View Full Version : Poop dark brown need help
03-16-2019, 12:20 PM
Hi I need help, i am taking care of a baby red squirrel I think and she eats and pee's but hardly poops, I'm feeding her puppy formula untill I can buy farm valley, but I cant get her to poop mustered brown, I dont see any bloating, just dark poops and not often.
Plzz someone help me.
03-16-2019, 12:29 PM
Hey everyone I new to helping a baby squirrel grow. I have went online and done alot of research but still need help. So so I have a 4 week old I think red squirrel in florida, her eyes are open and she hops around. Ok so I have been feeding her puppy formula untill I can get fox Valle, so she poops, but not often and it keeps coming out dark brown, can anyone help me understand y she wont poop mustard brown like it says she should be. And sometimes the last of the poop comes out mustard brown, she has never had diarrhea. Plz help everyone.
03-16-2019, 12:34 PM
Can you post a picture of the squirrel and also the poop? If it is too difficult, you can text it to me at 2032147427.
03-16-2019, 12:44 PM
03-16-2019, 12:45 PM
Can you send a pic of the formula container?
03-16-2019, 12:46 PM
She is a gray squirrel :Love_Icon
03-16-2019, 12:58 PM
Idk how to post pics on here from my phone but Sammy's mom I sent it to you cell phone
03-16-2019, 01:08 PM
Your baby is probably just slightly older than 5 weeks, their eyes open around that age. How long have you had her? What does she weigh? You need to purchase a gram scale , if you don’t have one. Weigh her every morning and adjust the amount of formula you give at each feeding as necessary. As a rule we feed 5-7% of body weight per feeding.
Many times it takes a while for the babies to pass all the poop they had from their mothers milk, which produces dark stool. It can also take several feedings for babies to pass any significant amount of poop period. It depends on how long they’ve gone without food prior to being found.
What is your plan for this little one? What’s her story?
03-16-2019, 01:10 PM
thank you for that mel. I have had her for about 1 week, I do also have a gram scale her weight is 78g.
03-16-2019, 01:14 PM
her story, mother left and didn't come back, i think a car got her since we live on a busy main road. my parents and I left her by the tree over night and momma never came back .we found her and her brother, her brother fell from the tree and I tried my hardest but he didn't make it :'C I am hoping on releasing her back to the wild after I get her to the point where she can eat and deficit on her own if that is a smart thing to do, I would love to keep her as a pet but I have read online it is not a good thing to do so. I have always loved squirrels since I was a baby.
03-16-2019, 01:36 PM
You need esbilac
03-16-2019, 02:26 PM
As Sammy’s mom said, you must get the proper formula to feed her, if you want her to survive. It has to be ESBILAC POWDERED puppy formula. The can with the white puppy on the front and the blue banner at the top that reads “with pre and probiotics”. Nothing else will do. This formula can be found at Petco, Pet Supermarket, Tractor Supply, some WalMarts, some Petsmarts and sometimes small feed stores.
Mix one part powder to two parts hot water. Stir well and let it rest in the fridge for several hours befor feeding. Stir again before feeding. You don’t have to switch to Fox Valley. It’s important that you get her on the correct formula today. Liquid formulas cause diarrhea that leads to other problems.
You are aware that she will need a decent size cage to live in when she’s bigger? Many folks have single or double critter nation cages. Squirrels should not be released till they are around 16 weeks old. And then it’s done by what’s called a slow release process where the squirrel is caged outside where it can get accustomed to the noises and scents of the outdoors for 2-3 weeks. Then when released it still may return to the cage to sleep for many nights or weeks. All the while it’s best to provide food and water till it no longer needs or wants your support.
Raising a squirrel is a very involved and costly project. If there is any aspect of this that you are not capable of providing then it would be best if you would allow us to find someone to raise and release this little one. You have many weeks before she will be capable of surviving on her own. She will take formula for probably another 5 weeks or more. We let them wean themselves when they’re ready.
A good quality rodent block like Henry’s Healthy Bites or Harlan Teklad should be offered as her first food, which should be within the next week or two. Both must be purchased online. Do not feed nuts! They are treats only. A diet high in nuts will cause Metabolic Bone Disease and can kill your squirrel.
03-16-2019, 02:53 PM
ty guys very much, for all the information i am heading to pet smart in the next 20 mins to get formula, and how is broccoli and carrots and grapes are they good for her??
03-16-2019, 02:54 PM
You need esbilac
As Sammy’s mom said, you must get the proper formula to feed her, if you want her to survive. It has to be ESBILAC POWDERED puppy formula.
Nancy in New York
03-16-2019, 02:57 PM
Gayle I edited your post to put the correct picture there.
Edit: I see that Spanky also posted the correct one.:w00t
03-16-2019, 04:58 PM
ty guys very much, for all the information i am heading to pet smart in the next 20 mins to get formula, and how is broccoli and carrots and grapes are they good for her??
Here is the link to the healthy diet for pet squirrels.
You should familiarize yourself with the items in the first column as they are the most desirable to feed. Remember the first food should be a good quality rodent block as I posted. When that is being eaten well, then you can add in some veggies from column 1.
03-16-2019, 05:36 PM
Some people say to use yogurt with the formula is this good or bad? Is it a must?
03-16-2019, 05:52 PM
When gradually introducing the baby 2 new formula how should I do it, one place say 1/4 mixed formula and 3/4 water for first feed sec feed 2/4 of each. 3rd 3/4 formula is this correct???
03-16-2019, 06:05 PM
Some people say to use yogurt with the formula is this good or bad? Is it a must?
Definitely not a "must". I do not add yogurt.
When gradually introducing the baby 2 new formula how should I do it, one place say 1/4 mixed formula and 3/4 water for first feed sec feed 2/4 of each. 3rd 3/4 formula is this correct???
Are you switching formula or introducing formula for the first time?
If introducing for the first time, I do not dilute. Once I have hydrated the baby, I start them off 100% formula (Esbilac).
If switching formulas, going 1/4 old and 3/4 new for a couple feedings, then 1/2 and 1/2 for a couple feedings, then 3/4 and 1/4 for a couple feedings then 100% new formula. Of course, if there are issues along the way, you need to adjust.
03-16-2019, 06:10 PM
Ty spanky, I'm introducing her to new formula, I got her the wrong one so, I just got her new formula and I wanna make sure I dont mess up
03-16-2019, 06:16 PM
I want to thank everyone for all the help and all the knowledge u guys gave me.
03-17-2019, 10:50 AM
So I wanted to update everyone that helped me, that I started weaning her off the old formula and the new formula is already helping, this morning she took dropped 3 good sized poops, not as dark as it was. So thank you everyone again for helping me keep this baby girl alive. My heart goes out to all of you.
03-17-2019, 11:21 AM
Hey everyone, some of you know I have a 4 almost 5 week old grey squirrel, I was wondering how come she keeps biting my fingers and knuckles. Do you guys think it's because she is teething or maybe cus she wants real food not milk now? She eat like an hour ago and she is up and running around so took her out to play but wont stop biting me.
03-17-2019, 01:19 PM
It sounds like she is really hungry. What and how much is she eating? What is her wt? Can you post a picture?
03-17-2019, 08:25 PM
Hey redwuff if you look at my other post there is pics of her she ways 78g it im feeding her around 5ccs every 3 hours like I have read her belly is nice and full just fed her not even half hour, and she still bitting
03-17-2019, 09:09 PM
Hi Jax, every baby I have seen that is bites in the way you are describing is hungry. I know you are transitioning her food from a bad formula to a new good formula. The other food was not meeting her nutritional needs and she was on it for 7-9 days. Get her settled on this new food. Right now you are feeding at 6%. Go slow cos you don’t won’t her popping out with diarrhea. Have you gotten to feeding 100% strength yet on the Esbilac.
What did she weigh when she first came in? Have you gotten any rodent blocks or hhb’s to put her in her cage. That will help with her biting.
03-17-2019, 09:21 PM
She weighed 76g when I got her. I'm not on 100% formula cus is still mixing formula so she can wean off the bad stuff. Did 50/50 today will do 75/25 tomorrow. Getting blocks in the mail so waiting on that. And idk what what that last thing is hhbs.
03-17-2019, 09:36 PM
Good, sounds like you are on the right path! So what I am saying is that she only gained 2 grams in over a week due to wrong diet. At this age they gain between 2-5 grams per day. She is hungry. But don’t worry, she will make up for it soon. I would recommend going to 75/25/ for 3 feedings tomorrow and then to 100%. If someone else is giving you advice that is fine, I just don’t see that advice written. She needs the nutrients. That is why I am suggesting what I said about the transition.
03-17-2019, 10:42 PM
Redwuff thanks man I appreciate all the help, I love this little squirrel so much. I want the best for her.
03-18-2019, 08:08 AM
We all start the way you are starting, having to run 100 mph to learn what you need to know to take care of one of God’s creatures, and to get the supplies you need. It is extremely helpful to us that #1. You answer our questions and #2. You are willing to quickly take action on our advice.
03-18-2019, 11:31 PM
Have I not answered all your ?s and the day I found out about the formula I ran out to get it for her.
03-18-2019, 11:34 PM
Hey guys got her on 100% new formula when I was weaning her off she pooped now shes 100% on the new formula she hasn't pooped. How long do you think it should take for her body to start digesting properly?
03-19-2019, 05:49 AM
Have I not answered all your ?s and the day I found out about the formula I ran out to get it for her.
Jax, I am sorry. I actually was giving you kudos/job well done/ a compliment for doing those two thing, answering our questions and acting quickly. I did not word that post very well and I can see how easily you could have taken it that I was criticizing. I think you are doing a great job!:grouphug
03-19-2019, 07:37 AM
Hey guys got her on 100% new formula when I was weaning her off she pooped now shes 100% on the new formula she hasn't pooped. How long do you think it should take for her body to start digesting properly?
How long has it been since she pooped; has it been 2days (since the morning of the 17th)?
If you are feeding her regularly and the correct amounts (5% - 7%), she should be pooping regularly though the changes can sometimes upset their tummies. Make she her hydration levels are still good and that she is not bloated.
03-19-2019, 07:49 AM
How is she doing today. You mentioned that she was not pooping often. We definitely need to watch that. If you think she is not pooping enough, give her water with honey or syrup or sugar in between feedings. That is a natural laxative. If you think she is bloated, skip a feeding, go back to75/25 for several feedings. Let us know if that happens.
Space out her feedings. She will do fine. Feed her 5 times a day, every 4 hours. If you feed too soon, they can not digest enough.
03-19-2019, 07:52 AM
Spanky, there are two threads running on this little girl. Things get so confused that way. Are you able to combine the threads?
03-19-2019, 08:33 AM
Spanky, there are two threads running on this little girl. Things get so confused that way. Are you able to combine the threads?
Done and I have PM'd Jaxryan with the URL to the merged thread...
03-19-2019, 09:30 AM
Jax, I am sorry. I actually was giving you kudos/job well done/ a compliment for doing those two thing, answering our questions and acting quickly. I did not word that post very well and I can see how easily you could have taken it that I was criticizing. I think you are doing a great job!:grouphug
Thanks redwuff, I thought I did something wrong for a sec but you guys are the best help in the world.
03-19-2019, 09:32 AM
How long has it been since she pooped; has it been 2days (since the morning of the 17th)?
If you are feeding her regularly and the correct amounts (5% - 7%), she should be pooping regularly though the changes can sometimes upset their tummies. Make she her hydration levels are still good and that she is not bloated.
No spanky she pooped in the morning on the 18th, and I saw some really dry poop on her but which I cleaned but I think shes really constipated.
03-19-2019, 09:34 AM
How is she doing today. You mentioned that she was not pooping often. We definitely need to watch that. If you think she is not pooping enough, give her water with honey or syrup or sugar in between feedings. That is a natural laxative. If you think she is bloated, skip a feeding, go back to75/25 for several feedings. Let us know if that happens.
Space out her feedings. She will do fine. Feed her 5 times a day, every 4 hours. If you feed too soon, they can not digest enough.
Hey red yea feeding her every 4 hours, I will try the honey so see if it helps her poop.
03-19-2019, 09:35 AM
I do want to share all my love for everyone trying hard dealing with my worries and my struggles with the baby, you all have helped me so much and I sincerely appreciate it, I will definitely ask more ?s here and there but. Thanks everyone
03-19-2019, 09:49 AM
On Henry's it says apple juice can help to, I looked dont have honey.
03-25-2019, 11:55 AM
How is your baby doing?
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