View Full Version : WV HELP NEEDED!

04-16-2019, 09:23 PM
Hello!! My husband and I recently saved a baby squirrel from our neighbors dog. From my husbands research we are estimating him to be between 6-8 weeks old. He has been prettt active in the week that we have had him. The other night (Sunday night) he wasn’t acting right nor breathing right. Didn’t notice it at first, but when we went to check on him I noticed his breathing. Turned out he had a slice of apple stuck in his throat. We got it out and seemed to be slowly recovering until this afternoon/evening. He is very sluggish and lethargic. If I put the water to his mouth he does drink but once I stop he goes back to dropping his head, laying with his eyes open, weak, etc. I think he might have pneumonia. I can’t get antibiotics now because of the time, any other suggestions?! Please help!

04-17-2019, 08:00 AM
Is the baby on formula? Ask friends and family for antibiotics. A single pill is enough. We can dose it for you. The best antibiotics for this are Ciprofloxacin, Baytril (veterinary antibiotic), Clavamox, doxycycline, SMZ-TMP) Let us know what you can find. We want to help.

04-17-2019, 10:49 AM
What part of wv are you in?

04-17-2019, 11:10 AM
Is the baby on formula? Ask friends and family for antibiotics. A single pill is enough. We can dose it for you. The best antibiotics for this are Ciprofloxacin, Baytril (veterinary antibiotic), Clavamox, doxycycline, SMZ-TMP) Let us know what you can find. We want to help.

No, he hadn’t been on formula since we rescued him from the dog. On other sites he estimated him to be about 7 weeks that he would be on solid food. This is all new to us as for taking care of a squirrel. I am so happy that I found this site last night. As I read several other threads I realized that he needed formula so my husband got some this morning. I am ordering the Fox Valley today and should have it tomorrow.

Any other suggestions or advice would be wonderful!! Thank you in advance!

04-17-2019, 11:12 AM
What part of wv are you in?

Charleston. We called around to vets this morning and found out it is actually illegal to have a squirrel as a pet unless it’s a flying squirrel so none was able to help us. But we did get some puppy formula this morning and I’m ordering FV today. We actually think that might be the issues instead of pneumonia. Would it be harmful to still give an antibiotic? Was thinking maybe just to be on the safe side as well. Thoughts??

04-17-2019, 11:15 AM
Is the baby on formula? Ask friends and family for antibiotics. A single pill is enough. We can dose it for you. The best antibiotics for this are Ciprofloxacin, Baytril (veterinary antibiotic), Clavamox, doxycycline, SMZ-TMP) Let us know what you can find. We want to help.

Which FV should I order? 20/50 or 32/40??

04-17-2019, 11:23 AM
Which FV should I order? 20/50 or 32/40??


04-17-2019, 09:44 PM
Your baby definitely needs to be on formula. If you already purchased the powdered puppy Esbilac with probiotics and prebiotics I would start that ASAP. It is unlikely that a growing baby squirrel would get enough nutrition from solid foods at 6-8 weeks.

If there is ANY question about this being pneumonia the antibiotic should be given. The issue is that if the baby was not on formula aspiration pneumonia is unlikely unless he inhaled a piece of the apple.

Let me get a link for baby squirrel care.

Edit: https://www.henryspets.com/1-basic-setup/

04-22-2019, 07:45 PM
Okay, back to needing help. We started him on the fox valley Saturday and before that he had the Esbilac. He is not eating very much at all feedings, don’t seem to have very much energy, kind of sluggish. I am back to searching for antibiotics to see if that helps because sometimes he does have the clicking noise. Me and my husband are at a loss because we don’t know what to do and don’t know anything about squirrels. Seems all he wants to do is crawl up on our shoulders or area that’s covered and sleep. Little bit ago I noticed when he pooped that it was more of a grayish color than the dark color it was before. Any advice or videos would be WONDERUL and MUCH APPRECIATED. Like feedings, or what to expect at different stages, anything. Going to try and post picture of him.309249309250309249309250 Thank you in advance!!

04-22-2019, 08:35 PM
Personally I would definitely look for ab's! He does look unwell and when Ap is a possibility wait
can be a life threatening risk.
His fur also appears very spiky which suggests dehydration, a dehydrated baby will lose appetite
and are not able to process properly what they do eat.
Give him hydration for a couple feedings then feed him his formula giving hydration in between his
normal formula feedings.

Do you have a weight on this baby now to know how much you are feeding?
How often are you feeding?

04-22-2019, 09:52 PM
Is the baby on formula? Ask friends and family for antibiotics. A single pill is enough. We can dose it for you. The best antibiotics for this are Ciprofloxacin, Baytril (veterinary antibiotic), Clavamox, doxycycline, SMZ-TMP) Let us know what you can find. We want to help.

Okay, finally found some Cipro 500mg how do I give?

04-22-2019, 10:00 PM
Personally I would definitely look for ab's! He does look unwell and when Ap is a possibility wait
can be a life threatening risk.
His fur also appears very spiky which suggests dehydration, a dehydrated baby will lose appetite
and are not able to process properly what they do eat.
Give him hydration for a couple feedings then feed him his formula giving hydration in between his
normal formula feedings.

Do you have a weight on this baby now to know how much you are feeding?
How often are you feeding?

My friend just dropped off some Cipro 500mg. Only thing that I have been able to get. How and how much do I give?

Current weight is a little over 3oz. Wouldn’t be completely still and was move from 3.6-3.10. Feeding is about every 4hours and try to get close to 6ml. Attaching picture from tonight. Pictures earlier were from Friday. Sorry.309251309252

04-22-2019, 11:07 PM
He still looks like he doesn't feel well but not so spiky now and that's good.
Give me a few to work the dose up and I'll get back to you...

Dosing sent to your private messages...

04-22-2019, 11:39 PM
Okay, back to needing help. We started him on the fox valley Saturday and before that he had the Esbilac. He is not eating very much at all feedings, don’t seem to have very much energy, kind of sluggish. I am back to searching for antibiotics to see if that helps because sometimes he does have the clicking noise. Me and my husband are at a loss because we don’t know what to do and don’t know anything about squirrels. Seems all he wants to do is crawl up on our shoulders or area that’s covered and sleep. Little bit ago I noticed when he pooped that it was more of a grayish color than the dark color it was before. Any advice or videos would be WONDERUL and MUCH APPRECIATED. Like feedings, or what to expect at different stages, anything. Going to try and post picture of him.309249309250309249309250 Thank you in advance!!

Which Fox Valley formula are you feeding? Try giving him some warm water sweetened with a little honey or sugar just to give it a little taste. Offer the water BETWEEN feedings, not in place of a feeding, he needs the nutrition. A little full fat yogurt added to his formula might make it taste a little better. The probiotics in the yogurt will also be good for him while he’s on an antibiotic. As Step said, a dehydrated squirrel won’t want to eat and won’t be able to process what he does eat.

I hope the Ciproflaxin makes him feel better soon. Poor little guy. :sadness