View Full Version : Apology: Off topic, but help requested
Carol Lynn
01-06-2019, 11:32 AM
Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a nice holiday!! :Love_Icon
I apologize for posting something completely off topic, but I know how knowledgeable and helpful you all are, and I'm hoping someone might be able to give me an opinion about this.
I found my poor little Squirtie on the street as a kitten with horrific injuries last December. He has since healed up, but I noticed while he was stretched out in front of me today that a little dry spot I noticed a week or so ago on his bald belly has suddenly gotten much bigger. I thought it was just an irritation because he has no fur, but now I'm worried. It's Sunday, so I can't get him to the vet today, but I will call them first thing tomorrow.
I'm posting a bunch of pictures to give you an idea of the size and location. You may notice that his injuries rubbed off all his little nipples except for two, and they are now not aligned and much closer together than they should be. What particularly worries me is that this dry-looking patch is right above them, where another nipple should be, and I'm worried that it could be something related to that. Any ideas what this might be?
I would greatly appreciate any thoughts, and again, I apologize for putting something up that isn't squirrel-related!!
Many many thanks!!307233307233307234307235307236307237307238
01-06-2019, 12:40 PM
Looks like ringworm to me.
island rehabber
01-06-2019, 01:11 PM
Looks like ringworm to me.
Same thought. Easy to fix!
Carol Lynn
01-06-2019, 03:25 PM
Thanks, everyone, for your ideas. I appreciate it! I didn't think it was ringworm because none of my cats go outside, and he's the only one that has it. It doesn't appear to be itchy, either, because I never see him going at it. I guess I should get him to the vet ASAP to confirm, though, because I don't want it to spread to them all. Thank you again!
island rehabber
01-06-2019, 03:55 PM
Thanks, everyone, for your ideas. I appreciate it! I didn't think it was ringworm because none of my cats go outside, and he's the only one that has it. It doesn't appear to be itchy, either, because I never see him going at it. I guess I should get him to the vet ASAP to confirm, though, because I don't want it to spread to them all. Thank you again!
Good luck, Carol --- and if we're mistaken, please do tell us what the vet said it actually was!
Carol Lynn
01-06-2019, 04:11 PM
Good luck, Carol --- and if we're mistaken, please do tell us what the vet said it actually was!
Thanks, Maura. I am in a bit of panic because of have six of them, and three of them are the type I wouldn't be able to get to the vet unless they were in really bad shape. None of the others have any lesions, and little guy has been with us for over a year and this just started. Right now I have all their bedding in the wash with hot water and bleach, and I just vacuumed the floors. I have no idea how I will disinfect the house if it turns out to be ringworm!! :(
I just wanted to mention, though, that his baldness is from his injuries - not from this sore. Don't know if that makes any difference or not.
Ugh. Will certainly let you all know what the vet has to say, but from what I've read online, an accurate diagnosis of ringworm takes time. Hope they know well enough to identify it just by looking at it!
01-06-2019, 04:30 PM
I guess I should get him to the vet ASAP to confirm,
Considering the poor boy's "nipple history" I think that's a wise choice. :grouphug
01-06-2019, 05:40 PM
I am not sure what that is, could be a lot of things from Ringworm to a bacterial skin infection to some type of dermititus? But it does not look that bad so hopefully it will be easy to treat and cure! As IR said, please let us know what the vet thinks.
Carol Lynn
01-06-2019, 06:14 PM
I am not sure what that is, could be a lot of things from Ringworm to a bacterial skin infection to some type of dermititus? But it does not look that bad so hopefully it will be easy to treat and cure! As IR said, please let us know what the vet thinks.
Thanks, TD. I will definitely let you all know. I'm really hoping it isn't ringworm because of the other guys. Then again, I hope it's nothing worse!! Because he's bald, though, his skin always gets very dry in the winter, so I'm still hoping maybe it's just some sort of dermatitis. Anyway, will be sure to let you all know tomorrow! Fingers crossed!
On another note, I just washed his Squirt yurt in case it IS ringworm, and the whole thing fell apart in the wash!! I feel so guilty!! It was his favorite little hut!! Will have to get him a new one tomorrow. :Love_Icon
01-06-2019, 07:23 PM
On a good note in case of...
We were given a stray that had ringworm, of course for sometime we didn't know what it was and treated it like a hot spot.
It would heal, fur grew back, then it would appear again. This cat claimed the dog, they were inseparable and I do have my squees.
Ringworm is contagious even among humans, we nor any of the other animals ever got the fungus.
Carol Lynn
01-07-2019, 02:44 PM
Hi everyone,
I have an update. Just got home from seeing the vet. Squirtie seems to have some kind of skin infection, and the vet gave him an antibiotic shot that he said should probably clear it up. He doesn't think it's ringworm and said that ringworm doesn't usually present on bald skin. He said that if it doesn't go away after three weeks, to bring him back to reevaluate, but he thinks that will probably clear it up. Hope so!
He also said that the last time Squirtie was there he was six pounds. Now he's nearly 16!!
Thanks so much again for everyone's help! I really appreciate it!! :Love_Icon
01-07-2019, 04:30 PM
Hi everyone,
I have an update. Just got home from seeing the vet. Squirtie seems to have some kind of skin infection, and the vet gave him an antibiotic shot that he said should probably clear it up. He doesn't think it's ringworm and said that ringworm doesn't usually present on bald skin. He said that if it doesn't go away after three weeks, to bring him back to reevaluate, but he thinks that will probably clear it up. Hope so!
He also said that the last time Squirtie was there he was six pounds. Now he's nearly 16!!
Thanks so much again for everyone's help! I really appreciate it!! :Love_Icon
Been there, done that, and hope your boy is more successful. :grouphug
After our second vet visit with our cat, second injection and it still came back,
we went for the GV. That took care of it...
Curious about the ringworm not presenting on bald skin? Wondering if he were thinking "scared" skin?
We can get ringworm and it does appear on our bald skin. :dono
Carol Lynn
01-07-2019, 05:44 PM
Been there, done that, and hope your boy is more successful. :grouphug
After our second vet visit with our cat, second injection and it still came back,
we went for the GV. That took care of it...
Curious about the ringworm not presenting on bald skin? Wondering if he were thinking "scared" skin?
We can get ringworm and it does appear on our bald skin. :dono
Hi Step,
I think I'll try the GV anyway. It can't hurt, can it? How often should I apply it?
He definitely said "bald" skin, but maybe what he was actually talking about was scarred skin. Not exactly sure of the reasoning behind it, but I think he mentioned something about it feeding off of the keratin or something in the hairs??
01-08-2019, 12:15 AM
Hi Step,
I think I'll try the GV anyway. It can't hurt, can it? How often should I apply it?
He definitely said "bald" skin, but maybe what he was actually talking about was scarred skin. Not exactly sure of the reasoning behind it, but I think he mentioned something about it feeding off of the keratin or something in the hairs??
I think the vet is generalizing ring worm as it is called by at least five different names depending on where on the body the fungus infection
is located. Tinea barbae and tinea capitis are in "hair" areas, tinea corporis is on the skin. I'm not even sure scarred skin would make a difference if it were ringworm.
Now how an "indoor" cat would get it is beyond me as it's pretty much a contact infection like coming in contact with someone/something infected or even touching something touched by one infected. If we can get it by contact just on something touched by one infected, I would imagine we could bring in on our shoes if we were to have walked in/on an infected area. I have seen RW disappear for a time and come back, maybe possible if it is RW it's something he got on the outside and it just surfaced. Obviously I have no real answers.... :dono
If you use the GV first thing to remember is it's liquid, it's purple, and it stains!
Use a q-tip or something of the like and just coat the area like you would do with self using Mercurochrome or Iodine.
Hold kitty a few minutes to let it dry. When you see it start fading in 2-3 days. Do it again.
Most critters I've treated with GV only took twice for it to stay gone, one cat I had to treat at least 3 x but he was a
stray and probably had the fungus longer.
01-08-2019, 02:05 PM
it's liquid, it's purple, and it stains!
This brought back a memory. Mom and dad bought a product called Blu-Kote for use on our hens. Why exactly I don't remember. What I do remember is having very purple hands for quite some time. I had the job of catching and holding the hen why mom sprayed the Blu-Kote.
Carol Lynn
01-08-2019, 05:32 PM
I think the vet is generalizing ring worm as it is called by at least five different names depending on where on the body the fungus infection
is located. Tinea barbae and tinea capitis are in "hair" areas, tinea corporis is on the skin. I'm not even sure scarred skin would make a difference if it were ringworm.
Now how an "indoor" cat would get it is beyond me as it's pretty much a contact infection like coming in contact with someone/something infected or even touching something touched by one infected. If we can get it by contact just on something touched by one infected, I would imagine we could bring in on our shoes if we were to have walked in/on an infected area. I have seen RW disappear for a time and come back, maybe possible if it is RW it's something he got on the outside and it just surfaced. Obviously I have no real answers.... :dono
If you use the GV first thing to remember is it's liquid, it's purple, and it stains!
Use a q-tip or something of the like and just coat the area like you would do with self using Mercurochrome or Iodine.
Hold kitty a few minutes to let it dry. When you see it start fading in 2-3 days. Do it again.
Most critters I've treated with GV only took twice for it to stay gone, one cat I had to treat at least 3 x but he was a
stray and probably had the fungus longer.
It's possible that he was generalizing. He really didn't seem very concerned about it, and I did specifically ask -- several times -- if he thought it was ringworm. It is true that he hasn't been outside in over a year, though, and none of my other cats go outside, either. I wonder if it could also be some sort of skin irritation simply because he's bald and that skin is always exposed??
In any case, I will try the GV just to be on the safe side. Thanks for the stain warning - very good to know!
And I'm not sure if I'm imagining it or not, but it actually looks a bit better to me today. Perhaps it was starting to heal up on its own by the time I took him to the vet?? Not sure. Fingers crossed, though!!
Thanks so much again for your help!!
Carol Lynn
01-08-2019, 05:33 PM
it's liquid, it's purple, and it stains!
This brought back a memory. Mom and dad bought a product called Blu-Kote for use on our hens. Why exactly I don't remember. What I do remember is having very purple hands for quite some time. I had the job of catching and holding the hen why mom sprayed the Blu-Kote.
I'm glad you both warned me about that! We just had our floors sanded and refinished, and I would have to have them all stained up purple!!
01-08-2019, 07:04 PM
It literally is a dye so it will stain stuff! It just also happens to have antifungal/antibacterial/antiviral (pretty much anti-everything properties:grin3 ).
I'm glad you both warned me about that! We just had our floors sanded and refinished, and I would have to have them all stained up purple!!
Carol Lynn
01-08-2019, 07:54 PM
It literally is a dye so it will stain stuff! It just also happens to have antifungal/antibacterial/antiviral (pretty much anti-everything properties:grin3 ).
I will have to confine him to the basement until it dries!!
By the way, I just had Bill take a look at his spot to see what he thought, and he also thought it looks a bit better today. I hope it will just go away, whatever it is!
The people at the vet's office were all surprised at how bald he is! They were all saying, "Oh wow, he's so bald!" You can see it a bit of it in these pictures - it covers his stomach, one side, and then runs up between his shoulder blades, poor baby!! 307268307269
01-09-2019, 12:38 AM
He is beautiful, bald spots and all!
01-09-2019, 08:29 AM
He has a handsome cat face! :great
Carol Lynn
01-13-2019, 02:53 PM
He has a handsome cat face! :great
He's a real little character. One strange thing about him, though, is that he doesn't seem to know his name. He is the only cat I've ever had that doesn't seem to react to his name at all. At first I thought maybe he had a hearing problem, but after opening a can of cat food I realized I was wrong about that. :Love_Icon
Diggie's Friend
01-13-2019, 04:03 PM
"Dogs look up to us, cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals."
Winston Churchill
01-13-2019, 04:16 PM
Winston Churchill[/SIZE]
Dogs look at us and think "You provide food for me, you provide warmth and snuggles for me... you must be a god!"
Cats look at us and think "You bring me food, you spoil me with warmth and snuggles... I must be a god!"
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