View Full Version : Im new and i need some help

08-21-2007, 03:00 AM
I found a baby chippy today and he dose not seem to be injured but i just wanna make shure I'm doing everything i can to help him. When i first got him i wrapped him in a warm blanket and put him in a box. Then went out to get some pedialyte and gave him some but he didn't really take to it. I came back 3 1/2 hours later and he had a lot. I fed him from an eye dropper. He'll sometimes snese and but it has stopped since i fed him.I don't think hes gone to the bathroom yet and I'm wondering what to do. Iv read that they needed to be stimulated depending on the age. I'm planing on going out and getting some fromula and was wondering what kind would be best. Im not really sure how old he is and was wondering if anyone could tell me.I put a pic of what he looks like below.I could really use some advice on what to do. Ive also put some guinea pig food in the box along with a dish of water. I could really use some advice on what to do next.


08-21-2007, 04:26 AM
:Welcome to the squirrelboard. Your little tyke is very cute! He is at least 4-5 weeks old because his eyes are open. He looks more like 8-9 weeks to me. He sure is a cutie! You should add some fruits and veggies in with your little tyke. He should get pieces that are either so small he can't choke or big enough that he can't get them into his mouth to choke on them. I always go with the big pieces. Then he can pick it up and take little bites off of it. He should get leafy greens for sure because they are high in calcium. Kale and endive are the best choices. Good luck with the little guy. Oh, and the kind of formula that a baby squirrel should get is Esbilac. Start off with 4:1 milk (4 parts water to 1 part powder) and gradually work your way up to 2:1 milk (2 parts water to 1 part powder) over 24-48 hours.

08-21-2007, 09:29 AM
He looks like a nice size if he does take formula it may not be for long.
His diet should consist of 80-90% rodent or monkey chow.
You can get that from here:
20% gerbil diet, mushrooms, friutis and nuts and as many natural foods as possible.
Sterilized marrowbones or antlers.
Provide pvc pipes to crawl through, hollow logs, twigs and branches. You may want to start thinking about building an outdoor cage (or maybe you have one) Good luck she is beautiful. I dont think you will need to keep her very long.

08-21-2007, 10:55 AM
thank you very much for all your help :thankyou :multi :thankyou

im still a little worried tho because he still seams to be sneazing very often

i put a heating pad under the box on low and some fruit in there with him but im worried because hes not moving around. is this normal? or should i be concerned about this?

08-21-2007, 10:59 AM
Do you have blankets in with him that may be triggering the sneezing?
Or any air fresheners around? Their little noses are very sensitive.
Can you hear any clicking coming from his chest or any difficulty breathing?
Does he have a place to get into that he is sheltered like a hiding place a little cardboard box even with a circle cut in that he can hide totally covered if he wants to?

08-21-2007, 11:21 AM
What a cute little fella :)

It looks to be 6-8 weeks old, and should be taking in solid food (leafy greens and other calcium-rich foods as he is still growing), although Esbilac may help it get a "jump start". At this age the mother will have taught it to forage and may have recently kicked it out of her burrows. It is definately sick if it isn't running all over the place and bouncing off the walls. The slowness and sneezing could be pneumonia, and I strongly suggest a visit to a vet.

08-21-2007, 11:33 AM
A vet would be a great solution, but wildlife vets are hard to come by ilikecheese is there any vets around you who would treat your baby?
A rehabber may also be a solution to check him over and medicate if need be?

08-21-2007, 11:39 AM
got him eating solid food and im currently looking for a vet
i took him out of the towl and he seems to be doing better but ill take him to the vet ASAP just to be shure

once again thank you very much for the help :thankyou

08-21-2007, 11:40 AM
Oh one question, has it called out at all? As in a chirp, peep or chuck? If so, does it sound raspy? If it doess (or if it hasn't vocalized at all) then that is another indication of trouble in the lungs.

08-21-2007, 11:42 AM
Here are some in Il.

08-21-2007, 11:49 AM
yes he has made some chirps. they didnt sound raspy

the link really helped i found and i found a vet and will be takeing him in later today

08-21-2007, 12:21 PM
Also i was wondering if there was anything i could do in the meantime to make him more comfortable?