View Full Version : Happy New Year!

01-01-2019, 07:51 PM
Hello, everyone! This is actually my second time here. The first time was back around 2008-2010. During that time, I had a chance to know Momma Squirrel, island rehabber, Squerly, 4skwerlz, FallensMommie, smoknbunny, FluffyTailNut, Jackie in Tampa, Mars, the lady who had an outdoor squirrel named Lil Miss Grab n Go, to name a few. For the past few months, I had been reading TSB in the background. For the New Year, I finally decided to re-register. I see many people have come and gone over the years. I miss those people who are no longer here. It's nice to see people with familiar names who are still here, and I look forward to getting to know more people who are, and will be, a part of this community.

Thank you to the Administrators/Rehabbers and people with different experiences and levels of expertise for being there for those who seek assistance. Your advice and referrals have helped me a great deal in the past, for which I am grateful. And island rehabber, thank you for keeping the picture of Moses in your Avatar. It warms my heart to see your name next to Moses. I followed his story until his release. Do you remember the "Why.. I oughta" picture you had of Moses where he looked like he was winding his right fist to figuratively punch another squirrel (his roommate)? That was a classic!

Have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! And many more!

01-02-2019, 03:57 PM
Welcome back and Happy New Year! :w00t

01-02-2019, 04:26 PM
Welcome back and Happy New Year! :w00t

Hello, TubeDriver! Nice to meet you! Thank you for having me. It's good to be back. Hopefully, I won't lose my password this time. lol Happy New Year to you, your family and friends!