08-21-2007, 02:05 PM
ok so Garth has changed so much in the last week. he is about 8 1/2 weeks and my questions are
1. He made a high screech in the mornings and in afternoon he did it on and off. This was only for a couple of days whats that what they call a bark?
2.Garth only likes about 9cc.s in the morning and thats it. He has started to wean his self. He now drinks water out of a bowl and eats peanuts, kale, broccli, and banana chips all day long. I am going to introduce more foods but how do I know if he is eating enough food?
I here are some pics of Garth now.
Thanks alot
1. He made a high screech in the mornings and in afternoon he did it on and off. This was only for a couple of days whats that what they call a bark?
2.Garth only likes about 9cc.s in the morning and thats it. He has started to wean his self. He now drinks water out of a bowl and eats peanuts, kale, broccli, and banana chips all day long. I am going to introduce more foods but how do I know if he is eating enough food?
I here are some pics of Garth now.
Thanks alot