our home where a female Douglas Pine Squirrel birthed 3 infants. Leaving it undisturbed, we observed the daily entrance and exit of the mother for 6 weeks. Tragically, I discovered the mother deceased - 12 days ago out on the road in front of our residence. The infants exited the nest and on our front porch. Two got away but we captured a male who had not yet developed claws or incisors. Unfortunately we never found the other two, but this little guy we called "Chewy" , has been under our care for 12 days and is now thriving, robust and very healthy. The bad part of all this is that Chewy has had no association with others of it's kind and has 'bonded' to my wife as it's mother. Chewy now goes for daily walks on either her shoulder or mine, outside around the property. We started Chewy on Esbilac puppy milk formula and various baby foods such as peas, carrots, applesauce and bananna pureed and administered through 1 cc syringes starting at 7 cc's every 4 hours to 10-12 cc's every 8-10 hours. Two days ago Chewy graduated to solid foods ( apples, carrots, strawberries, grapes, cherries, peaches and walnuts and pecans. He will not take food from a syringe, so we have a small dish of water and milk. He has been bedded in our garage, kept warm with a bottle full of warm water under his bedding ( cotton fabric, not towells or rags so he would not snag his claws.) Six days ago i left messages with 3 squirrel rehab specialists and have still no answer from them. Since my wife and i have no experience in introducing CHewy back into the wild,( - plus a neighbor cat who is on a rodent-hunting spree), We are going to take him in to the Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife today so he can be introduced to others of his kind. We have both put ALOT of tender love, care and work into Chewy's survival, so euthanization is NOT even one of our options. If we cannot facilitate adoption for Chewy, we will try it on our own when he is ready. Besides predators, our winters here are severely COLD, SNOWY and LONG. Any advice would greatly be a comfort. THANK YOU all and anyone taking your time to read this lengthy post. I promise next time to be more brief. thanks!
06-19-2019, 02:56 PM
Your baby needs to be on a better diet before considering release and he needs to be eating a quality rodent block.
I would not take him to fish and wildlife as he will likely be euthanized because of his association with humans regardless
of what they might tell you. It is their job to say whatever is necessary to get wildlife out of the public's hands.
The nuts are a no, too many nuts will eliminate the healthy foods and set this little one up for MBD. (Metabolic bone disease)
I'm attaching a link to the healthy diet pyramid....
Please attach a picture of this baby for a closer estimate of age and thank you and your wife for your care.
06-19-2019, 03:02 PM
Welcome Chewy,
I sure wish you wouldn’t take him to there. They are awful. If you’re willing to travel a little we can link you up with an awesome rehabber.
How far are you from Portland?
06-19-2019, 03:35 PM
Couldn't help myself....
I sent an email to OP in hopes the baby has not been taken in yet and asked
he come back to forum and let us help place him. ~ Prayers going up....
06-20-2019, 02:38 AM
Your baby needs to be on a better diet before considering release and he needs to be eating a quality rodent block.
I would not take him to fish and wildlife as he will likely be euthanized because of his association with humans regardless
of what they might tell you. It is their job to say whatever is necessary to get wildlife out of the public's hands.
The nuts are a no, too many nuts will eliminate the healthy foods and set this little one up for MBD. (Metabolic bone disease)
I'm attaching a link to the healthy diet pyramid....
Please attach a picture of this baby for a closer estimate of age and thank you and your wife for your care.
Thank You Stepnstone! So glad you warned us about Fish and Wildlife! I am going to study the food pyramid link and print it for future reference for two reasons: First, because we are surrounded with wildlife, especially squirrels here on our 2 acres, and Second...GREAT NEWS! I contacted a local rehab specialist for large mammals, who is NOT associated with Fish and Wildlife nor any agency..local or state....and she referred me to a local squirrel rehab specialist with 5 stars and an un-tarnished reputation. It is an hours drive tomorrow, but she lives on a ranch which has large pens and numerous other facilities to accomodate our baby squirrel. She will integrate him with others of his own species (Douglas Pine Squirrels) and at the proper time, she will re-unite him into his native environment. I tried to upload a photo of our little Chewy, but i keep getting the "unauthorized function" or something to that order. I will keep trying. The rehab specialist, fully licensed, is going to keep in touch to give us a 'progress report' of Chewy. Also, the ODFW (fish and wildlife) people keep reminding me of what a 'hefty fine' i can incur for keeping this little fellow and how i am 'breaking the law' yet, nobody there even bothered to call me back. I checked out this rehab person very carefully and checked with one of my neighbors who found her services when he encountered the same situation my wife and I are in presently. He said she is the best. On another important note: I cannot believe the kindness, consideration, devotion and timely replies from you, and so many others here at The Squirrel Board. I cannot amply express my thanks and gratitude for such a wonderful group of people. I also know i may be using this board again, because of the abundant wildlife we encounter here in 'paradise'. I know all of you share the same love of wildlife as do my wife and I. I will learn as much as i can and continue to use this board. You are all so considerate, honest and generous. ..Will post back to all of you with updates and also help in any possible way that i can for any of you or anyone else. A billion thanks and kudos...Chewy.
06-20-2019, 02:43 AM
Welcome Chewy,
I sure wish you wouldn’t take him to there. They are awful. If you’re willing to travel a little we can link you up with an awesome rehabber.
How far are you from Portland?
Thank you HRT4SQRLS..I have an hours drive tomorrow to a rehab specialist...will worth the trip. Thank you so much!
06-20-2019, 07:08 AM
Thank you HRT4SQRLS..I have an hours drive tomorrow to a rehab specialist...will worth the trip. Thank you so much!
Oh, what a relief. I can’t tell you how happy I am to read your post this morning. The warnings that we raised are based on previous heartbreaking reports from your state. I KNEW exactly what would happen if you pursued that option. Chewy would be confiscated, euthanized and you would be fined. Totally heartless group. When it comes to grey squirrels and fox squirrels (non-native species) they are even more ruthless. They are not even given a chance. Rehabbers aren’t even supposed to rehab them.
I could tell from your post that you already had a lot of heart invested in Chewy and wanted nothing but the best for him. You found the right group here. TSB is a group of squirrels lover that take it to a point of being a little ‘nutty’. I’m sure you understand. :tilt
You didn’t get a proper welcome because we sorta panicked. I would like to welcome you to TheSquirrelBoard. This is an awesome resource for squirrel lovers and those that find them and didn’t even know they had a ‘squirrel lover’ inside them. :) We are happy that you found us.
We would LOVE to see pics of Chewy. We don’t see many Douglas Pine squirrels on the board.
06-20-2019, 11:18 AM
[QUOTE=HRT4SQRLS;1295035]Oh, what a relief. I can’t tell you how happy I am to read your post this morning. The warnings that we raised are based on previous heartbreaking reports from your state. I KNEW exactly what would happen if you pursued that option. Chewy would be confiscated, euthanized and you would be fined. Totally heartless group. When it comes to grey squirrels and fox squirrels (non-native species) they are even more ruthless. They are not even given a chance. Rehabbers aren’t even supposed to rehab them.
I could tell from your post that you already had a lot of heart invested in Chewy and wanted nothing but the best for him. You found the right group here. TSB is a group of squirrels lover that take it to a point of being a little ‘nutty’. I’m sure you understand. :tilt
You didn’t get a proper welcome because we sorta panicked. I would like to welcome you to TheSquirrelBoard. This is an awesome resource for squirrel lovers and those that find them and didn’t even know they had a ‘squirrel lover’ inside them. :) We are happy that you found us.
We would LOVE to see pics of Chewy. We don’t see many Douglas Pine squirrels on the board.
WHEW!!!))))))))))) Thanks again so much for the guys are a life saver!
I am however,a bit worried, as i did call the OR. Dept. Fish & Wildlife two days ago and left a message with them, but i did not tell them how long we had Chewy. They did not call me back, but if somebody from there shows up unexpectedly, then i will "politely escort" them off my property and inform them that: "Chewy got away". The "tips" / "warnings" you gave us will be wisdom stored for future reference. Today is going to be a busy one, so i will be sure to return to the board here tomorrow and answer all messages and posts that members have posted in response to my new thread. Don't know why i could not upload the photos of Chewy, but i will keep trying. Where we live here, there are 3 primary species in our local area: 1-Grey/Silver squirrels (the largest of the 3 species) 2-The Douglas Pine- not as many as the Silver-Grey spe3cies, and last, 3 - Chipmunks...lots and LOTS of them here. They hibernate in late oct.-early nov. and wake up in early May. I have seen the Silvers and Douglas squirrels galloping across the surface of snow as deep as 6 feet in our backyard in the dead of winter early in the morning at temperatures in excess of -35 F. Below. It amazes me how they adapt. My wife and i are in love with "Natures Neighbors". Again, can't thank you enough for the 'warnings'...Bend, Oregon is usually a very friendly town but, the 'heart-breaking' incidents are true, as i have heard of a few myself from just talking to my neighbors. As far as pics, i will keep trying..THanks to ALL of you..Chewy.310099
06-20-2019, 11:25 AM
Just another note regarding my pics attatched (jpeg)- I forgot to 'rotate' the picture of Chewy being fed with a 1cc syringe in my photo editor software- he is actually standing 'up' on my wife's lap as she feeds him, and not lying down. make sure he did not aspirate the Esbilac solution. I have ZILLIONS of other images taken with a 24 mp SLR camera of the many MANY squirrel friends here. THanks gang! Anything i can do for anybody..just holler. My regards,,Chewy.:grin2
06-20-2019, 11:35 AM
Oh my goodness, that is the cutest little squirrel! :grin2 Chewy is adorable!!! :Love_Icon
I wish we had Chewy squirrels here but we don’t.
Oh yes, we need more pics.
Don’t worry about the rotation thing. I haven’t figured that out either.
06-20-2019, 11:43 AM
Well you just made my day!! :clap
When you had not replied back as of last night I had feared we might have missed you and you were on your way to F&W.
Thank you for saving this little.... twice! :grin2
He sure is adorable and now he has his whole life ahead of him thanks to you and your wife. :grouphug
06-21-2019, 08:31 PM
THANK YOU, Stepnstone, HRT4SQRLS, KATHY291, and if i missed anyone who replied to this thread, please accept my apologies, i am a TECH dunce, and am still learning the navigation and response thing, but i have to say, this is a great board and has a simple format. Thank you all for the Chewy compliments. Yesterday was kind of a tough day but happy as well. We drove to Prineville, a small town in Central Oregon about 72 miles east of where we are as the crow flies- all in all a beautiful drive into the prairie and semi-desert areas of our state. The rehab gal that took Chewy asked if i would stop by the Animal Hospital in Bend, Oregon and pickup one of her squirrels, a young silver grey that fell from the mother's nest. It broke it's hind leg and had a concussion. Poor thing slept for most of the drive, but she will make it, according to the Vet doc. We gave her recovering squirrel and Chewy to Judy, the licensed Rehab specialist, and to say the least, when we started home my wife cried her eyes out. I had to clean the garage and put the cage away so she wouldn't have to look at that stuff when we got back home. The rehab gal loves Douglas Squirrels and it was love at first sight when she saw little Chewy. After 13 days of weaning. care and seeing Chewy develop into a deep bond with my wife and I, It was pretty tough. We are both really happy though, and Judy told us we could call anytime to see how Chewy is doing. THank you all for the compliments, attention and i must say it was all of you as well...who saved Chewy, and i am greatful to you all for the advice and warnings. If it's okay, i will post more pics of our squirrel friends around here. There are soooo many! WE also have a metropolis of Chipmunks. One is named PREGA, - my wife named her that because she is so fat. She has been around the house for almost 7 years, hibernates in the winter, but is out all summer. We love Prega. There is another smaller and much younger one who lives under our rock fire-pit in the back yard my wife calls "TEENY"...short for Teen-ager. Then we have "Mamma" who lives in an old tree stump out near the border going into the woods with her two newby's born this spring? All Chipmunks. HUGE THANKS again gang, i have been really busy this week, but will now take some time to view through the TSB board at all the facinating posts. THanks for letting me Join! Chewy.
06-21-2019, 08:51 PM
If it’s OK.... friend it’s required. :grin2 Seriously we would love to see your friends and more pics of Chewy.
I know it must have been tough but knowing that Chewy is in excellent hands must help a little.
I’m glad you took Chewy to a place with references. :)
island rehabber
06-21-2019, 09:10 PM
This is such a good outcome for little Chewy! Your home and yard sound like havens for nature and wildlife, and you have many kindred souls here on TSB. Welcome -- stick around! Squirrels will find you; you're one of us now. :grin3
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