View Full Version : 6 week old squirrel not taking formula

04-25-2019, 02:22 PM
This 6 week old grey squirrel started out with pneumonia and has been symptom free for a week, now. Stools are normal and she is reasonably active. Having to almost force feed her and only eating about 5 cc's per feeding, 4 times a day. She weighs 110 grams and was 62 grams 10 days ago. Should I be concerned?

04-25-2019, 02:58 PM
What are you feeding? Has she every eaten enthusiastically? She has gained 48 g in 10 days and she is eating at 5%. The main thing that concerns me is that she is not gobbling her food down at this age. What did you use to treat AP?

04-25-2019, 05:09 PM
She was treated with Clavamox and has never eaten, enthusiastically. She has access to rodent block, sunflower seeds and avocado plus some fruits and vegetables. Don’t see her eating much. She is with three 8 week old squirrels and cries out if I separate her from them.

04-25-2019, 09:23 PM
Six weeks old she should still only be on formula with rodent block to experiment teeth on. Cut out everything except for formula, especially sunflower seeds or nuts of any kind. Introduce good veggies only after she is eating rodent block well or you will have a very picky eater. She looks good!

What formula is she on?

04-26-2019, 12:13 PM
That makes a lot of sense. She is on KMR with probiotic and heavy cream. Thanks a ton.

04-26-2019, 01:30 PM
You need to switch formula. The KMR for kittens is too high in protein for baby squirrels. Cats are carnivores and need the high protein. You should switch to powdered puppy Esbilac with probiotics and prebiotics. We have had excellent results with it. I have a 10 week old myself that is thriving and just loves it. Don’t buy the liquid puppy Esbilac in the can. It is not the same as the powdered formula.

She is cute as a button. :)