View Full Version : Found another baby

03-01-2019, 05:48 PM
I have to say idk what’s going on . I went 47 years never even coming close to a squirrel but since Halloween they keep showing up . Today my son found a squirrel that was crying she he got her. We have a hawks nest in the yard next to ours . Her face looks different then the other two I have but I’m guessing she is a gray .shes very thin .she is fully fured on her tummy so that should make her around 6 weeks ? She weighs 45 grams . She is uneasy with her back legs but it could be she’s just starting to walk ? 308007308008308009

03-01-2019, 05:58 PM
Aw, she is SO THIN that you can't tell anything yet about her condition RE: legs. Little thing needs to be warmed, hydrated and then get the feed bag strapped on. Poor baby - she has been alone a while.

She is what we call a "dirty face" gray for obvious reasons. It is a color phase of the normal grays.

Open eyes babies can be hard to feed at first because they are scared and they have already eaten from a mama for some time and know you are a BIG PHONY! Try covering her eyes for feeding at first until you two get the hang of each other.

03-01-2019, 09:52 PM
How is this little sweetheart?:Love_Icon

03-02-2019, 08:48 AM
How is this little sweetheart?:Love_Icon

She has awful diarrhea So I have her on pedialyte . I gave her 2 cc of formula this morning. She growls lol 😂 . It’s to cute . Other then the diarrhea she seems fine . I thought her to be older but she’s still learning to walk.

03-02-2019, 12:07 PM
Her Diarrhea isn’t clearing up . I’ve had her on Pedialyte for 24 hours with no improvement

03-02-2019, 12:36 PM
If she is fully hydrated i'd start getting formula into her. I wouldn't dilute it either, she needs nutrition.

What does her poop look like? Color? Is it super duper smelly or just runny?

03-02-2019, 01:01 PM
If she is fully hydrated i'd start getting formula into her. I wouldn't dilute it either, she needs nutrition.

What does her poop look like? Color? Is it super duper smelly or just runny?

It’s yellow super running with some slimy bits in it . I gave her 2 cc of formula this morning and I just held a piece of rodent block for her to nibble on , she really liked that . How much show I start her back on and how often . She weighed 45 grams yesterday . She’s not behaving ill .no lethargic or over tired behavior

03-02-2019, 01:16 PM
I would start giving her formula (Esbilac) at full strength ever 4/5 hours as much as she'll eat. I'd keep blocks in front of her 24/7 for now.

I'd wait another 24 hours before worrying about the diahrrea. It can't hurt to give her a worming though, do you have the ability to get your hands Revolution?

03-02-2019, 01:38 PM
If it’s from a vet no . No vet will see them . I’ll go with starting her on full strength formula and she likes the blocks so that’ll be easy . Thank you

03-02-2019, 01:46 PM
I have had tremendous success with Pepto Bismol, and would give some to this baby right now. Give 0.1ml of Pepto - that is just about 3 drops. Continue hydrating and feeding with the new formula. Depending how fast your little one's digestion is, eventually, what is coming out the OTHER end is going to turn black and terrifying looking. Never fear, it is just some of the minerals in pepto and it is really helpful, actually. It means the pepto bismol has gone totally through the system.

So what does the poop look like that comes after you start seeing black poo? Is it still watery diarrhea? If so, give another dose pf pepto. Is it starting to form but still really soft? You might want to try giving a half a dose. And if, happy day, you are seeing normal poops after just one dose, well yay!

Sometimes the move from mama to anything else causes this and that this baby eats solids at this age tells you that she has been on her own for a while, the poor thing. She has gone through hell and her tummy is showing it. Sometimes there is NOTHING physical wrong, they have just gotten diarrhea which is tearing their insides up and making itself worse and worse. Pepto literally blocks them up so what was racing through their system inflaming everything slows down to a more normal pace and it can give the digestive system time to just calm down.

Technically you can use it 4 X per day but I have never had to - if it is going to work it does fairly quickly. If everything comes back after you stop the pepto then you need to look at parasites, coccidia, etc.

03-02-2019, 03:05 PM
I have had tremendous success with Pepto Bismol, and would give some to this baby right now. Give 0.1ml of Pepto - that is just about 3 drops. Continue hydrating and feeding with the new formula. Depending how fast your little one's digestion is, eventually, what is coming out the OTHER end is going to turn black and terrifying looking. Never fear, it is just some of the minerals in pepto and it is really helpful, actually. It means the pepto bismol has gone totally through the system.

So what does the poop look like that comes after you start seeing black poo? Is it still watery diarrhea? If so, give another dose pf pepto. Is it starting to form but still really soft? You might want to try giving a half a dose. And if, happy day, you are seeing normal poops after just one dose, well yay!

Sometimes the move from mama to anything else causes this and that this baby eats solids at this age tells you that she has been on her own for a while, the poor thing. She has gone through hell and her tummy is showing it. Sometimes there is NOTHING physical wrong, they have just gotten diarrhea which is tearing their insides up and making itself worse and worse. Pepto literally blocks them up so what was racing through their system inflaming everything slows down to a more normal pace and it can give the digestive system time to just calm down.

Technically you can use it 4 X per day but I have never had to - if it is going to work it does fairly quickly. If everything comes back after you stop the pepto then you need to look at parasites, coccidia, etc.
I’ll get her stayed on that , thank you

03-03-2019, 10:25 AM
One does of the pepto has her back on track . Soft but solid poo .she is eating great . Thanks for the help

03-03-2019, 12:01 PM
That is awesome!

More pics would be good :tap:tap :grin2

03-03-2019, 04:52 PM

03-03-2019, 04:55 PM

I’m not sure why they are coming up side ways ... she has a lot of spunk ! I think he going to do great

03-11-2019, 02:01 PM
When do the top teeth come in ? I thought I had a good Estimation on her age but I was reading somewhere that the top teeth come on before the eyes open . She’s fully fured 80grams now tail curled on her back . I’m just wondering if there could be a problem with the top teeth