View Full Version : Sick wild squirrel
Anita Rae
08-17-2007, 04:04 PM
I know this is crazy, but there is this squirrel at my feeder that has lost most of it's hair. It looks really bad. I wonder if there is anything that can be done for it? It is laying in the feeder now and I wonder if it can eat? I heard somewhere that squirrels will chew so much that they wear their teeth down; then they starve. Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? This poor thing would probably be better off if it was put out of it's misery but I just can't do that. But the thought of it starving to death when there is food available is ruff too. Have any of you seen squirrels with their hair falling out like that?
08-17-2007, 04:07 PM
It's probably mange, and it's contagious to other critters if it's the right kind. Do you have or can you buy/rent a Have-A-Heart trap for the little guy? There is a medication available called Ivermectin and it kills mange. Do you have any rehabbers in your area that you know of?
:Welcome And thanks for trying to help the little guy!!
08-17-2007, 04:28 PM
Once you get the Ivermectin from a local vet or feed store, just mix the dosage with a little peanut butter, put the peanut butter in an empty peanut shell or on a cracker, toss it to him, and watch to make sure he eats it all. He'll need a second dose as well within a few days or a week. He's probably weak from his mange. Some extra food will help him a lot. Good luck and thanks for caring.
Anita Rae
08-17-2007, 04:50 PM
I really don't think this little guy is gonna make it...but I have to give it a try. I mixed some peanut butter with the Ivermectin (we use ivermectin for out dogs) and some vitamins (HPW mix, couldn't hurt). I walked out on the porch. He had moved from the feeder and was just laying on the bannister in the sun. I almost walked up to him before he realized I was there. He has one eye that won't open and had to turn his head to see me. The he went under our porch. I set the pnb mixture on the ground by where he went in so maybe he will find it. Thanks for all the suggestions.
Anita Rae
08-17-2007, 05:38 PM
I kind of thought about maybe tossing a blanket over him, but, well, he might be sick and little, but he is still a wild animal. How would I get him out of that blanket? I kind of like my fingers if ya know what I mean.
If the squirrel is as bad as you say it really needs to be brought to a rehabber to make sure it takes it's meds and can recover in a safe environment. First find a rehabber then we will work out trapping the little darling. The rehabber may have a means to catch it. :)
Apple Corps
08-17-2007, 08:22 PM
Anita Rae - can you sneak up on him and quickly cover him with a blanket? If so, a lot of help can be given - we will walk you through all that we can think of and this board has a LOT of experience to share!!!
Anita Rae
08-17-2007, 10:02 PM
I checked the food just before dark and I don't think any of it has been eaten. I haven't seen him since I put it out. And I don't think I can catch it. I will try tomorrow and see what I can do.
Apple Corps
08-17-2007, 10:58 PM
Anita - food and water put out in a place where he feels safe might draw him in. Any signs of injury or do you think mange is the main problem?
Anita Rae
08-17-2007, 11:51 PM
I think mange is most of the problem. He doen't have much hair and a lot of his skin is crusty and there is some raw places but I haven't noticed anything that looks like a wound.
I found this listing on the web
Chris Wise - licensed wildlife rehabilitator, Call (407)268-8688 or E-mail CWILD@MEGABITS.NET.
If you can even trap the squirrel under a strufy box and weigh it down he may be willing to come get it. We are trained and experienced in handling these guys. Call and talk to him. He may have a volenteer in your area who can help.
08-18-2007, 07:55 AM
Hi Anita, I live near you. Is there anything I can do to help? Have you seen the sick squirrel today?
Anita Rae
08-18-2007, 03:29 PM
Well, I haven't seen hide nor hair of this guy today. I am trying to keep an eye out for him.
4skwerlz where are you? I thought I was the only squirrely person in this area.
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