View Full Version : How bad are Boo balls as main?

05-24-2019, 08:56 AM
Penny is about 5 months old eastern gray (I started a thread that ended up in the non life threatening forum that has a ton of details about her diet and her slowness to squirrel called A pretty little Penny) and is being a total brat about eating out of nowhere. Starting with the day we saw Dr. E. (IIRC 5/14) - which was the only day we varied our routine at all - she has decided HHBs suck, and even her favorite fresh foods (Brussels sprouts, blueberries, sugar snaps and grapes) suck. Of course this was not the cornerstone of her fresh foods but they were her total favorites and we used grapes as treats because for some reason she can’t eat whole nuts even though there’s no medical reason for it.

As of the past several days she will scrape the nut pieces out of her HHBs then throw the rest of it on the ground with great drama, she will eat the peas out of a sugar snap IF I open it and hand them to her, and she still will pick at her wild offerings and will eat flowers if I have them that day but fresh veg and blocks is a total stand-off. She is holding out for her boo balls which I make with FV2050 and HHBs. I follow the ratio of the original recipe of 50g each and vary the nuts and baby food each batch. If I decrease the nuts slightly since she gets no other nuts to speak of and doesn’t seem to care for sugary foods anyways would this be terribly unhealthy? I am very worried about MBD and if I have to tough love her I will but I’m kinda curious if this isn’t healthy enough since she’s lean and not getting other nuts and sugars? How long will it take to win the hunger strike if I have to go that route? Tried soaking them in yogurt, her fave flavored baby food, grinding and mixing in baby food, and she’s just not having it . At this point I’m throwing countless dollars down the drain and I just don’t know what to do? Any ideas? I do store them in the freezer always and we got a fresh order in about a week ago.

05-24-2019, 09:24 AM
The Boo balls you’re making are perfectly acceptable. With the FV and the HHB as a base you are providing the nutrients she needs. That is actually a common problem. They will sit and pick out the nuts like a gold miner in a barren stream. I have had many start refusing the HHB. Let me guess, you are using either the high protein or the adult blocks. I have only had success with the Picky eater block.

Boo balls were created in an attempt to get squirrels to eat rodent block. By adding tasty things like sweets or nuts they are much more likely to accept a nasty rodent block. There are MANY different recipes. Basically, it is a trial and error process to find the magic recipe that your squirrel will eat while still maintaining a healthy base for the diet.

05-24-2019, 11:55 AM
Thanks for letting me know. I figured they were pretty balanced with the formula & Henry's since they're both fortified it had to be at least close to safe as long as it's not too many nuts. I am currently using adult, she hated the last bath of High Protein. We tried the picky eaters too and she didn't care for them at all. Maybe we'll try them again. I may try cooking some greens and putting them in the next batch I make. They smell so yummy with FV I kinda want to try one :blowkiss

05-24-2019, 01:13 PM
I’m not sure when Henry’s will list their hazelnut blocks for sale, but I got to sample a package at The Gathering and they were a BIG hit. You might ask them about them the next time you need to place an order.

05-24-2019, 03:13 PM
Oh thanks for letting me know to be on the lookout for a new flavor, I will keep that in mind. What is The Gathering? I don’t get out much lol If it’s a giant meeting of squirrels then that’s awesome! Sorry if this is a double post I got logged out when replying

05-26-2019, 10:00 PM
Oh thanks for letting me know to be on the lookout for a new flavor, I will keep that in mind. What is The Gathering? I don’t get out much lol If it’s a giant meeting of squirrels then that’s awesome! Sorry if this is a double post I got logged out when replying

The Gathering of nuts is a once a year event where the members from TSB come together for a weekend of fun, food, and sharing ideas. We usually have a couple of speakers on a squirrel related topics and then group discussions as well. It is a lot of fun and maybe you can join us next year.:)

As far as the boo balls go, I actually have a very picky eater myself who refuses to eat anything but boo balls and like HRT said, they should be perfectly fine for your little one as long as they are made with good quality ingredients like you are using.:thumbsup

I also wanted to mention to you that they go through seasonal changes in their eating habits. Neither of my fur babies are eating well right now. They go through this phase every year at the onset of warm weather. It can be worrisome, but I have finally come to realize that it seems to be related to the seasons. I have noticed in the last couple of weeks that the wilds I feed are also eating less so it makes sense. Even with the squirrels that live indoors, I think that their bodies are still triggered with seasonal changes by the length of daylight.

06-07-2019, 12:06 PM
Thanks for the info Lennysmom sorry it took me so long to see this I didn't get an email. Do you decrease the amount of nuts in the BBs for your picky little one? Ironically Penny went back to eating well basically right after I posted this for a few days but now we're back to being exceptionally unhappy with most food offerings. The outside squirrels are indeed also grazing less, which I was going to attribute that to the fact that it is SO HOT they're pretty much hunkered down from 11a-6p so they have less available time to stuff their faces despite the increased daylight.

I called Henry's before placing an order this morning to ask about the hazelnut bites and she said they should be available at the end of the summer in case anyone else was wondering.

06-08-2019, 12:18 AM
Thanks for the info Lennysmom sorry it took me so long to see this I didn't get an email. Do you decrease the amount of nuts in the BBs for your picky little one? Ironically Penny went back to eating well basically right after I posted this for a few days but now we're back to being exceptionally unhappy with most food offerings. The outside squirrels are indeed also grazing less, which I was going to attribute that to the fact that it is SO HOT they're pretty much hunkered down from 11a-6p so they have less available time to stuff their faces despite the increased daylight.

I called Henry's before placing an order this morning to ask about the hazelnut bites and she said they should be available at the end of the summer in case anyone else was wondering.

I make enough boo balls to last her 30 days and I only use about 1/8 cup of nuts in the mix, just enough to give the taste and sometimes I even add a bit of extra calcium carbonate to the mix as well. I have tried several different combinations until I found something she would eat.

Dealing with picky eaters can be frustrating but cutting down or out on treats altogether for awhile is also necessary if they still refuse to eat any kind of block or ball. Hope you are able to find something your little one will eat.:Love_Icon

06-13-2020, 04:02 PM
Hi, which boo ball recipe do you use as a main? Thanks.

06-14-2020, 07:00 AM
I grind Envigo Harlan Teklad 2018 block into a powder. Mix in powdered FV formula and Ultraboost then add assorted baby food fruit and veggie combinations, ground pecans, hazelnuts and almonds and coconut and avocado oil. I keep the nut ratio at about 1/3-1/2 the amount of ground block. I feed these to my wilds so I don’t have to be quite as cautious about their nut intake.

06-14-2020, 09:49 AM
I had a wild adult who was hit by a car but which we managed to rescue, he was on the mend here for a few weeks. Of course, his majesty didn't care for the regular menu of my NRs. But, I finally found something that worked and made both the blocks and veggies appealing to him: a jar of coconut and avocado oil!

I took half a teaspoon of it and put that in with his veggies and blocks and stirred it all... and all of a suddent he liked everything.
Hope it could work for you...

06-14-2020, 11:25 AM
Hi, which boo ball recipe do you use as a main? Thanks.

We follow Mama2boo's recipe which can be found as the first post here /https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?28096-Momma2boo-s-Boo-Ball-Recipe using slightly less nuts. I have tried more fussy recipes but the original ratio works great for us. I have always used almonds as the primary or only nut out of an abundance of caution. I think using if you choose your baby food based on the squirrel's flavor preference that helps. We use apple & blueberry. You really do have to use tough love and make sure their block, whatever form it is in is eaten before anything else.

06-14-2020, 12:20 PM
Thanks, I've never even heard of coconut and avocado in the same oil. I'll look for that. So you just pour coat the veggies and blocks with the oil, basically?

I had a wild adult who was hit by a car but which we managed to rescue, he was on the mend here for a few weeks. Of course, his majesty didn't care for the regular menu of my NRs. But, I finally found something that worked and made both the blocks and veggies appealing to him: a jar of coconut and avocado oil!

I took half a teaspoon of it and put that in with his veggies and blocks and stirred it all... and all of a suddent he liked everything.
Hope it could work for you...

06-14-2020, 12:23 PM
Thanks, mainly for wilds or okay for NR? About how much block, FV and UB? And do you freeze this mixture? Thank you.

I grind Envigo Harlan Teklad 2018 block into a powder. Mix in powdered FV formula and Ultraboost then add assorted baby food fruit and veggie combinations, ground pecans, hazelnuts and almonds and coconut and avocado oil. I keep the nut ratio at about 1/3-1/2 the amount of ground block. I feed these to my wilds so I don’t have to be quite as cautious about their nut intake.

06-14-2020, 01:11 PM
The coconut and avocado are two separate oils. I use about 6 cups of ground block and add about 2 cups of ground nuts and about a half cup of FV 20/50 and a fourth cup of Ultraboost. Then I add about 6 containers of baby food and just pour a little oil on till it will hold together but not be too sticky. Add more baby food if it’s not wet enough. I make up a huge bowl of this and roll it into balls and place the balls into a container. When it’s empty I roll more. No I don’t freeze it.

06-14-2020, 04:24 PM
The coconut and avocado are two separate oils. ....

I actually found a brand (in a jar) that is a combo of both. The brand is Irresistibles - IGA house brand.

Thanks, I've never even heard of coconut and avocado in the same oil. I'll look for that. So you just pour coat the veggies and blocks with the oil, basically?

Yup. I just put a 1/2 tsp of the oil in the veggie bowl and toss everything around like a salad :)

06-14-2020, 09:43 PM
Hi Mel,
Since UltraBoost is typically for weight gain, should I still use it if weight is not an issue (at least not right now)? I have Henry's vitamin and protein mix if that's an okay sub.

The coconut and avocado are two separate oils. I use about 6 cups of ground block and add about 2 cups of ground nuts and about a half cup of FV 20/50 and a fourth cup of Ultraboost. Then I add about 6 containers of baby food and just pour a little oil on till it will hold together but not be too sticky. Add more baby food if it’s not wet enough. I make up a huge bowl of this and roll it into balls and place the balls into a container. When it’s empty I roll more. No I don’t freeze it.

06-14-2020, 09:44 PM
I found a few brands online today. If I can't find at WF, I'll order. Thanks.

I actually found a brand (in a jar) that is a combo of both. The brand is Irresistibles - IGA house brand.

Yup. I just put a 1/2 tsp of the oil in the veggie bowl and toss everything around like a salad :)