View Full Version : Hiya!

06-09-2019, 07:19 PM
Hi all, we are on our second rescue.
The first was "Pancake." He was found very young struggling in the middle of the road, missing both top teeth & bleeding pretty badly from his nose. We let him go in a wooded area very close to where we found him as soon as he was eating well and his teeth had grown back. He had a strong fear of humans so we're confident he's thriving.
Our second rescue is "Snickers." She wandered right up to my husband one afternoon in our front yard. We suspect she was raised by someone in the neighborhood and attempted to be released. She has ZERO fear of humans or dogs. We've had her for a few months now and don't plan on ever releasing as she'll probably be killed by dogs or wild squirrels right away. She's super vocal and playful, and even chases our GSD around the house lol.
Looking forward to learning a lot from this forum!

06-09-2019, 07:26 PM
As a little bit of a back-story on myself, I grew up in Upstate NY near the Adirondacks. My grandfather was an avid conversationalist, and my father was always rescuing injured animals from the street. We rehabilitated and released a screech owl, and a red tailed hawk among many others. I don't live in NY any more, but have tried my best to pass the knowledge I gained as a kid on to my two teens.
Thanks so much for creating this forum and accepting me!

06-09-2019, 07:35 PM
Welcome! We will need pics of your babies of course. Many pics. :grin2

06-09-2019, 08:02 PM
Welcome! We will need pics of your babies of course. Many pics. :grin2

Here's Pancake's Album. Working on Snickers' now :grin2


06-09-2019, 08:16 PM
Welcome! We will need pics of your babies of course. Many pics. :grin2

Here's Snickers! I'm not sure why the upload tool rotated the pics, how do I rotate them back?


06-15-2019, 05:21 AM
Here's Pancake's Album. Working on Snickers' now :grin2


What a cuttie, I love the name Pancake :grin2 I call mine Bullet, it's now here (https://tranio.com/greece/) in Greece property enjoying his life. Waiting for Snickers' album, would love to see it.

06-23-2019, 12:01 AM
What a cuttie, I love the name Pancake :grin2 I call mine Bullet, it's now here (https://tranio.com/greece/) in Greece property enjoying his life. Waiting for Snickers' album, would love to see it.

Thanks! I posted the Snickers album link above. Just not sure how to rotate the pics.

06-29-2019, 02:35 PM
Snickers, enjoying some banana and fresh pumpkin as a treat today


island rehabber
06-29-2019, 10:37 PM
A very cute boy!

Mama Bear
07-02-2019, 08:32 PM
I thought I was watching a super hot baby resting in the cool of my grass. He would raise his head and look around. Then in a few minutes shift around and look.for better ways to get his underbelly into the grass. Then, my daughter came home and the noise of the garage door opening made him shift to move away. He seemed to drag his right hip and to only really raise his upper body. As my daughter walked down the drive toward the garage and he moved away again, from her view she said his legs were splayed, frog-like. He was able to hide in the bushes and flowers at the end of the house. He should be safe tonight. I am putting out some hamster food and a bowl of water. We have hawks and tons of other wild life for a suburban setting. I think his hip is out of joint. I am hoping he can figure out how to get it back in joint, or that a predator steps in quickly. I don't have a cage or skills to safely capture. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!

07-04-2019, 02:07 PM