03-01-2019, 10:45 AM
I live in dayton and we recently experienced a wind storm. While pooper scooping the back yard a found an ice cold non moving pinkie. I think he fell over 12ft. After 5 mins under room temp water i felt a heart beat and it started to uncurl and move. I did research on care and began to rehydrate. I did so for 24hrs and then introduced formula slowly. We only had the goats milk formula powder. I used that until yesterday when i finally found the puppy powder formula with probs. Ive been doing 50/50 for a day in a half. Ive been weighing him the last 3 days and he has been fluctuating from 18-18.6g. Ive had him going on 9 days. He is using the restroom before and after feedings aswell. And everything seems normal.
My question is if there anything better i can be doing? Should i eventually use just the puppy formula or keep the 50/50. I feel like he is skinny. Also he is eating about 1ml every 3ish hours.
My question is if there anything better i can be doing? Should i eventually use just the puppy formula or keep the 50/50. I feel like he is skinny. Also he is eating about 1ml every 3ish hours.