View Full Version : BC squirrely momma of a baby flying squirrel girl<3

05-23-2019, 01:55 AM
My baby girl is roughly 4-5 weeks old, eyes not open yet but any day should be=) We cut a tree down not k oeing there was a best in it. The mom was in the best w 4 pink babies only a couple days old. She didnt come back for them and 3 of the babies died the first couple days I was trying to save them=/ A couple were injured from the fall and one wouldn't take formula but the littlest one, the runt, is a little fighter=) I named her Ruby, lil Rue, Bug or Bugaboo=) we spent a few sleepless nights together both of us unwilling to give up and she has pulled through some sticky situations and I love her with my entire heart<3 I have never met an animal like her- what a personality in such a small little body! I joined the squirrel board because you guys helped me save this little girls life and I have learned a few tricks of my own I want to share to help any other new squirrely moms/dads=) Anyways have a great night and thank you all!

island rehabber
05-23-2019, 07:54 AM
Squirrelly Momma this is a great post. We are so happy that TSB helped you with your little flyer and now you are paying it forward to others. :grouphug Aren't flyers amazing little beings?

05-23-2019, 08:53 AM
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

They are amazing aren’t they! :grin2 We would love to see pics of Rue.