View Full Version : Squirrely by nature vs Henry's

02-20-2019, 11:03 AM
I would like to get some feedback regarding these 2 nut block supplements.... squirrely by nature's nut blocks vs Henry's healthy blocks. I have been using the nut blocks from squirrely by nature & he loves them, but all the things I've read people talk about Henry's as the go-to block. Henry's is quite a bit more expensive & he loves the nut blocks from squirrely by nature so I just wanted to get some feedback from people that may have used both or anyone that has heard anything negative about the nut blocks. Thanks in advance for everyone's help!

02-20-2019, 11:23 AM
The "Squirrely by Nature" seems to be the scalded milk man's recipe. I don't think there are a lot of knowledgeable folks on TSB that would recommend anything from scalded milk man. He hands a lot of bad advice, makes excuses for why his baby loss rate is so high (I guess this does make people feel better to think even an experienced rahabber can lose 30% of his babies :soapbox).

Since they do not list the ingredients or nutritional information I would avoid them. Just my two cents.

I also see where he suggests "peaches in heavy syrup" as an additive to his "nut kits".... why anyone would suggest adding high fructose corn syrup to anything fed to a squirrel is beyond my comprehension...

02-20-2019, 05:05 PM
30% loss of babies is acceptable?!!? :shakehead

I'll just point out again, that without an ingredient list, there is no way of knowing if what you are giving will be healthy in the long run.

Henries healthy blocks are really good. Henries are costly but they are more readily accepted by squirrels than other blocks.

I think the Harlan Teklad (now Envigo) blocks are very healthy and not as costly but it will require some time and tough love to get your squirrel to eat them as they are not as tasty as Henries.

I know rehabbers who use other blocks like Kaytee Forti blocks or Oxbow. These are healthy but again, not tasty.

All blocks should be supplimented with veggies.

The "Squirrely by Nature" seems to be the scalded milk man's recipe. I don't think there are a lot of knowledgeable folks on TSB that would recommend anything from scalded milk man. He hands a lot of bad advice, makes excuses for why his baby loss rate is so high (I guess this does make people feel better to think even an experienced rahabber can lose 30% of his babies :soapbox).

Since they do not list the ingredients or nutritional information I would avoid them. Just my two cents.

I also see where he suggests "peaches in heavy syrup" as an additive to his "nut kits".... why anyone would suggest adding high fructose corn syrup to anything fed to a squirrel is beyond my comprehension...

island rehabber
02-20-2019, 05:45 PM
I would not follow ANYTHING that scalded milk man says (Bill, I think?). There is so much wrong with how he tells people to feed baby squirrels that it is nauseating. AND he discourages debate by shutting down any post to his site that disagrees with him. After he does this, HE will make a post naming names (mine, and TSB's have appeared several times) in a mocking, hateful way but he does not let us come on and defend ourselves. In my personal opinion he is a pompous piece of crap who kills baby squirrels.

PS: just to put things in perspective, I have managed a 90% survival rate with baby squirrels for the past 14 years.