View Full Version : Planting Bushes

Snicker Bar
03-21-2019, 06:36 PM
What are some favorite flowers or bush varieties your squirrels love? Off next few days; need to stay busy, want to work in garden .

03-22-2019, 05:53 PM
Folks say that rose varieties that produce rose hips are a favorite. Not all of them produce this delicacy. Herbs seem to be a hit. Cilantro and parsley are well liked. Hibiscus are also well liked, but I’m not sure they grow that far north. Happy planting! :Love_Icon

Diggie's Friend
03-23-2019, 08:43 PM
Squirrels often will like herbs because of their tender green quality,

yet unlike immature leaves in the spring from food trees, herbs pack a bigger punch!

Some herbs are lower in oxalates, and some are very high.

There is a study in Chinese herbs that found each source studied to be very high in oxalates.

Of the Mediterranean herbs, cilantro, thyme, sage, savory, dill weed, & peppermint are lower, yet parsleys and sorrels are high.

Yet herbs may also have other properties that would contraindicate them being fed to rodents;

so don't assume that even those herbs low in oxalates are good to feed to tree squirrels on this basis alone,

but check out their other properties also. Herbs may have medication like effects.

Basil can contribute to kidney and bladder stones.

Pennyroyal mint is toxic !

Best to take the time to look up a number of reference sources before you decide to include them in the diet of tree squirrels.

Here are just two:



03-23-2019, 08:45 PM
My blueberry bushes are routinely stripped! Don't know if they're yet available to plant though. :)

Diggie's Friend
03-23-2019, 09:18 PM

Snicker Bar
03-23-2019, 10:45 PM
Great articles , thanks for links!
There’s a huge sale coming up sponsored by our local Extension Service ( a gardeners club); they will have all these things; can’t wait! I’ll be sure to ask about the specifics on roses. Didn’t know some do/don’t have hips. Fruit bushes could be fun! I’ll definitely study more about the herbs... Not very knowledgeable in this area; for use in a kitchen, let alone squirrel preferences lol.

04-13-2019, 08:00 AM
Well this is not a bush. Grows anywhere though! Petunia LOVES marigolds! HAPPY PLANTING! 💜🐿☮️