View Full Version : Nutrition and chewing

04-21-2019, 02:10 AM
I a have a 9 week or so old that keeps chewing on the syringe tip. Any suggestions to help with this until she's weaned? Also I give her Henry's healthy blocks and murid blocks but she definitely prefers Henry's, they seem nuttier is that ok? She's doesn't like her broccoli, cauliflower much at all but it's eating zucchini any suggestions on veggies? Also any suggestions to help her drink from a water bottle? It's not working she just flips her head and runs from it. Maybe I don't have a good water bottle. I also have Henry's hazelnut treats and high protein one's but not sure if I should offer them yet?? Thank you for any help.

04-21-2019, 09:21 AM
I never found much to distract them from chewing on the syringe tip. Formula can be offered in a bowl if the chewing becomes too problematic.

Any of the Henry’s blocks are fine. No more than 2-3 per day. There is a healthy food pyramid in the Squirrel Nutrition section that has a list of recommended veggies. Kale, radicchio, chicory and arugula are good ones to try.

As for the water bottle. Most squees get the hang of it. Even my outdoor wilds drink from a water bottle. You can provide a shallow dish of water to be on the safe side until he gets the hang of the bottle.

The treats are just that.....treats. Occasionally offered is fine. You want your guy to eat block really well before offering veggies and treats, though. At this age I never offer nuts, though.

04-21-2019, 02:09 PM
Ok so last night and today she appears to be more interested in running around than drinking her formula. Seems uninterested in her blocks and I even put her milk on one. She weighs 200 grams now and only got 7mls last night and finally after hours got 8mls this morning. She has fresh blocks in her cage, I'm just worried of her trying to wean herself to early and not getting enough calcium. Maybe I'm over thinking it but....

04-21-2019, 08:59 PM
9 weeks is a little young to wean, but all you can do is continue to try to give the formula by syringe and also provide a shallow bowl of it in the cage. You could try adding a dollop of full fat vanilla yogurt to the formula. It should make it taste yummier. You can also put the yogurt in a shallow dish and let him lap it up. I will warn you, squirrels are pretty messy when they eat yogurt. :eek