View Full Version : Not eating

01-16-2019, 12:22 PM
I have a three-year-old gray female. I usually give her two Henry blocks a day along with some veggies. She's been getting lots of broccoli and cauliflower lately with some sugar snap peas and carrots. Usually she grabs the Henry blocks from me and gobbles them down, but the past two days she won't even take them. I've left them for her to eat when she's hungry, but they're still where I left them completely untouched along with her bowl of veggies. I let her out of her cage last night and she was actively hiding from me. She's never done that before. She was trying to hide behind the curtain, when that didn't work out for her she ran under the bed and hid just where I couldn't reach her. Although not wanting any interaction with me, she was still being very active. She started scooting her butt along the ground a lot, so I was thinking maybe she's constipated. I was able to eventually coax her to me and I checked her teeth and rubbed her belly. Her teeth look good and I didn't feel anything unusual with her belly and she seemed to like me rubbing and poking at it. Her butt was dirty and she had some poop dried in her fur. I got her butt cleaned up and she pooped a very large, long, dry poop right after that. I tried feeding her some coconut oil to see if maybe that will help her but she didn't really want any. I cuddled her for a few hours and then put her to bed, but she started crying after that. She cried all night. She's still not eating anything this morning and she's still scooting her butt along the ground. I gave her some sugar water this morning and she lapped that up and then had a very large soft poop shortly afterwards. She's being very mean this morning, lunging at me, trying to scratch and bite. She's doing the kuk and squa call now.

01-16-2019, 05:31 PM
I can't blame you for being alarmed if this is the first time she has done this. She sounds like she is in heat. Also, please check that she does not have a painful UTI. Can you see her external genitals? I know you can't easily handle her right now, but it would help to know if they are red or swollen. Keep getting fluids in her, is my 2 cents, but can you get her to a vet?

Diggie's Friend
01-16-2019, 06:22 PM
Poor baby, she's is in pain. Possible causes would include her being in heat, having an ascending bacterial infection from bad bacteria or parasites passed into her poo that have gained access to her urogenital tract, which is pretty common in rodents, as this article explains.

The urinary tract, except for at the urethral orifice (the opening to outside the body), is normally a sterile environment free of pathogens. Infections to the urinary tract are caused by the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. Some of the organisms (in most cases bacteria) responsible are often found to be normal intestinal or fecal flora, such as E. coli and klebsiella, or mycoplasma found in the reproductive system.

Bacteria may gain entrance to the urethra and bladder through an ascending infection from outside the body. If the infection is left untreated it can move up to the ureters to involve the kidneys (pyelonephritis). Bacteria that is already present in the bloodstream, may also gain access to kidneys, ureters, and bladder through what is called a descending infection.



I would get a bottle or package of urine testing strips to determine where the mean urine pH of your squirrel is presently.

As for the issue of her getting poo on her bottom, sounds like she has loose stool. Offer her 1/4 Tsp. of Quick cook (not instant) Old fashioned unsweetened hulled Organic oats (Bob's Red Mill Organic) This will help to soothe the lining of the intestines and add bulk to the meal.


With this include baked Acorn and Butternuts squash in her diet that supports both in nutrients and bulk in the diet.

Also include a broad spectrum 'Soil based pre/probiotic", like "Pet Flora". Two sources online, that go by this same name, are available.

This first source is the lowest amount and cheapest source, but not the best deal by the amount you get by price, also "Pet Flora, is available from Safer Medical of Montana.



Beyond treating a likely infection, test the urine with pH strips to determine the mean urine pH of her urine. Considering her symptoms, if the mean urine pH is close to (8.0), she likely has an infection. Beyond a UTI from bacteria or parasites, infections can occur from a diet that is too elevated in pH. though presently you won't be able to determine this still you address the infection, and cause, which if it is the diet can be resolved by lowering the pH of the diet into the Mid to high 6 range of (slightly acidic) that is the norm for this species.

Boiling vegetables and leafy greens at various lengths of time will reduce their pH, and so reduce the overall pH of the diet. This without appreciable loss of nutrients save for Vitamin C that fruits in the diet more than make up for.

01-16-2019, 08:49 PM
Her genitals aren't swollen at all. I noticed a little grey spot last night that I don't recall seeing before, so I think it may be dirt, but when I tried to wipe it she ran away from me. She gained a lot of weight this winter and her belly seems swollen to me, but I'm not sure if it's just fat or something I need to worry about. She didn't make any fuss when I rubbed and pressed on her belly last night, she actually seemed to enjoy it quite a lot. I figured if her belly was hurting her she would let me know when I pressed on it, but no squeaks or anything. She usually gets aggressive in the winter, so I'm used to that, but I've never had her try to hide from me before, and the butt scooting has me concerned that she has worms or something. I have tried calling vet's in the area who specialize in exotic pets, but no one would take a squirrel. I'm in the Chicago suburbs of Illinois, if anyone out there can recommend a vet that will look at her and not immediately put her down.

01-17-2019, 12:23 AM
I put a teaspoon of oatmeal in her food bowl and she gobbled it up, so at least she finally ate something!:great She still isn't touching her veggies and even refused a nut earlier, but I'm so happy that she ate her oatmeal. She's scooting around still and she's in her cage now, which has me concerned that she's going to hurt her little bum even more than it already is on the metal. She's in a very bad mood tonight, so I'm afraid if I let her out she's going to be bitey. I haven't heard in crying in a few hours and she ate a little bit, so hopefully she's feeling a little better.

Where can I find the urine test strips that you mentioned?

Diggie's Friend
01-17-2019, 05:02 AM
Mission Testing Strips, and URITEST strips are on this same page, both good sources..


Since these strips test for more than urine pH, it may also aid in determining what is going on with your girl. You can then test for a UTI, and more. Just follow the guide as to the corresponding test squares, and the time allotted for the tests.

It is needful when a squirrel stops eating block when ill to still support them with vitamins, calcium and other minerals. Henry's has a vitamin mineral mix that is an easy way to provide nutrients when a squirrel is off their rodent block feed. https://www.henryspets.com/supplements/

Increasing the plain hulled organic oatmeal to 1/2 Tsp. to feed AM and PM, add (1/16 Tsp.) of Henry's vita/min mix to (1/2 Tsp. oatmeal AM), and the same for the PM meal. If she isn't put off her feed with the addition, then after 3 to 4 days increase the vita/min mix to (1/16 + 1/32 Tsp.) of vita/mix added to both the AM and PM feeding. Again, if she tolerates this increase, then after 3 to 4 days increase the measure of vita/mix to the recommended full dose of 1/4 Tsp. , then splitting it by half to add 1/8 Tsp. each to both the AM and PM feedings.

In addition, adding to the oatmeal a drop of Organic food grade Chia oil (see link below); this source has encouraged other squirrels to eat that had lost their appetites in the past.

Chia oil ("Foods Alive") to foods least accepted. Chia oil is higher in Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids. It is not goitrogenic, so it won't lower calcium uptake as a result of consuming it as Flax seed oil, does that is, "goitrogenic".


Pycnogenol, another source that has been used by some for their squirrels, is an extract of the cambium layer of the Maritime Pine, which contains high levels of compounds that are anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-swelling, anti bacterial, anti-viral etc... kind of like liquid inner tree bark that squirrels consume naturally in the wild. It also increases energy level and appetite. 2 drops given daily from a non- needle 1cc. milliliter syringe; one drop AM and the 2nd PM.

This can be added to the oatmeal, or plain organic yogurt, that has the added benefit of including other forms than the soil based organism good bacteria, which also combat bad bacteria, and also support the degrading of oxalates contained in foods.


Don't worry about her eating raw veggies, it is the first thing to go when they don't feel well, as more than a little causes gas in the GI tract.

Feeding the veggies pre-boiled addresses this issue also.

This handy dandy little tool makes it easy to blanch leafy greens without having to worry about losing the leaves in the process. https://www.amazon.com/HIC-Infuser-Stainless-Mulling-Spices/dp/B000I1ZZ24/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1547711778&sr=8-3&keywords=spring+tea+strainer

Try test pieces of each food in a small pot of boiling water to predetermine optimum boiling time. Do not boil so long that they turn yellow, smell of sulfur, or turn into green glop. Chopping these sources into small pieces lowers boiling time.

Immature (baby) greens: boiled 90 sec. (Escarole, Chicory leaf; Lettuces; Mizuna, Kale; Arugula; Radicchio; Garden cress; Dandelion greens)

Mature leaves: boiled up to (10 min.): (Cabbages, Turnip greens*, Broccoli florets; Dandelion greens; individual leaves of Brussel Sprouts; mustard greens, including Asian varieties: (Bok Choy, Pok Choy, Pe-Tasi), and other Asian cabbage varieties)

Stalk vegetables (whole vegetables minus the root): boil up to (20 min): (Broccoli; Cauliflower; Broccoflower; Asparagus tips; Brussels sprouts)

Taproot vegetables (commonly have root nematodes), so scrubbing and boiling, then chopping is the order.: Carrots, Parsnips, Rutabagas)

Edible pods, Pod fruits, and Green beans: (Snow peas; Sugar snap peas; Green peas; Green beans) boil from 5 to 15 minutes, with the green peas at the shorter time. Adding to the oatmeal, feed cooled boiled peas. Peas are one of the first whole foods are squirrels were given which they went for immediately.

Raw or baked Tuber-root vegetables (yams, sweet potatoes, cassava root, potatoes (modified stem-tubers). are high in oxalates, but also high in starch/sugar content that lends to the development of obesity and diabetes over time. Since your squirrel as you describe is overweight, it is best not to include these sources in her diet.

Instead, feed baked Acorn and Butternut squashes that are generally well accepted by tree squirrels. Once cooled use the small end of a melon baller (approx. 1/2 Tsp.) to scoop out a half ball of the cooked squash, placing two half scoops into the individual compartments of a (new) ice tray, or baby food freezer. If you don't have a melon baller, use 1/2 Tsp. filled to level instead. Place trays into a "Ziplock" baggie and close the zip on the bag on a straw, and suck out the air, then seal it. Place the bag(s) into the freezer.

To feed, take the two scoops (in one compartment) out to feed daily; place them into a small covered container, or covered bowl overnight to thaw. Feed one portion (1/2 scoop) AM , and the other half portion (1/2 half scoop) PM, daily.

01-28-2019, 04:20 AM
I'm at a complete loss of what to do. The good news is that she has been eating just fine and pooping regularly. I haven't seen her scooting her butt for a week. Her belly was a bit swollen before, but isn't any longer. The bad news is I haven't seen her drinking from her water bottle or urinating for about a week either. I finally got the urinary test strips in the mail, and I haven't seen her pee once since I got them. I was concerned that she isn't drinking, so I've continue to give her the sugar water solution. I don't know if she just doesn't want regular water now that she's had a taste of the sweet stuff or if something is seriously wrong. Ever since I cleaned her butt she has been licking and cleaning her lady bits almost constantly Maybe she's stimulating herself to urinate and licking it up? I don't know. She has always ran to this one corner and squatted whenever she had to pee before, but she hasn't done that at all for a week.

Diggie's Friend
01-28-2019, 10:34 AM
She straining, and rubbing would indicate that she may have bladder stones, or perhaps bladder worms; both can cause an infection leading to cessation of urination. I take it you don't have access to a veterinarian due to the region you are located in? A rehabber should be able to give you dosage for a specific antibiotics.

For bladder stones it is needful to acidify the diet so that it produces acidic urine that dissolve the alkaline crystals that form from infections. Please understand that acidifying the urine doesn't mean making the diet 'highly acidic', but rather 'slightly acidic', normal, so that the mean urine pH falls within the 6 range, not the 5. The mean urine pH is determined by taking three readings after meals and then one the next day before meals, totaling the readings and dividing by the number of readings, in this case four.

Again, to further support the acidifying of the urine that dissolves these forms of stones, boil greens and vegetables as tnoed above, as this lowers their alkalinity.

Also add organic cranberry concentrate liquid or cranberry powder to her meals. For the liquid just a couple of drops each AM and PM meals should help if it is from crystals in the urine. If she won't eat then add two drops and give it to her in a bit of water in a milliliter syringe, taking care not to shoot it down her throat, but onto her tongue.

Also add plain organic yogurt to the diet as it contains probiotics that can help also. I have seen this source in a number of markets, not just those like Whole Foods. The drops also can be added directly to the yogurt given twice a day.


01-29-2019, 01:36 AM
Her belly is swollen again. I'm so scared for her. :(
I live in the Chicago, IL suburbs and have called local veterinarians that specialize in exotic pets and none of them said they would see a squirrel. One said they would have to euthanize her if I brought her in. I have seen that it is legal to own a squirrel in Illinois with a permit or a rehaber's license, but after extensive Google searches I still haven't figured out how to obtain either one. I would be willing to drive to Wisconsin or Indiana for a vet that will see her. She isn't crying in pain like she was that one night, but she definitely seems to be uncomfortable.

01-29-2019, 12:14 PM
Her belly is swollen again. I'm so scared for her. :(
I live in the Chicago, IL suburbs and have called local veterinarians that specialize in exotic pets and none of them said they would see a squirrel. One said they would have to euthanize her if I brought her in. I have seen that it is legal to own a squirrel in Illinois with a permit or a rehaber's license, but after extensive Google searches I still haven't figured out how to obtain either one. I would be willing to drive to Wisconsin or Indiana for a vet that will see her. She isn't crying in pain like she was that one night, but she definitely seems to be uncomfortable.

Found an old thread on TSB regarding getting a Rehabber's License in Illinois. Check Posts 15, 17, 21 and 23. Or you could read the whole thing. Not sure if the number for Brian Clark will work because the information is from 2012. Maybe Nancy from 2ndHandRanchRescue can provide an updated number. Just be aware that even if you are a Licensed Rehabber in Illinois, it said you're only allowed to keep the animal for 120 days.


01-29-2019, 12:43 PM
She's weighing in at exactly 800 grams if someone could help me with dosing instructions.

01-29-2019, 12:55 PM
What are you dosing for and what are you using

01-29-2019, 01:36 PM
I bought the Luxolite detox minerals which says 1/2 teaspoon per 10 pounds and the Vitality Science pet flora which says half a capsule per 10 pounds. If She's weighing in at just under 2 pounds how do I give her such an insignificant amount? That little won't even come out of the syringe. And if she does indeed have a UTI I would assume I need to give her antibiotics.

01-29-2019, 01:40 PM
She's weighing in at exactly 800 grams if someone could help me with dosing instructions.

I am working on locating a vet in your area or Indiana. It seems like this problem has been going on for awhile and a vet visit would be helpful.

01-29-2019, 01:47 PM
Do you have any antibiotics? Clavamox/augmentin or Baytril/Cipro (Animal/human) are both good antibiotics to use for UTI’s. Do you have any? It is very serious if you have not seen pee for 3 days. Is there anyway she could be peeing and you don’t know?

01-29-2019, 02:08 PM
Uribity, please check your private messages located at the top of the forum under “Notifications”. I will send you the vet information in a private message.

Edit: Private message has been sent.

01-29-2019, 02:59 PM
Do you have any antibiotics? Clavamox/augmentin or Baytril/Cipro (Animal/human) are both good antibiotics to use for UTI’s. Do you have any? It is very serious if you have not seen pee for 3 days. Is there anyway she could be peeing and you don’t know?

She might be licking up her pee as she has been grooming / licking her genitals almost constantly. Aside from that there are no wet spots in her cage at all. I might be able to obtain some antibiotics, but currently don't have any.

01-29-2019, 03:37 PM
Women are often prescribed Cipro for UTI’s. See if you can get one pill and get the strength and we can dose from that. Clavamox is prescribed for dogs and cats see if anyone has any extra. We need one or two pills at the most. There are other antibiotics we could use but these are the most common.

01-29-2019, 11:47 PM
I have Penicillin V potassium 500 mg. Would this be a safe antibiotic to use for her? If so, can somebody please private message me dosage instructions?

Mel1959 gave me a number for a vet, but I might not be able to make it out until Friday or Saturday due to the aweful weather we're having this week.

I found the video for expressing the bladder, and I am going to try, but she is awfully ornery. She always gets mean in January and February. Hopefully I'll have all my fingers with the next update.

01-30-2019, 12:12 AM
We do not prescribe Penicillin use for squirrels as it's not recommended and can be toxic for rodents.
I've personally not know any vet that has prescribed it for a squirrel. :dono

01-30-2019, 02:56 AM
We do not prescribe Penicillin use for squirrels as it's not recommended and can be toxic for rodents.
I've personally not know any vet that has prescribed it for a squirrel. :dono

Yeah, I didn't think so, unfortunately that's all I could find. :(

My attempt to express her bladder failed. She was very bitey, but I had gloves on, so no lost fingers. She was very active tonight and was running around more than I've seen her do in awhile. Hopefully that's a good sign. She did go to her corner and squat so I thought she was going to pee, but when she ran off the corner was still bone dry. Almost like she tried to go but then couldn't. :(

Diggie's Friend
01-30-2019, 06:42 AM
Is She pooing ok now, or has that stopped as well? I ask for reason of her belly being swollen. With both the abdomen swelling and no urinating I'm very concerned; for with no urination that her belly is distended due to her not being able to empty her bladder, which in rodents can fill much of the lower abdomen; yet if overly enlarged that is a bad sign. For if she cannot pee then toxins will build up in her body.

Again, check for alkaline pH in the urine; it's important!

QUOTE=Uribity;1285549]I bought the Luxolite detox minerals which says 1/2 teaspoon per 10 pounds and the Vitality Science pet flora which says half a capsule per 10 pounds.[/QUOTE]

At the 800 grams you noted for her weight, closest amount by lb. comes to barely short of 1 3/4 lbs. For the dosage for this weight, begin by dividing the capsule powder in half which is noted to equal the dosage for a 10 lb. animals. This is best done with butcher paper that has a waxy side to prevent the powder from sticking to the paper.

From there divide it into 10 equal portions. Then taking one of the ten portions, divide it into 4 parts.

Add 3 of 4 divided parts of one of ten parts from one half of a capsule powder to equal the approx. dosage for a squirrel 1 3/4 lb. of body wt.

01-30-2019, 08:08 AM
Yeah, I didn't think so, unfortunately that's all I could find. :(

My attempt to express her bladder failed. She was very bitey, but I had gloves on, so no lost fingers. She was very active tonight and was running around more than I've seen her do in awhile. Hopefully that's a good sign. She did go to her corner and squat so I thought she was going to pee, but when she ran off the corner was still bone dry. Almost like she tried to go but then couldn't. :(

Call around to family and friends to see if you can locate another antibiotic. You just need one pill.

01-30-2019, 11:07 AM
I went out of the room to get her some cranberry juice and when I came back she was in her corner squatting. I was so excited for her I let her finish before approaching. There's the very tiniest of a puddle and she's dragging her butt around again which she hasn't done for several days now. I'm excited that something finally came out, but she's still obviously struggling.

She's pooping just fine - no trouble there at all.

She's grooming herself so much she has an open wound now.

01-30-2019, 11:42 AM
That’s great that she peed. It definitely sounds like she has a UTI. Where is the open wound? This could present a whole other problem if it were to get infected.

Any luck tracking down an antibiotic other than penicillin? What is the penicillin you have? Does it go by a name like Amoxicillin or Ampicillin?

01-30-2019, 12:47 PM
I've been asking around, no luck so far getting a different antibiotic. The prescription bottle says Penicillin V K 500 Mg.

The wound is on her right shin just below her knee joint. Now I'm extra concerned about getting her some antibiotics because I don't want that getting infected as well.

She's been a lot more active today than she has been. Running around lot this morning.

01-30-2019, 01:48 PM
Corn silk has some antibiotic properties and is an edible source (like cranberries) that may assist with urinary track issues. Source in winter is to ask your grocer to save the corn hair w/husks for you. Ours does this for no cost. This is not a substitute for antibiotic, but can help until you can get the meds.

01-30-2019, 03:03 PM
I found someone who has some Augmentin. :bliss
Someone please private message me.

01-30-2019, 03:21 PM
I found someone who has some Augmentin. :bliss
Someone please private message me.

If you are requesting a PM with dosing info, we would need to know what strength Augmentin you have located?

01-30-2019, 03:27 PM
800g squirrel weight

Diggie's Friend
01-30-2019, 03:59 PM
Did she pee after you had begun giving the cranberry juice, or before?

How did she get the wound, did she chew herself, or injure herself somehow?

In support of her health and present multi issue condition, I recommend you get one of the sources of Pycnogenol here below that has been used in support of the health of tree squirrels.

Pycnogenol is an extract of the cambium layer of the cambium living layer of the Maritime Pine, which like unto natural sources of this same sub-layer of tree bark is high in nutrients that contain compounds that are very high anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti bacterial, anti-viral, anti-diabetic, anti-cholesterol, along with lending support to bone health. (PYC) has been researched and tested in rats for over 40 years, with no toxicity issues from continual; of course it is needful to keep the dosage in the range of which it has been tested.

This is the dry source, 1/64 Tsp. , is given every other day. It requires a set of mini Teaspoons to measure it that adds to the cost, even so a very good idea to have on hand for other health supporting source measures.


The total cost for the liquid is about the same as the dry without the spoons included, for though the noted cost of the product is much lower, the shipping is 25.00. Personally I like the liquid as it has shown are more pronounced effects.


Though the dropper that comes with the bottle for the liquid source of PYC isn't the most accurate measuring method, yet in this case with a larger body wt. squirrel it should be fine. Give one drop AM and one PM with meals. The ethanol base supports the well absorption of Pycnogenol.

Diggie's Friend
01-30-2019, 04:15 PM
Thank you Hoof for caring about the squirrels as to share about corn silk. The problem with corn silk though is that it has one of the very highest occurrences of contamination by Aspergillus Flavius, a fungus that produces deadly Alfatoxins, which is most everywhere. And although some tested organic packagedsources of corn silk that are harvested early (not treated with fungicides) might be safe, the husks of corn ears in the market commonly contain this fungus, which even if sprayed with a fungicide the spores can get down in between the corn silk hairs. This even when there is no black rot showing on the husk when examined, since the spores cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Surveys in the field and studies on controlled plots have shown that Aspergiilus flavus can infect corn and produce aflatoxin before harvest


01-30-2019, 04:51 PM
It is Co-Amoxiclav 625 Mg. She weighs 800 grams.

She got the wound from chewing on her leg. She has been grooming her lower half aggressively. Licking her genitals almost constantly and licking and chewing on her belly and legs.

01-30-2019, 04:55 PM
I gave her two doses of cranberry juice yesterday and later at night she went to her corner and squatted but noting came out. This morning she was in her corner and squatting and there was a very tiny puddle. This was before I gave her any cranberry juice for the day.

01-30-2019, 06:38 PM
Sending dosing now...

Diggie's Friend
01-30-2019, 09:32 PM
Is the wound near her groin, or lower on her leg?

01-30-2019, 09:49 PM
We would love to see a picture of your sweet little girl:Love_Icon

01-30-2019, 09:51 PM
Thank you all for your help. She has had her first dose of antibiotics. I will keep everyone updated.

Here's a picture from January 7th.

01-30-2019, 09:53 PM
Is the wound near her groin, or lower on her leg?

It's lower on her leg, just below her knee.

01-30-2019, 10:02 PM
We would love to see a picture of your sweet little girl:Love_Icon
From January 1st.

01-30-2019, 10:32 PM
It's lower on her leg, just below her knee.

This is the best picture I could get. You know how these squirrels are so squirrelly, it's difficult to get them to sit still for a picture. You can also kinda see how her lower abdomen is bloated.

Diggie's Friend
01-30-2019, 10:42 PM
Continue giving the cranberry juice to support the acidification of her urine, as it appears it is working to address a possible UTI, and/or bladder crystals urothiasis.

This article relates how paralysis was caused by a urinary tract infection in a rat, that your girl is chewing on her leg is indicative of some loss of feeling, would point towards the cause being a UTI.With lower urinary tract infections (urethritis) , and infection of the urethra it can be addressed with meds and diet alone. Keep an eye out on the urine color to see if there is any tinge of blood. Read through these pages as it will support your better understanding of this issue.



See over the counter treatment noted for a children's syrup.

The irritation in the groin area also indicative of bladder stones. Bladder worms may be concurrent with this condition.

The rat may have and urgency to urinate, to lick at genitals, or to nip at self due to pain. Little if any urine may be passed and drops of blood may be seen due to the stones abrasive action when the urine is attempting to pass out through the urethra.


In order to determine if there are stones a vet would need to examine your squirrel, and also do an x ray. Not sure if you would be allowed to hold her or if you could; I held my fox squirrels years ago for an x-ray while awake. If you hold your hand over the back top of her head and shoulders as to gently but firmly pin her to the table with a small towel over her head as to block her view of what is going on, it can be done without anesthesia, since the x ray only takes a moment to do. Petting and comforting a squirrel with your free hand and voice just prior to the moment of the x-ray helps to keep your squirrels mind off the goings on.

I would encourage you to continue to pursue finding a vet that would be willing to treat, yet not confiscate your squirrel.

In the meantime I hope the other members will chime in in regards to meds noted on these pages to address one ore more possible issues.

01-31-2019, 08:52 AM

The webpages (reposted below) from the ratguide that Diggie's friend posted contains lots of good information.




I would continue to hydrate, give cranberry juice and see how the clavamox works.

The ratguide suggests Ivermectin for parasites but if she has been inside for 3.5 years it is hard to see how she got these so I would hold off administering this for now.

01-31-2019, 01:18 PM
She took her antibiotics this morning. She's refusing the cranberry juice now. I don't understand why, she was loving it yesterday and the day before. I even put honey at the tip of the syringe and she is refusing to take it.

The wound on her leg is much worse this morning and now she has a second wound at the base of her tail. How do I prevent her from eating herself alive?

She just went to her corner and peed as I was typing this, it was enough that I could actually hear it.

Diggie's Friend
01-31-2019, 02:07 PM
You could construct a neck cone; includes thin stiff cardboard and thin plastic like you find in in the packaging of new shirt collars.

Here is a tutorial with a pattern and instructions on how to construct an E Collar:


Info on wrapping legs and treating wounds:


In addition, you may want to consider adding CBD oil to her diet.

See thread by Muggsy'sgrma for details

Diggie's Friend
01-31-2019, 02:32 PM
Do you happen to have gabapentin on hand; it is a medication for nerves, it works very well.

Let us know, TubeDriver can give you the dosage.

01-31-2019, 02:55 PM
Do you happen to have gabapentin on hand; it is a medication for nerves, it works very well.

Let us know, TubeDriver can give you the dosage.

No, nothing for nerves. I have Cyclobenzaprine for muscle spasms.

I let her out of her cage to run around and get exercise and was going to see if she would let me hold her to give her the cranberry juice. She attacked me three times for just being in the room, I didn't even attempt to pick her up or hold her yet. Just three weeks ago she was my little cuddle bug but now she's viciously attacking me. I'm sure she's in pain and uncomfortable and that isn't helping her mood any. Past winter's I would have just left her alone and let her get over herself, but I'm trying so hard to help her and her little attitude is making it so much more difficult. I feel lost.

01-31-2019, 03:29 PM
Usually an animal chews themself like this with pain, most often nerve pain. As she had any falls or has seemed unusually sore in the way she moves? I am hoping that you can get her seen by a vet soon. This is not a normal UTI.

Does she tend to get in attack mode in past winters? Please keep yourself safe. As you know, attacks by squirrels can be very victorious.

01-31-2019, 03:48 PM
Cyclobenzaprine is used off label for nerve pain like fibromyalgia. So it might be a decent substitute for gabapentin? Hold on for a bit... need to do some research to see if it is safe for squirrels.

(Edit) Cyclobenzaprine (flexeril) is toxic to dogs, not listed in Plumbs Vet Drug Manual nor is it listed in the Rat Med guide so I would NOT use this on a squirrel. It is very hard on the liver and may well harm the squirrel.

No, nothing for nerves. I have Cyclobenzaprine for muscle spasms.

I let her out of her cage to run around and get exercise and was going to see if she would let me hold her to give her the cranberry juice. She attacked me three times for just being in the room, I didn't even attempt to pick her up or hold her yet. Just three weeks ago she was my little cuddle bug but now she's viciously attacking me. I'm sure she's in pain and uncomfortable and that isn't helping her mood any. Past winter's I would have just left her alone and let her get over herself, but I'm trying so hard to help her and her little attitude is making it so much more difficult. I feel lost.

01-31-2019, 03:59 PM
DO NOT USE Cyclobenzaprine on your squirrel. Do not use this medication on any pet!!!

Diggie's Friend
01-31-2019, 05:12 PM
She is refusing food because antibiotics dampen appetite, and also likely because she is allot of pain, which is why she bit you.

Talking to her with the level of pain she is in isn't going to much help to calm her down, she needs a pain med.

Be sure to use protective gloves to handle her, and cover your body with heavier clothing, like sweatshirts with a hoodie, to prevent damage from bites.

Bach Flowers called Rescue Remedy helps to support calm; get the spray, as you don't have to touch her or to spray it on her.


01-31-2019, 05:15 PM
Usually an animal chews themself like this with pain, most often nerve pain. As she had any falls or has seemed unusually sore in the way she moves? I am hoping that you can get her seen by a vet soon. This is not a normal UTI.

Does she tend to get in attack mode in past winters? Please keep yourself safe. As you know, attacks by squirrels can be very victorious.

I meant squirrel attacks can be very vicious....

01-31-2019, 05:26 PM
I'll send PM for dosing Infant Ibuprophen. She really needs a vet but the motrin might help reduce the self mutilation in the meantime.

01-31-2019, 06:20 PM
DO NOT USE Cyclobenzaprine on your squirrel. Do not use this medication on any pet!!!

I would never use any medication, even children's Tylenol, without a rehaber's or vet's approval.

I know things like chocolate is delicious to me, but toxic to dogs, so I always make sure anything I give her is approved first.

01-31-2019, 06:33 PM
I meant squirrel attacks can be very vicious....

I'm aware. She was VICTORIOUS two years ago.

She gets like this every winter.

It's -20° outside so I put on the same clothes I was intending to go outside in. So I had enough protection on that her attacks didn't hurt me.

01-31-2019, 06:41 PM
She has a vet appointment for 9:00am tomorrow morning. Thanks to Mel1959 for finding me one!

Diggie's Friend
01-31-2019, 07:12 PM
Dec-Jan-Feb females Fox squirrels are in season. During their heats they can be prone to developing UTI.

01-31-2019, 07:26 PM
She has a vet appointment for 9:00am tomorrow morning. Thanks to Mel1959 for finding me one!

Please let us know how the vet appt goes. Thank you for taking such good care of your sweet girl.

Diggie's Friend
01-31-2019, 07:44 PM
I see Goldeneyes posted a link of a CVS recall of, "Infant Ibuprofen".

Not sure what batch it is, I would check if you have a bottle to make sure it doesn't have a number of the batches that have been recalled.


Infant Ibuprofen is commonly recommended on the board, working well to address pain.

01-31-2019, 07:47 PM
Hi Uribity,
Since you have a vet appointment tomorrow morning, you may want to hold off starting Ibuprophen until you see the vet. The vet should be able to give you metacam or gabapentin (better than ibuprophen). There has been some recall for infant ibuprophen, apparently the drug can be stronger than it should be. The dose I sent you is middle of the road in terms of strength so I am not too worried (you could give twice what I dosed and still be perfectly safe) but your vet should be able to get you better meds!

She has a vet appointment for 9:00am tomorrow morning. Thanks to Mel1959 for finding me one!

Diggie's Friend
01-31-2019, 08:09 PM
For any questions you may have on this recall:

Contact Tris Customer Service at 732-940-0358.

01-31-2019, 08:17 PM
I’m glad you have an appointment. I think it would be a good idea to specifically ask the vet about getting some Gabapentin. Keep us posted, please.

01-31-2019, 09:52 PM
Now that you mention it, I do remember friends posting about the recall of children's ibuprofen on Facebook. I'll hold off and see what the vet says. She's been sleeping since 4:00, so I guess I won't disturb her and let her get her rest.

When I let her out earlier she was too distracted running around and attacking me to chew on herself. Maybe she's doing it from boredom? I would like to think she wouldn't chew herself that much from boredom though, but who knows?

I don't think she fell. I keep a good eye on her whenever I let her out. She doesn't seem to be in any pain when she runs around. She got the zoomies earlier and was zipping around at top speed around my bed.

02-01-2019, 05:43 PM
How’d the vet visit go? :imp:imp

02-01-2019, 07:03 PM
The vet took x-rays and said she did indeed have urinary crystals and inflamed kidneys. The vet wasn't able to express any urine from her bladder either, but said it wasn't swollen either, meaning it wasn't full. Blood tests came back that she had too much calcium. I'm so scared of her getting MBD I guess I was over compensating. Her Ph levels were actually too low. The vet also said that at some point she broke her arm and it never healed properly so her grip isn't very good with that arm. She always has been a clumsy climber and that's why we ultimately never released her.

02-01-2019, 08:50 PM
Did the vet recommend any treatments? With inflammed kidneys, I would probably NOT give ibuprophen which is hard on the kidneys. No need to stress them any further. Definitely back off on any calcium for the time being.

The vet took x-rays and said she did indeed have urinary crystals and inflamed kidneys. The vet wasn't able to express any urine from her bladder either, but said it wasn't swollen either, meaning it wasn't full. Blood tests came back that she had too much calcium. I'm so scared of her getting MBD I guess I was over compensating. Her Ph levels were actually too low. The vet also said that at some point she broke her arm and it never healed properly so her grip isn't very good with that arm. She always has been a clumsy climber and that's why we ultimately never released her.

02-01-2019, 09:52 PM
What did the vet think of her chewing on herself. What did you think of the vet?

How has her behavior been lately.

02-01-2019, 11:49 PM
The vet prescribed her medication for pain and antibiotics. She said flush her system with plenty of water - lots and lots of fluid. She cleaned the wounds and put some ointment on them, and said they weren't too bad and should heal quickly. She said that it's possible that Squee is chewing on herself out of frustration. Squee was very sleepy after waking up from anthiesia, put a towel over her cage and she slept the whole way home. She had a pretty rough day. After getting home she was pretty angry, but calm enough that we gave her prescriptions. I liked the vet. Very nice, but stern about getting her diet on track.

02-03-2019, 11:54 PM
Just want to thank everyone for their help. The vet recommended injecting medicine into grapes. So far that tip has been working out great. I've found it works even better with tomatoes and strawberries, so wanted to share that with everyone.

Squee is still a little grumpy, but not nearly as much as she was before her vet visit. I think not feeling well made her angrier. She seems to be doing a little better, but I'm having trouble getting her to drink as much liquid as the vet recommended, and she's still gnawing on herself. :sadness

02-05-2019, 08:04 AM
I’m sorry to hear she’s still chewing on herself. :sadness. Some folks on here have had good luck with OCD behavior by giving CBD oil. Of course with her kidney issues, I’d check with the vet first to be sure it wouldn’t be harmful. I’m not sure if YUCK! applied around the wound, not on it, maybe with a q-tip, would discourage her from chewing. It tastes very bitter, but might sting an open wound. If you have concerns I wouldn’t hesitate to call the vet and ask.

02-06-2019, 10:02 PM
I woke up to this on the bottom of her cage this morning. I called the vet and asked if the meds she's on made her vomit. I was told that rodents don't vomit and they asked me to bring her back in. I have another three hour car ride ahead for me tomorrow. Anyone have any ideas?

02-06-2019, 10:43 PM
Squirrels do not usually vomit, but they can, I’ve seen it. Could she have gotten into anything she shouldn’t have? The medication could have upset her stomach just like it can people. Are you give probiotics 2 hrs before or after her antibiotic? It’s good that you’re taking her back to the vet to have her checked again. I’m sorry it’s such a long drive. :( Continue to encourage her to drink water.

02-06-2019, 11:28 PM
She didn't get into anything that she shouldn't have. When I let her out of her cage I keep her in my bedroom, and I only have my bed and dresser in there, and I supervise her, so she doesn't chew up either.

Last night I gave her her second daily dose of medicine with a yellow cherry tomato and I tried putting some coconut oil on her wounds. The coconut oil was less than a quarter of a teaspoon. Vomit would explain the color, I couldn't imagine it coming out that color if it were poop.

I have tried giving her some yogurt, but she wanted absolutely nothing to do with it.

02-07-2019, 03:02 AM
I am glad you were able to get her to a vet so quickly. But have a back up too in case the one you took her to is out of town or something during an emergency. It's easier to find one when you don't need them, than worry about finding one when you do.

Regarding an earlier question you had about becoming licensed/permitted, contact other rehabbers in your area and see what the rules are for becoming permitted or licensed. They will have more info for you and may be able to help you with the process. Also, your state parks and wildlife websites.

02-07-2019, 08:10 AM
I woke up to this on the bottom of her cage this morning. I called the vet and asked if the meds she's on made her vomit. I was told that rodents don't vomit and they asked me to bring her back in. I have another three hour car ride ahead for me tomorrow. Anyone have any ideas?

Urbity, I’m so sorry that you are having these issues with your girl. :grouphug

I don’t think you mentioned what drugs that the vet put your girl on, but if there is GI upset from antibiotics, it is usually in the form of diarrhea. Squirrels do vomit but it is more unusual than not.

Another reason that animals chew on themselves is displaced pain. Did the vet have a looky see at her spine? Did she look at her teeth to make sure they are growing properly. We are all guessing about the chewing and I’m so glad that you have a vet that seems knowledgeable and willing to work with you and your girl. Please let us know what the vet says.

I have a very good vet 1/2 hour away from me for which I am very grateful, but he is tough to get seen on his regular exotic hours. He is also the emergency vet and works 8pm to 7 am. He is very willing to see us during those hours but of course we wait till he has finished emergencies. Many times we have gone home closer to when the sun is coming up. So hang in there. We all know what it is like to love and care for these rascally unpredictable creatures that have grabbed a piece of our heart.

02-09-2019, 12:52 AM
Urbity, I’m so sorry that you are having these issues with your girl. :grouphug

I don’t think you mentioned what drugs that the vet put your girl on, but if there is GI upset from antibiotics, it is usually in the form of diarrhea. Squirrels do vomit but it is more unusual than not.

Another reason that animals chew on themselves is displaced pain. Did the vet have a looky see at her spine? Did she look at her teeth to make sure they are growing properly. We are all guessing about the chewing and I’m so glad that you have a vet that seems knowledgeable and willing to work with you and your girl. Please let us know what the vet says.

I have a very good vet 1/2 hour away from me for which I am very grateful, but he is tough to get seen on his regular exotic hours. He is also the emergency vet and works 8pm to 7 am. He is very willing to see us during those hours but of course we wait till he has finished emergencies. Many times we have gone home closer to when the sun is coming up. So hang in there. We all know what it is like to love and care for these rascally unpredictable creatures that have grabbed a piece of our heart.

Squee put up quite the fight getting her into her pet carrier to take the trip to the vet. It took over an hour of running away from me and squawking at me, and then she finally gave up, laid down, and let me pick her up and put her into her carrier. She was such a gentle sweetheart after that. Lol, I guess the trick to her winter nasties is just to let her tire out.

I told the vet that Squee was still chewing on herself and she agreed that the wound had gotten significantly worse. She did blood tests to see if there were any parasites that may be causing Squee to feel itchy. No parasites, but the vet says that Squee shows signs of liver damage. My heart sunk when she told me that. She gave me thistle milk to help stop it from progressing further.

The vet was still not able to get a urine sample from Squee. She did a radiograph and said that Squee's bladder wall is thickened which means that it doesn't stretch and expand the way it should and so she's not getting a full bladder.

She basically just told me to continue with the meds.

island rehabber
02-09-2019, 08:35 AM
Just want to thank everyone for their help. The vet recommended injecting medicine into grapes. So far that tip has been working out great. I've found it works even better with tomatoes and strawberries, so wanted to share that with everyone.

You are getting excellent help here already and I'm so sorry your girl is having issues, Uribity. I do want to thank you for this gem you posted above -- what a great idea!! We can also use this to medicate wilds who need a drop of ivermectin for mange, or a bit of ABX for an infection. Brilliant! :thankyou Much more precise than "putting a drop on half a pecan". :grin2

02-09-2019, 11:22 AM
If squirrels are anything like rats, they don't "vomit" but they do regurgitate rarely. It's basically just a difference in the muscles used to bring food back up. Boils down to terminology really and how far along the food can get before they're not able to bring it up. Just a side note.