View Full Version : Almost dead baby on way
Snicker Bar
03-24-2019, 01:40 PM
A kid is bringing one over; it’s had no nourishment since found yesterday , and barely breathing. Sibling died already. He said it had “bugs” on it and washed with Dawn.
All I know is it the remaining baby has hair and eyes still closed. I will scroll through all the threads when I get it weighed and warm... Just asking in meantime, for quick review; I get it warm, and then rehydrate with no formula for how long (it’s had no calories for at least 24+ hours )?
I don’t have pedialyte on hand but I can send for some now. Or, I can use the recipe IR has that I saw on Emergency Baby thread; which is best?
Thank you; getting bucket and heat pad ready ,
Snicker Bar
03-24-2019, 02:01 PM
A kid is bringing one over; it’s had no nourishment since found yesterday , and barely breathing. Sibling died already. He said it had “bugs” on it and washed with Dawn.
All I know is it the remaining baby has hair and eyes still closed. I will scroll through all the threads when I get it weighed and warm... Just asking in meantime, for quick review; I get it warm, and then rehydrate with no formula for how long (it’s had no calories for at least 24+ hours )?
I don’t have pedialyte on hand but I can send for some now. Or, I can use the recipe IR has that I saw on Emergency Baby thread; which is best?
Thank you; getting bucket and heat pad ready ,
Just got (him); weighs 100 g , getting him warm and eyes are open,
Stone cold :(
03-24-2019, 02:17 PM
Make sure he is thoroughly warm... do not warm too quickly.
The hydration formula from IR is fine.
If he is not hydrated he will not process the formula. Long shot but do you have any Day One Diastat?
03-24-2019, 02:21 PM
Warm him up before feeding any formula. As he is warming, start to give a little of the warm DIY pedialyte.
Snicker Bar
03-24-2019, 02:32 PM
No Diastat;
I only have Esbilac and Fox Valley ; gave my Ultraboost to a helper who needed it , but I can get some back. He can barely swallow , but is warm at least . I’ll just keep trying every couple hours (?) Or more/less if recommend otherwise.
03-24-2019, 02:34 PM
Homemade Rehydration Fluid
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 tablespoons sugar or apple juice
2 cups warm water
Store in refrigerator. Discard after 24 hours.
Note: If the baby refuses fluids, try leaving out the salt.
03-24-2019, 02:36 PM
When he is warm, I would give hydration a drop at the time if necessary.
Snicker Bar
03-24-2019, 02:39 PM
Snicker Bar
03-24-2019, 07:16 PM
He’s gone from near dead to vocalizing!
He doesn’t have skin tenting, but I’ve only done rehydration. He keeps calling for mom :(
So could I try just a bit of formula this soon? Maybe he’s not satisfied with just the electrolytes ; feels starving for milk, I mean?
03-24-2019, 07:32 PM
I would. Poor little baby is starving. No tenting is a good sign. Formula is hydration also so I would start formula. You can still give hydration between feedings.
Snicker Bar
03-24-2019, 07:42 PM
Will do, thank you for permission !
03-24-2019, 08:56 PM
Snicker bar as long as you transition to formula, and it is a race of dehydration vs starvation, you can start very very dilute formula. Make your full strength formula, then take 1/4 part full strength formula and add 3/4 part water and feed that for 4 feeding before going to 1/2 part formula to 1/2 part water. Make sure you are continuing to hydrate between formula.
03-24-2019, 09:32 PM
Homemade Rehydration Fluid
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 tablespoons sugar or apple juice
2 cups warm water
Store in refrigerator. Discard after 24 hours.
Note: If the baby refuses fluids, try leaving out the salt.
Just to be clear, rehydration is not just a drink of water, plain water or sugar water. If a Mammal needs to be rehydrated, then it needs electrolytes which comes from salt. Please don’t change the hydration formula. You can also use normasol or lactated ringers orally. You can also sub q with normasol or ringers that has been heated to body temperature.
From the information that SB has passed to us we have no clear idea of this babies body condition. We know that it was very cold when he came in and he had no hydration or nutrition for 24 hours. We don’t know how long before that he had nothing. We got a picture of him but the picture did not give us a clear enough image of body condition. So maybe SB can fill in that information
When babies are super dehydrated the skin stops tenting. It feels like it is ‘stuck’ to the body. A baby like that needs to be hydrated by oral means and sub-qed at the same time. Usually a baby in this kind of condition also needs to have nutrition in the most elemental manner. Food like critical care that is broken down. Most of us don’t have that, so 1/4 strength formula is the best we could do.
But again we don’t have the full picture of of this baby’s condition.
Snicker Bar
03-24-2019, 09:37 PM
Getting some pics now of him; I’ll get full body and try and pinch skin /take a pic right after ..
He has definitely livened up; just vocalizing so much . I’ve only done a few compared to others here, but I’ve never heard one fuss so much,
Pics coming
Also weighed 100 g if I forgot to mention ,
Snicker Bar
03-24-2019, 10:55 PM
This is all I could post; the upload pics step isn’t working for me now ; gets stuck (?)
03-24-2019, 11:11 PM
He is not in horrible shape. Just start 1/4 strength to start nutrition. Alternate hydration and formula. Do you have any questions?
Snicker Bar
03-24-2019, 11:35 PM
I can’t think of anything else at moment; thank you for assessing him, sorry couldn’t get more to upload. He’s definitely more alert and responsive. That distress calling thing is a little upsetting; never had one act lik this. It’s pitiful , but seems like he’s resting more and fussing less . Hope that’s a good sign,
03-24-2019, 11:43 PM
So sorry. It is very painful to hear. Thank goodness he has you!
Diggie's Friend
03-25-2019, 01:33 AM
He's just calling for his mama, the litter we rescued did the same for a short time. Use a low soft tone when you speak to him.
Soon he will come to recognized your voice, your touch, and your scent and not be afraid anymore..
Snicker Bar
03-25-2019, 06:10 AM
Getting concerned now; this feeding ( 2nd pm/ pre dawn feeding) he’s less
Lively. He will open eyes and swallow one little mouthful at a time with encouragement ( kind of rub under chin) but I would have thought he’d be grabbing the syringe by this time? He’s not dehydrated best I can tell ( good skin zip) and he’s not crying; but he did something I’ve also never seen a baby squirrel do, kind of had this 1 min spell of rhythmic jerking (?) His little body kind of twitched with a tiny , repetition every 2/3 secs ; hard to describe, do they hiccup?? I panicked and paused thinking it was an aspiration sign, but then he continued to move his lips and swallow. So just continuing formula/electrolytes alternation and hoping for best. Just not coming around , and seems kind of less lively than at 12 pm
At 100g should I be doing the 5% ( around 5 ml) every 4 hours , even if barely takes it , (one tiny swallow at a time) since that’s what his weight calculated shows?
03-25-2019, 07:23 AM
Sent you a pm
03-25-2019, 01:39 PM
Any updates? Hoping to hear he is warm, hydrated and taking formula (and not seizing? :please
Snicker Bar
03-25-2019, 05:02 PM
Well, things seemed better earlier today? But I sent a video to a member ( I can’t seem to post them) of his skin tent test at the moment, and it’s delayed now, even though I’ve been alternating the electrolytes and formula. So sub q fluids were recommended. Just gave first doe
03-25-2019, 05:28 PM
Is there diarrhea involved?
03-25-2019, 06:56 PM
I just spoke to snicker bar, no diarrhea... in fact no poo yet.
03-25-2019, 07:58 PM
Ok, just wanted to rule that out as a possible cause for dehydration or inability to rehydrate.
I think she should continue to subQ if you can not get any fluids in orally and continuing with dilute feedings alternating with attempts to hydrate orally with pedialyte. Try hydrating often orally, drop by slow drop if that is all that works.
Has he peed at all?
I just spoke to snicker bar, no diarrhea... in fact no poo yet.
03-25-2019, 11:05 PM
I’m not sure what the assessment is at this point, but the diluted formula doesn’t taste as good and I think he could use the nutrition. It might help him take the formula better. Full fat yogurt also makes the formula taste better, especially if it’s Esbilac.
03-25-2019, 11:19 PM
In touch with Snicker Bar: Going to full strength at next feeding - coming up soon - and hopefully can find the yogurt to add the taste to it. Baby's hdration seems fine now. He's been getting water orally between feedings.
Snicker Bar
03-26-2019, 12:30 AM
Sorry haven’t been posting , but keeping up with the suggestions through a member ; they’re keeping me on track with all these instructions like a NICU Head nurse :) ! He seems much better since earlier today . The sub q fluids definitely helped . Just waiting to see actual pee to flow when he’s stimulated; since acquired yesterday at noon, no visible pee, and only two tiny poos. But finally saw a small spot on paper towel in the fleece to help see pee if he’s going in blanket. Many thanks for the co op team here that seems to have him taking turn for the better. But as red wuff warned , the cold may have done more harm than can realize ; guess just taking things hour by hour .
Snicker Bar
03-26-2019, 12:44 AM
Just curious, can it actually take this long before see urine output? Or maybe it’s so dilute I’m not smelling it? I have a white piece of fleece in the tub; literally sniffed every inch. If his kidneys were shutting down, would he have lasted this long? Just trying to be optimistic but prepared for the other :(
03-26-2019, 03:01 AM
It is possible that his pee could be clear and with little smell when not having had enough food yet. I would think that clear pee (for good hydration) is better than a dark brownish pee; so let's keep our fingers crossed. I would keep the white paper towel in there. So much easier to see what's up. If he takes his 5cc, then he should be ok... if not, I would compensate the missing balance of liquid with water in between this and next feeding.
Other thing... some babies will stop eating during a feeding cuz they want to pee or poo... so if he stops before his 5cc are over, do try to stimulate - hopefully he'll do it - and then try to finish his feeding up to his 5.
I don't know about the kidney issue... I think he would not have made it this far... but I truly can't be sure. I keep praying that this little guy makes it. He's in the best momma's hands.
03-26-2019, 08:39 AM
If you’re still concerned about urine output sub q him again. I’d still offer water with a drop of honey between feedings if you’re concerned about hydration. I have had it take a couple of days of good solid intake of formula to produce consistent poop. The peeing is usually a little sooner but, though.
I hope he’s taking the formula better. I’ve also had it take days for them to figure out the formula is tasty and actually suck on the nipple to get it!
Snicker Bar
03-26-2019, 12:34 PM
We are up and down this am; was rallying at 2:00, now not good at all . I’m going back to the sub q protocol that we did yesterday,
I just can’t figure why he’s getting this way again, after all the fluids and consistency with feedings/water in between? On the good note, there are finally some poos; hard black bird seeds. And I can smell pee finally; I guess he’s old enough, maybe stimulation isn’t working ? But at moment he won’t eat at all
Just took call from member and got more rehydration instructions ; I guess that’s the main thing at this point
03-26-2019, 12:51 PM
Odd, not sure what is going on. Maybe do a DIY fecal inspection for any signs of parasites that could be messing with his GI system? But some poop and pee is a good sign, something is working through his system. Has his weight increased at all?
Snicker Bar
03-26-2019, 02:20 PM
He’s kind of loaded with fluids , I should have weighed first , but right now he’s a tad over 100 g , after two boluses of LRS. And he finally accepted a full 5 cc of formula, but only one swallow at a time ; takes a long time
Nancy in New York
03-26-2019, 02:23 PM
In the very first photo you posted of him, it appears that his little
mouth is open, unless that's the way you're holding him and it's
being pulled back some.
Check his teeth, and also check that he can nose breathe ok?
IF his mouth is open in the photo, is it always a little open?
I'm trying to think of reasons why it's difficult for him to eat,
meaning one swallow at a time.
03-28-2019, 01:10 AM
Good news folks! Thanks to a super wonderful momma called Snicker Bar :D this little guy has finally taken a turn for the better. After giving everyone a really good scare on a number of times, he has finally found his appetite and is showing some real nice signs of improvement! :w00t Nothing short of a true miracle... Snicker Bar named him Jude, patron saint of lost causes. We don't want to jump the gun, so we're still praying, yes, but there is definite hope now. :hug
Just thought I should let everyone know, and thank all those who helped as a fine team contribute to this amazing rescue. Snicker Bar never gave up on him, spent a couple of sleepless nights and every minute of each day checking on him and rehydrating him and drop by drop at times rehydrating him, on top of all the sub-q's he needed, all that since she's had him with her...:bowdown
Now that's what I call dedication, my friends :Love_Icon
03-28-2019, 09:04 AM
What excellent news. This made my day!:grouphug: We love you Jude. Keep on pulling!
Snicker Bar
03-28-2019, 09:57 AM
Scooterzmom!! You just hang on there, Paul Harvey hasn’t told the REST of the story lol! When I can slow down for 5 , gonna write my version ...If today goes as good as yesterday evening/last night, I’ll post this in Success Story section :) !!
Nancy in New York
03-28-2019, 10:03 AM
Scooterzmom!! You just hang on there, Paul Harvey hasn’t told the REST of the story lol! When I can slow down for 5 , gonna write my version ...If today goes as good as yesterday evening/last night, I’ll post this in Success Story section :) !!
:thumbsup :w00t:bliss
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