View Full Version : Southern Flyer

02-28-2019, 10:32 PM

Bitty (our NR 4 year old flying squirrel) is sick and was hoping someone could give insight at to what is going on with her.

Tonight, when I went to bring in her food dish is when I noticed something was way off. She looks like she is seizing. She moves her head to the side in the same motion. Her balance is off. She is disoriented. My husband held her and I was able to get 0.45cc's of a mixture of molasses, water and calcium.

I just don't believe she has MBD EVEN THOUGH she js showing the signs of it. I'm super strict with her diet. She gets 1 henrys healthy block along with veggies and a little fruit, chicken or ground turkey and occasional meal worms.

This reminds me of another adult flying squirrel that came to us a while back with the same symptoms. Our vet ran many tests and it turned out she was in kidney failure. We tried multiple treatments but she declined as the days went on. We dont know what caused her to have kidney failure. We ended up having to euthanize her.

Bitty is my world and Im struggling right now. She was 1 out of 11 babies and since the beginning we started bonding. She was the only one that didnt want to be released as all the others were released with no problems. My vet is not in tonight. Right now I have closed a large part of her cage off and she buried herself on the bottom of her cage under fleece.

Can anyone help or has anyone seen this in flyers before?

03-01-2019, 08:02 AM
I also doubt this has anything to do with calcium. My only suggestion is to be extremely careful of triggers that might initiate a seizure. Flyers that are prone to seizures will seize with triggers like noise, stress, light, etc. Has anything changed in the environment that would cause stress? One of my flyers will seize if exposed to a lot of light. He is 8 now and is much less sensitive to light than when he was young. Controlling triggers for Bon has virtually eliminated seizures. He has only had 2 in the last 6 years. When he was young he seized frequently.

Which nut does he get as a treat? My boys only get 1/2 almond as their treat. Almonds are higher in magnesium and have helped with seizure management for other members. Of course almonds and all nuts aren't great for calcium levels so don't overdo the almonds. :tilt
I just think if they are going to get a nut for a treat it should be an almond. Bon is almost 9 now and when he was a baby it seemed doubtful he would have a long life due to his health.

It's really difficult to say what has caused this out of the blue.

03-01-2019, 02:40 PM
Thank you HRT4SQRLS,

For occasional treat, I give her 1/4 pecan or 1/4 almond or 1/4 hazelnut. I will do the almond instead. Good info about almonds! I did not know that.

Bitty's cage is in my bedroom and at night, I do leave the light on with a pillowcase draped across the lamp shade. I will stop that and leave the room dark instead. Should I put a little plug in night light? Or would you recommend no light at all?

Last night is the 1st night she didnt eat her block. Im sure the seizure was the reason why she didnt eat her block. She did pick up a little peice of avocado and ate that, but nothing else. I hydrated her with 0.5 syringe throughout the night and morning with water and calcium. Just to cover all areas. If she doesnt eat block again tonight, I was thinking to give her esbilac to make sure she is still getting nourishment. Do you think that would be ok?

The past 3 days she has definitely not been her normal self. She is such a loving little girl, she loves snuggling with me and she has never bit me...ever. Last night was the 1st time she actually bit me and drew blood. I know she only did this because she was confused and scared.

I emailed our Vet to ask him when he would be in the office. He only works 1 to 2 nights during the week for wildlife. Is there anything in particular he should be looking for, testing for? Im also afraid of taking her to the vet right now because I don't want to stress her out further. Even when she is "normal Bitty" she easily gets stressed out if I'm too far away from her cage with her. It's her safe place. What would you recommend as far as the Vet is concerned? Should I ride it out a little longer?

I appreciate your help and knowledge. Thank you very much!

03-01-2019, 05:46 PM
"The past 3 days she has definitely not been her normal self."

Regarding what Hrt has said about "triggers," do you think the new pup
and or it's different/new scent in the house be upsetting to her?

03-01-2019, 07:18 PM
Step, I'm sure that is a possibility.

HRT4SQRLS, is there a protocol treatment for MBD for Flyers specifically? As a precautionary, I'm giving her extra calcium mixed with water in syringe. Do you know the amount of calcium per weight that I should be giving her for possible MBD?

03-01-2019, 07:43 PM
The type of calcium I have is Rep-Cal phosphorus free with Vit D3 ultrafine powder. I was hoping someone could help me for dosage info for MBD protocol for flying squirrel.

03-01-2019, 08:53 PM
I sent dosing but wanted to add this to the thread. I would not use ReptiCal w/ Vit D3 for the MBD protocol. It is OK to megadose calcium but it is not OK to megadose Vitamin D3. Too much Vitamin D3 can be deadly. It is impossible to determine how much is harmful so it’s best to not use a Vitamin D3 containing calcium source.

03-03-2019, 08:00 PM
Very good to know!