View Full Version : Injured pelvis/spine Juvenile male

04-03-2019, 12:58 AM
Hello. Just found this site searching online and I'm really hoping for some help. We have what seems to be a small family of fox squirrels in our backyard here in Happy Valley, Oregon. The other day, one was sitting almost motionless on a fence cross board, which seemed a bit odd. After a couple of hours, we went out and approached him and he barely registered. It got later and, with cold and darkness approaching, we were able to get him into a small basket lined with a felt blanket and brought him in for the night. The next morning, we put him back beneath the tree, figuring his mother and/or siblings would be looking for him (although we're beginning to wonder if the mother is still around). Later that day, I checked the basket and he had departed. I looked around in the tree, on the ground, and everywhere I could see, but he was gone. Good news, I thought. Half an hour later, my wife was yelling frantically that one of our dogs had the squirrel in its mouth and was shaking it. We ran out and got the squirrel out of his mouth where it fell in complete shock. We immediately brought it inside and did what we could to decrease the shock and injury. Miraculously, it did not die; however, it appears the pelvis and possibly the spine were injured (crushed?) by the dog. We did not expect him to survive the night, but somehow he did. We've been gently caring for him, giving him water with a dropper and keeping him in a warm, dark place. He is receptive to touch and quite resilient given what has happened to him.

Fast forward to tonight. Still no movement from the back legs and tail but movement in both front legs and the front of the torso. He had quite an appetite tonight: walnut paste and water. He ate for almost a half an hour! Question: are we doing the right and humane thing? I personally feel very guilty and torn up about this since I'm the one who mistakenly thought he had left the yard. I don't want to prolong suffering, but I also want to value the life and courage of this animal. Is his paralysis permanent? What can we do--or not do--at this juncture? Sorry to sound so naive but this is all very new to us and we want to do the right thing. Please, any advice, suggestions or support would be greatly appreciated. My heart hurts for this little guy.

04-03-2019, 01:34 AM
There is an excellent rehab facility not far from you that I would say is his very best chance. If anyone can help this little one, it will be them... It will all depend on how severe the damage and if treatable, how quickly treatment is started. PLEASE contact them, it is his very best chance.


Diggie's Friend
04-03-2019, 02:05 PM
Sending this info in support of addressing pain and nerve healing.


Also post #2