View Full Version : Eight week old red squirrel

03-20-2019, 10:31 AM
Hey yall! I have an eight(approx) week old male red squirrel we call Cashew. We have had him since he was around a week old. His tree was cut down, and the rehabber would only take two of the three. He has been on Fox Valley since about four days after we got him. He currently weighs 327g, and it is becomming a fight to get him to take his formula. I know he is too young to wean, but it seems like that is what he is doing. He gets Tekland rodent blocks(I have Henrys on the way as I type this) fresh from the freezer every morning, as well as Boo balls I made him. He eats them both well, so we introduced some veggies. He gets small portions on avacado, dandelion greens, romaine, cabbage, and carrot. Not all at once, I rotate them out. Any suggestions on how to keep him wanting his formula? I am getting worried that he wont get the right nutrition for his little growing body. I am open to any and all suggestion! Anything I need to change?

03-20-2019, 10:45 AM
How often and how much is he eating?

Welcome to TSB.

03-20-2019, 10:55 AM
How often and how much is he eating?

Welcome to TSB.

He was eating 13ml 4x a day, but now I can only get about 8ml in him before he refuses. He wont even take it at every feed. I have held back everything except Boo balls and rodent block the past two days, and it didnt make a difference. He has a great appetite, just not for his formula anymore. I also think that I need to add that he has three water bottles throughout his cage, and drinks from them all day long.

03-20-2019, 11:28 AM
Everything sounds really great. You have done everything right! Now is the time to start cutting back on the number of times to feed. Cut back to 3 times and just let them eat as much as they want. They are eating great stuff. Their nutritional needs are being met. If they don’t want to eat 3 times a day take them back to 2 times.

We would love to see pictures!

03-20-2019, 11:58 AM
Everything sounds really great. You have done everything right! Now is the time to start cutting back on the number of times to feed. Cut back to 3 times and just let them eat as much as they want. They are eating great stuff. Their nutritional needs are being met. If they don’t want to eat 3 times a day take them back to 2 times.

We would love to see pictures!

You have no idea how happy that makes me!! I thought he needed more formula. I would love to post pics, but have no idea how to.

03-20-2019, 03:07 PM
Trying to figure out how to add a pic308527308527

03-20-2019, 03:11 PM
I give him tons of strips of fleece to make his bed. He loves snuggling up in his little cave thing I made him.

03-20-2019, 03:26 PM
oh my, you have a fox squirrel there. He is gorgeous!

03-20-2019, 03:37 PM
oh my, you have a fox squirrel there. He is gorgeous!

Is that the same as "red"? I honestly dont know. I had zero knowledge of squirrels until seven weeks ago when I got him. Thank you! I am pretty partial to him. I was told to "throw him in the woods and let nature take its course" but there was no way I could do that. He is strong and healthy. He needed a chance. We made it through a major bout of diarrhea three weeks ago, and he bounced back fast. Lots of research has helped a ton. He has a bad leg, but it doesnt seem to cause any pain or anything like that. I am pretty sure he was just born with the bag leg. It just makes climbing difficult. He falls from the cage often still, so I have made sure he has lots of fleece bedding to soften his falls. I honestly dont know if he will be able to be released or not. I guess that depends on his leg and climbing skills in the future.

03-20-2019, 04:11 PM
This is a Fox Squirrel. They are big. (Can be up to 1000grams or more)

This is an American Red Squirrel. They are tiny. (About 300grams)

03-20-2019, 04:13 PM
This is a Fox Squirrel. They are big. (Can be up to 1000grams or more)

This is an American Red Squirrel. They are tiny. (About 300grams)

I had no idea!! Fox squirrels here are called red squirrels. Looks like I will have a big ole boy on my hands!!

03-20-2019, 04:19 PM
I had no idea!! Fox squirrels here are called red squirrels. Looks like I will have a big ole boy on my hands!!

:grin2 Yep

03-20-2019, 05:09 PM
:grin2 Yep

I see why you all rescue these babies. They are so precious!! I had anticipated him wanting more and more formula for the next 6 or so weeks. Lol, I just got another delivery from Fox Valley with another 3.5lbs, and ultra boost. Looks like lots of Boo balls will be made!

03-20-2019, 05:15 PM
I hope yall dont mind if I ask another question... I dont know what will happen long term with him being that he has a bad leg. I also know he needs Vit d and plenty of calcium. The problem is that we do not live in an area that I can take him outside. I know that light through a window is filtered, so that wont work. How do I provide that Vit D for him? Will the amount in the HHB be enough to keep him healthy until his possible release? What about long term if he cant be released? I am willing to do whatever I need to do to keep him safe and healthy.

03-20-2019, 08:04 PM
If you need to supplement his Vitamin D you can do that by purchasing a reptile UVA/UVB bulb and placing it on top of his cage. They are much cheaper if purchased online. The most economical way is to purchase the Repti-Sun 10.0 4 foot bulb and then go to a big box store like Lowes or Home Depot and purchase the fixture to put it in. That is the only size fixture that is readily available unless you purchase online the special one that goes with the bulb. I made the mistake of ordering the 3 ft bulb and couldn’t find an off the shelf fixture to use with it. Ugh!

Place the light on the top of the cage and plug it into an automatic timer so it comes on for about 4 hrs a day. The intensity of the 10.0 vs the 5.0 makes it a better choice. It’s not the same as going outside for the UV rays but it will do. Do not give calcium powder that has vitamin D in it, it can be lethal in large amounts. If you are adding additional calcium to anything it should be just calcium.

Remember the bulb needs to be replaced about every 6 months. Although it will continue to work and light, it will not emit enough UV rays to do any good.

You should really observe him and his leg prior to releasing him. It’s crucial that he be able to climb and jump so he doesn’t become food for a predator.

03-20-2019, 08:55 PM
If you need to supplement his Vitamin D you can do that by purchasing a reptile UVA/UVB bulb and placing it on top of his cage. They are much cheaper if purchased online. The most economical way is to purchase the Repti-Sun 10.0 4 foot bulb and then go to a big box store like Lowes or Home Depot and purchase the fixture to put it in. That is the only size fixture that is readily available unless you purchase online the special one that goes with the bulb. I made the mistake of ordering the 3 ft bulb and couldn’t find an off the shelf fixture to use with it. Ugh!

Place the light on the top of the cage and plug it into an automatic timer so it comes on for about 4 hrs a day. The intensity of the 10.0 vs the 5.0 makes it a better choice. It’s not the same as going outside for the UV rays but it will do. Do not give calcium powder that has vitamin D in it, it can be lethal in large amounts. If you are adding additional calcium to anything it should be just calcium.

Remember the bulb needs to be replaced about every 6 months. Although it will continue to work and light, it will not emit enough UV rays to do any good.

You should really observe him and his leg prior to releasing him. It’s crucial that he be able to climb and jump so he doesn’t become food for a predator.

Thank you so much!! Through research, I did know that Vit D can be lethal. I def do not want to use powder because of that. I was confused on if he needed light because I have read conflicting articles about HHB saying they only need them for Vit D. I just wasnt sure thats enough. Now I know. I will purchase the bulb you recomended now. As far as his leg, I am not sure how it will turn out. We for sure wouldnt release him if it isnt 100%. He wouldnt make it long. I want him to have the best life possible. The reason I cant take him outside is because we have large predators that have been known to kill small animals at my house in minutes. We also have a really bad mosquito problem. They swarm my poor dog when I take her out. I would hate for him to get bit up, and who knows what they could give him. Thank you again for your help!!

03-20-2019, 09:04 PM
Let us know how he eats when you reduce the # of feedings.

03-20-2019, 10:12 PM
What is it about his (bad) leg?
Does it just appear weaker or is there a
noticeable difference between the two?

03-20-2019, 10:30 PM
I almost had a stroke before I saw the picture of your baby! I have a darling little red who is almost three years old and weighs 269 grams. When you stated yours was 327 grams at eight weeks old I thought you must have a mutant squirrel! Lol Then common sense kicked in and knew you had a fox...

Here is my red; he finally weaned himself off formula at two years old...

03-20-2019, 11:07 PM
Let us know how he eats when you reduce the # of feedings.

I sure will! I am about to offer formula for the third time today. He still took only eight ml the first two.

03-20-2019, 11:12 PM
What is it about his (bad) leg?
Does it just appear weaker or is there a
noticeable difference between the two?

It just seems weak. Its been like that since he was found. There was no injury or anything. He does have any grip when hes climbing. He will try to hang upside down by his two back legs, and the bad leg will just give out. Like I said, he does not seem to be in any pain whatsoever. Other than the back leg he is happy, healthy, and active. Ideally I would like to release him when the time comes. I also realize that may not be an option. I am in this for the long haul if need be.

03-20-2019, 11:18 PM
I almost had a stroke before I saw the picture of your baby! I have a darling little red who is almost three years old and weighs 269 grams. When you stated yours was 327 grams at eight weeks old I thought you must have a mutant squirrel! Lol Then common sense kicked in and knew you had a fox...

Here is my red; he finally weaned himself off formula at two years old...

😂😂😂😂 Too funny! Your little guy is beautiful!! Sorry for not calling him a Fox squirrel. They call the Red squirrels here. I knew nothing about squirrels before I got him, but have done nothing but research since. I want to give him the absolute best chance in life whether that is in the wild, or with me. My husband is building him a 14ft longx 8ft high cage in our spare room for when he is big enough. Hoping he will be ready to explore that in the next few weeks. By the time he would be ready ro release here it will be summer. I dont want to release him in the summer because it is so hot, so I want him to have a great big area to play. I kinda love the little dude! 😊