View Full Version : Healthy sources to add to the diet

Diggie's Friend
04-05-2019, 09:43 AM
The Benefits of Healthy Seed Oils in the Diet

Having posted prior on the health benefits of Styrian pumpkin seed oil, I don't recall ever posting a link to the studies which found this oil to have significant health benefits in rats. This article quotes various studies with research study references, and also includes a bibliography of the studies this article is based upon.



Pumpkin seeds modulate several cardiovascular disease risk factors. In a recent study published in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, researchers found that rats induced with atherosclerosis and supplemented with pumpkin seeds for 37 days experienced not only significant increases in protective HDL cholesterol but also a 47% decrease in total cholesterol and a 78% reduction in LDL cholesterol (Abuelgassim & Al-Showayman, 2011). The study was designed to check the effect of pumpkin seed supplementation on the concentrations of cholesterol against the effect of L-arginine supplementation. Findings suggest that pumpkin seeds supplementation has a protective effect against atherogenic rats and this protective effect was not attributed to the high arginine concentrations in pumpkin seeds. This has been associated to the high phytosterol content in pumpkin seeds, having the third highest phytosterol content among nuts and seeds commonly consumed as snacks.

Pumpkin seed oil has also shown powerful antioxidant properties that might ease inflammation associated with arthritic symptoms.

In a study published in the journal Pharmacology Research, rats induced with arthritis showed significant increased levels of inflammation that were reduced when administered pumpkin seed oil; results that compared favorably to when the rats received the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin. Furthermore, the indomethacin-supplemented rats experienced increased levels of liver lipid peroxidation, an indicator of liver injury, whereas the pumpkin seed oil group experienced no side effects (Gamonski, 2012).

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of magnesium, phosphorous, and zinc, all overlooked minerals in optimizing bone health and preventing osteoporosis. They are also abundant in tryptophan, an amino acid which might help alleviate anxiety.


Be aware that they are one this is also high in fat as walnuts and pecans are, so limit the number of seeds on that account you feed during the week. By measuring the oils by this means, you can strategically add an individual drop on foods that your squirrel may be picky about eating (leafy greens, rodent block, plain organic yogurt), as this oil lends a nutty flavor and aroma that may make these foods more appealing to your squirrel.

For PS oil daily, add a total of (0.1 ml) (3 drops from a non-needle ml syringe), approx. (1/64 Tsp.).

In addition to including organic PS oil, that is a high source of Omega 6 fatty acid, add 'food grade' Chia oil that is a high source of Omega 3 fatty acid, as this supports the balance of these two high Omegas in the diet. For (food grade) chia oil, add a total of (0.2 ml), (6 drops) approx. (1/32 Tsp.), twice the daily supplemental amount of the PS oil.

(see 4 oz. purchase option on product page): https://www.amazon.com/Foods-Alive-Artisan-Cold-Pressed-Organic/dp/B007788AZA?th=1[url]