04-19-2019, 11:48 PM
I found a very young baby squirrel Monday afternoon, by itself in the mud by the road. It was cold, but with a little help he was up and crawling in no time. He’s been doing good, but for the past couple days his stool is very runny and LIGHT YELLOW. His stomach was slightly bloated, and on his right side there was a large yellow patch, I’m guessing his stomach was inflamed or something of the sort. We’ve been feeding him:
- puppy milk (1 syringe full)
- salt/sugar solution (1-1.5 syringe full)
Every 2-3 hours. We are guessing that he is about two weeks old. He is usually hungry, trying to suckle on a finder or side of my hand, but I’m concerned that feeding him too much won’t help his very runny stool. I’m switching to goat milk tomorrow as soon as stores open. PLEASE HELP. I need to know:
- possible cause of bloating/runny stool (light yellow)
- how much roughly I should be feeding him and what time
- how much water should he drink and how much milk
- how can I stop him from being bloated?? I’ve been cutting down on his milk intake...
he’s very active and looking for food but I’m scared it’ll only hurt him.
Please respond when you can, I’m not sure how serious this is but I’m going to prepare for the worst...
04-20-2019, 12:33 AM
Also, we’ve done a few rounds of JUST water/salt/sugar solution and still no change.... his belly is slightly rounded but not large, and it’s not hard.
I think it may be overfeeding. Waiting to goat milk mixture tomorrow. Also, is 1-1.5cc every 3h good? Is that an okay amount???
04-20-2019, 12:51 AM
I found a very young baby squirrel Monday afternoon, by itself in the mud by the road. It was cold, but with a little help he was up and crawling in no time. He’s been doing good, but for the past couple days his stool is very runny and LIGHT YELLOW. His stomach was slightly bloated, and on his right side there was a large yellow patch, I’m guessing his stomach was inflamed or something of the sort. We’ve been feeding him:
- puppy milk (1 syringe full)
- salt/sugar solution (1-1.5 syringe full)
Every 2-3 hours. We are guessing that he is about two weeks old. He is usually hungry, trying to suckle on a finder or side of my hand, but I’m concerned that feeding him too much won’t help his very runny stool. I’m switching to goat milk tomorrow as soon as stores open. PLEASE HELP. I need to know:
- possible cause of bloating/runny stool (light yellow)
- how much roughly I should be feeding him and what time
- how much water should he drink and how much milk
- how can I stop him from being bloated?? I’ve been cutting down on his milk intake...
he’s very active and looking for food but I’m scared it’ll only hurt him.
Please respond when you can, I’m not sure how serious this is but I’m going to prepare for the worst...
What is the "puppy milk" you are feeding? What brand, liquid or powder?
Babies are fed by 5-7% of body weight, having a scale to weigh in grams is essential.
Overfeeding and /or improper formula are the number one causes of diarrhea, changing
formulas won't accomplish anything.
Can you post a picture for a better assessment on age, condition, etc.
04-20-2019, 10:27 AM
The one where you can see his belly (the bottom one, I think) you can see the large yellow spot on his right side.
We’ve been feeding him routinely every 3 hours
And we guess he’s about 2 weeks? Around there
I feed him usually 1-1.5cc and he’s always VERY hungry. Should I be giving him more? Although I don’t want to overfeed....
04-20-2019, 10:53 AM
I woke up to find his belly like this... am I Over feeding? I feel like I’ve been feeding him so little, and he’s always wandering around and looking for more food!!!
04-20-2019, 11:09 AM
What is the "puppy milk" you are feeding? What brand, liquid or powder?
Babies are fed by 5-7% of body weight, having a scale to weigh in grams is essential.
Overfeeding and /or improper formula are the number one causes of diarrhea, changing
formulas won't accomplish anything.
Can you post a picture for a better assessment on age, condition, etc.
Knowing exactly what you are feeding and the weight of baby to know how
much you should be feeding is the first step for us to know how to help you.
As stated, Babies are fed by 5-7% of body weight.
04-20-2019, 12:07 PM
We are feeding him Esbilac Puppy milk replacer and a water/salt/sugar solution, and the squirrel is around 50g
04-20-2019, 01:00 PM
I woke up to find his belly like this... am I Over feeding? I feel like I’ve been feeding him so little, and he’s always wandering around and looking for more food!!!
This doesn’t look like bloat to me. When a baby squirrel is bloated, the whole belly is round and very hard. For bloat just soak the baby is some warm water and give a drop or two of baby gas x. Then stimulate to make it use the bathroom. Like I said though, this doesn’t look like bloat.
04-20-2019, 01:26 PM
Also, we’ve done a few rounds of JUST water/salt/sugar solution and still no change.... his belly is slightly rounded but not large, and it’s not hard.
I think it may be overfeeding. Waiting to goat milk mixture tomorrow. Also, is 1-1.5cc every 3h good? Is that an okay amount???
Esbilac Puppy Replacer Milk with Probiotics is the way to go. It is a powder. There is a white pup on the front.
Is he hydrated okay? Pull the skin up on the back of the neck. If he is hydrated well, the skin will go back in place fast. I know you said you are giving him some kind of hydrating solution. I’ve always given mine plain Pedialyte, so I’m not familiar with the one you are doing.
I found this online. It’s a good guide for reintroducing formula. I always started introducing the formula a little at a time.
Feeding #1
Put the tip of the syringe in the jar of formula and pull into it 1/2 cc of the formula. Take the syringe to the sink and add 2 and 1/2 cc's of plain water. Give the baby all it wants.
Feeding #2
Into the syringe put 1 cc of the formula - add 2 cc's of plain water.
Feeding #3
1 and 1/2 cc's of the formula - add 1 and 1/2 cc's of plain water.
Feeding #4
2 cc's of the formula - add 1 cc of plain water.
Feeding #5
2 and 1/2 cc's of the formula - add 1/2 cc of plain water.
Feeding #6
You have reached full strength formula which you will continue to feed.
I know this isn’t answering your question about his stomach on his left side. I wish I could help you there, but someone with a more professional opinion will have to help you with that. Taking him to a vet may be your best option just to get him checked out, especially because you found him where you did.
04-20-2019, 01:47 PM
If your little one is 50 grams, he should be eating between 2.5 and 3.5 ml/cc about every 3 hours (that is feeding between 5 to 7 percent of body weight).
Don’t skip night feedings either. Some people say it’s okay, but in my opinion it’s not. He will be starving to death and will want to overeat.
04-20-2019, 03:44 PM
Okay, but what is causing the runny stool? Is the formula??
04-20-2019, 05:55 PM
Okay, but what is causing the runny stool? Is the formula??
Is the Esbilac liquid or powder? Does it look like picture below?
04-20-2019, 06:59 PM
It’s canned, but we just got a powdered puppy milk replacer, brad is Petlac and it says “contains FOS and live naturally occurring microorganisms”
04-20-2019, 07:02 PM
We’re using water with salt and sugar currently, but will be switching to pedyalite once stores open. Just bought powdered puppy milk and will be using those guidelines. Thank you
04-20-2019, 07:10 PM
It’s canned, but we just got a powdered puppy milk replacer, brad is Petlac and it says “contains FOS and live naturally occurring microorganisms”
The canned (liquid) formulas are never recommended and is the reason these babies have had a problem.
Again wrong formula, not the correct nutrition for a squirrel. If it's not the powered Esbilac pictured
with the pre and probiotics it's not going to be any better then the canned.
04-20-2019, 10:25 PM
It has the exact same ingredients, we checked. Just a smaller box
04-20-2019, 11:18 PM
It has to be POWDERED Esbilac puppy formula. No other formula that you can buy in the store will do. You can’t substitute another formula even if it’s made by the same company and the ingredients are the same. The proportional amounts of the ingredients can be different.
Get the correct powdered Esbilac formula and transition your little one over to the correct formula. The diarrhea is a direct result of feeding the incorrect formula.
04-21-2019, 03:07 PM
Changed formula and he hasn’t pooped for the last 3 feedings... is his digestive system just reversing the effects of the last formula, or am I doing something wrong?
04-21-2019, 08:16 PM
You have POWDERED PUPPY ESBILAC, right? If so, continue to feed the correct formula on schedule, every 2-3hrs. Offer slightly sweetened water IN BETWEEN feedings to help hydrate after the diarrhea. It may take a couple of days for enough food to build back up in his digestive track to produce stool. Make sure you’re stimulating before and after feedings. Sometimes they will concentrate on eating better if they have been pottied first.
04-21-2019, 08:28 PM
So, after a lot of time, effort and money, I’m very glad to announce that Stewart is back to normal, eating well and his stool is a gold-yellow and solid.
04-21-2019, 08:54 PM
:great :great:great Great job!
One of the hardest things for us advisors on this forum to do, is get new folks to understand that the correct formula (or diet) is critical to the health and well being of a baby squirrel. There are, collectively, decades of experience on raising squirrels on this board. We know what works and what doesn’t. Many folks see the price of a can of powdered puppy Esbilac formula (which is extraordinarily high in pet stores) and think that another brand or a small can of liquid will be the same. Unfortunately, it’s not. The substitutions always result in loose stool, which can be life threatening if not turned around.
It sounds like you have your little one back on track. Don’t deviate from what you’re doing. When your little one opens his eyes around 5 weeks, some of the folks on here feed a 50/50 mix of Esbilac and Fox Valley 20/50 formula. The Fox Valley must be purchased online and it has a higher fat content that helps add weight when their older. If you decide to do this on down the road, folks on her can advise you on how to transition to the new formula so your little one doesn’t have any GI issues. :grin2
04-25-2019, 02:31 AM
So, after a lot of time, effort and money, I’m very glad to announce that Stewart is back to normal, eating well and his stool is a gold-yellow and solid.
So glad to hear this. Another member mentioned that some people start mixing in Fox Valley at 5 weeks, but my opinion is to keep him on the Esbalic puppy replacer. It’s just not worth the hassle. I raised many greys and they have all turned out to be beautiful and healthy. When they start setting up and wanting to eat a little, I start giving mine nut squares from xxxxxxxxxx. Some people like other kinds of rodent blocks, but the ones from xxxxxxx is the kind I prefer and my squirrels prefer. My new little flyer loves them. She is 6 weeks. I just started her on them a few days ago. I just mix a tiny bit of applesauce into the mix, roll it in a ball, and it’s done. She culls the picky blocks from Henry’s. My other opinion is to keep him on formula for as long as he will take it, even if it’s a syringe full a day along with his meals. If squirrels don’t get enough calcium they will get Metabolic Bone Disease (rickets).
island rehabber
04-25-2019, 08:25 AM
So glad to hear this. Another member mentioned that some people start mixing in Fox Valley at 5 weeks, but my opinion is to keep him on the Esbalic puppy replacer. It’s just not worth the hassle. I raised many greys and they have all turned out to be beautiful and healthy. When they start setting up and wanting to eat a little, I start giving mine nut squares from xxxxxxxxx. Some people like other kinds of rodent blocks, but the ones fromxxxxxxx is the kind I prefer and my squirrels prefer. My new little flyer loves them. She is 6 weeks. I just started her on them a few days ago. I just mix a tiny bit of applesauce into the mix, roll it in a ball, and it’s done. She culls the picky blocks from Henry’s. My other opinion is to keep him on formula for as long as he will take it, even if it’s a syringe full a day along with his meals. If squirrels don’t get enough calcium they will get Metabolic Bone Disease (rickets).
Chippergray, most of your post is fine but I regret that I must edit parts of it.
Any member here is free to feed what they want; America is still a free country although freedom is going fast, IMHO.
What I cannot do is allow you to mention a forum that will not respect nor refer to The Squirrel Board except in negative terms -- this has been so for years. The owner of that forum, who fancies himself an expert in squirrel nutrition, has recommended some of the worst and most dangerous "practices" for feeding squirrels -- practices which sicken and kill them. I have attempted several times to argue my point of view on nutrition and he has shut me down, deleted me, then slandered me on his board in a way that if this were not the internet I could SUE him. :shakehead
Sorry you were caught in the middle of this, but that guy can take his scalded milk and pour it over his damn head.
Carry on, kids! :grin3
04-29-2019, 07:49 AM
Chippergray, most of your post is fine but I regret that I must edit parts of it.
Any member here is free to feed what they want; America is still a free country although freedom is going fast, IMHO.
What I cannot do is allow you to mention a forum that will not respect nor refer to The Squirrel Board except in negative terms -- this has been so for years. The owner of that forum, who fancies himself an expert in squirrel nutrition, has recommended some of the worst and most dangerous "practices" for feeding squirrels -- practices which sicken and kill them. I have attempted several times to argue my point of view on nutrition and he has shut me down, deleted me, then slandered me on his board in a way that if this were not the internet I could SUE him. :shakehead
Sorry you were caught in the middle of this, but that guy can take his scalded milk and pour it over his damn head.
Carry on, kids! :grin3
I certainly do not condone any cyber libel. I did not know anything about the said information above. I, myself, do not agreed with using the formula he uses. I do like the nut square mix, however. Sorry if I ruffled any feathers. That certainly was not my intent. I was just trying to help out a fellow caregiver. :peace1
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