View Full Version : 1 year and 8 month old semi-tame female squirrel

01-10-2019, 06:34 PM
Hi ,
I have a 1 year and 8 month old semi-tame female squirrel that I rescued and released over a year ago. She comes by everyday sometimes 10 times a day to get hazelnuts and other food. Her nest and tree den has always been where she can see my house and would come over whenever she would see me outside. She has had babies two times so far. It is breeding season here again now and I haven't seen her for 2 weeks. This is unusual behavior for her. Has anyone ever had a similar situation with an older female squirrel? I hope everyday she shows up but so far she hasn't.

01-10-2019, 07:41 PM
Squirrels will disappear for periods and then suddenly reappear like nothing every happened. Breeding season can also cause interuptions in their regular schedules. Hopefully she will show up soon!

Hi ,
I have a 1 year and 8 month old semi-tame female squirrel that I rescued and released over a year ago. She comes by everyday sometimes 10 times a day to get hazelnuts and other food. Her nest and tree den has always been where she can see my house and would come over whenever she would see me outside. She has had babies two times so far. It is breeding season here again now and I haven't seen her for 2 weeks. This is unusual behavior for her. Has anyone ever had a similar situation with an older female squirrel? I hope everyday she shows up but so far she hasn't.