View Full Version : Wish we had found you sooner.

06-06-2019, 05:06 PM
Hi there! My name is Peach. My husband and I became the proud parents of a beautiful baby squirrel girl a couple months ago. Oddly enough she seemed to choose us for the job. She showed up one day on my front porch and we did the care for her and leave her where mom could find her thing but mom never came. After a few days we brought her inside and set up a home for her by a window and slit the screen so she could get in and out. Now that shes grown big and strong she comes and goes. Shes got a nest in one of the trees out back but still comes home to sleep sometimes. She was gone from the yard for quite few days and showed back up yesterday evening for food and cuddles. She likes to sleep with us. She is a very sweet girl and we love her very very much. We fretted when she wasnt around the yard. Lots of critters to eat squirrels here in Texas and shed always been around even when she wouldnt come in for the night. It's been a crazy journey but we have loved every minute with her. Her name is Princess Peato. Originally pepito (after her favorite seed) because we thought she was a boy after reading some misleading information on Google. Anyways I'm super happy to have found this board and excited to join in on squirrel conversations!

06-06-2019, 10:42 PM
:Welcome to TSB...
It sounds like she's got the best of both worlds,
her freedom and cuddles with momma. :grin2

06-06-2019, 11:13 PM
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard PrincessPeach

We're glad to have you. I would be willing to bet that you have a photo or two of Princess Peato. :grin2 We would love to see her.
What a lucky girl she is to have a home in the trees and also in the bed with mom. :serene

island rehabber
06-07-2019, 06:41 AM
Glad you found us! Now we need pix....:grin2

06-07-2019, 05:31 PM
Thanks for the friendly welcome! Your right I have tons of pics! Thank goodness they make phones with so much storage space now and Google has its cloud storage or I'd have no room for more lol. This is Peato right now 309838 she is munching on pistachios with me right now. The pic is a bit grainy because of low lighting.
This is her snuggled up for bed time 309839 she is just the smartest sweetest animal I've ever had the pleasure of knowing!

06-07-2019, 05:36 PM
:Welcome to TSB...
It sounds like she's got the best of both worlds,
her freedom and cuddles with momma. :grin2

Yes she does. I couldn't imagine not letting her be outside too. It's where she really belongs. I just feel so very lucky that she loves us enough to come back and visit or sleep over sometimes. She is getting a bit spoiled I think with her nuts and berries food bowl but shes so cute she deserves all the goodies she wants.

06-07-2019, 07:34 PM
What an adorable, precious spoiled girl. :grin2 I hope she hangs around so you can see your grand babies.

They really are awesome little creatures. :thumbsup

06-09-2019, 05:17 PM
I hope so too! I'm hoping that she has babies at home with us! I'd love to see the newbies when they are all pink and squiggly. She was about 6 or seven weeks when she found us.
Shes outback chewing away on the bark. Not being the smartest of squirrels as she is standing on the side that will fall when she makes it through stick. 309878
This is her on the stick we set up outside the window for her. 309879
And this was her today at nap time. She looks like shes dead when shes all sprawled out. I love her hands at feet. They are just the coolest!309880309881

island rehabber
06-09-2019, 06:11 PM
Beautiful girlie! Yes, you obviously know by now the #1 Mantra for Squirrel Rehabbers: Squirrels Sleep Like the Dead.
We've all lost years of our lives coming in to discover that paws-up, belly-up pose....even worse, some sleep with their eyes open!! :eek

06-15-2019, 05:24 AM
Thanks for the friendly welcome! Your right I have tons of pics! Thank goodness they make phones with so much storage space now and Google has its cloud storage or I'd have no room for more lol. This is Peato right now 309838 she is munching on pistachios with me right now. The pic is a bit grainy because of low lighting.
This is her snuggled up for bed time 309839 she is just the smartest sweetest animal I've ever had the pleasure of knowing!

Awwwe, it's so cute