View Full Version : Desperately need help, unidentified illness in my 4 year old Eastern Gray

01-01-2019, 09:08 AM
Ok I've poured through all the threads I could here for a few days and so far nothing I've came across has quite sounded like what is going on with my 4 year old Eastern Gray Nutty Buddy. Unfortunately I live in a state that does not allow native squirrels to be kept and rehab licenses/permits aren't issued for anything native so a vet is not an option. I've already tried calling several in my area just to see if they could/would help, but the only offer i got was for them to euthanize her and report me...not helpful at all. There are no rehab centers around to help ect. So, some history before I dive in...Nutty Buddy is a 4 year old Eastern Gray squirrel that my neighbor brought to me half dead and without fur. Her cat had brought her to her door step and she was told all that could be done through state agencies was for them to euthanize. I took over her care, I estimated she was maybe a week to 2 old. I fed her a multispecies milk replacer and started her on solids ASAP. She has a calcium rich diet; rodent block, green leafy veggies, squash, avacodo, ect but mainly rodent block. I've also make sure to keep her extra things to chew on for calcium as well; antler, cuddle bone, ect. Make sure she gets some sun exposure every single day. She has always been healthy over the last 4 years no issues at all with MBD, no changes in her diet, no changes in her cage,no new toys, she hasn't ingested anything she shouldn't (we watch her closely when she is out with us), no trauma or injuries, no excessive heat expose, ect. I've tried to do a ton of research and b the best squirrel mama I could b over the years. About a week ago I went to let her out of her cage and she was slumped over and lethargic. Not really responsive, her breathing seems normal, listened to her lungs...no congestion or clicking. She has been stiff, glazed eyes, completely off balanced when she did move, slight fever, she seems achy(she fusses if I try to pick her up, fusses if u touch her any where but her head or to scratch chest.) Her teeth look good, pads pinks, gums good colored. She is staying curled up in a ball and is having issues holding herself up. She's not cleaning herself, not taking fluids on her own, no appetite. I searched and searched for similar conditions but MBD was the closest thing to this. I did 500mgs of calcium via syringe for a day then spread 500mgs into 4 doses via syringe for 3 more days. She has not responded at all so I thought possibly an infection. Managed to get SmZ/TMP, did the conversions from a chart on here. Not sure the mg ATM without going and relooking and remathing because I did the math and figured it was a 52nd of the pill I had per dose. Been doing that twice a day with some yogurt, fluids, and MBD treatment but still no response. Can't find a vet to help out, it's illegal for me to have her...I haven't been able to find a way to legally own her in our state so if I take her to vet they r forced to euthanize her instead of treat per state policy, plus noone close is experienced no rehab centers. She has managed to crawl out for water once or twice but she is off balance, weak, and now has her head tilted and body leaning to one side. She's still hard to wake up and when she does she isn't really responsive unless you try to move her or touch her body. She's barely fussing it's more like a sad low moan now instead of a chirp or bark...she's so miserable. I read u can give them ibruprofren for pain but I'm not sure I should with all the other issues. I can go get the conversation chart and do it if others think the benefits out weights the risks. I can't find any illness, disease, virus, ect that has these symptoms and I don't know what else to try to help her. Again to my knowledge a vet isn't an option in my state but if someone does know of one that can help or rehabber, ect in WV please let me know. I know illegal animal ownership isn't idea, but I couldn't stand to see such a beautiful soul just b sentenced to death when I knew we could help, love, and give her a forever home since rehabbing wasn't a choice. U can fuss at me later about it lol, but ATM my sweet, gentle, fluff tail needs advice and help of any kind possible u guys can offer. Btw I do have access to amoxicillin as well if u think it may need switched, but with almost a week of MBD treatment and SMZ/TMP twice daily this isn't looking like an issue that will benefit from any kind of antibiotics or calcium.

island rehabber
01-01-2019, 09:37 AM
You sound like a wonderful squirrel mamma who HAS tried to do everything right. I am so sorry your girl isn't well.
Could she have fallen? Somewhere in the house, or in her cage, even? Spinal nerve damage can cause these symptoms and then organs begin to suffer. Do you have other animals who go outside, dogs or cats? Tick-borne illnesses (ticks are brought in on other pets) including Lyme disease can cause symptoms like this. I wish I knew more, so I could help you.....:(

01-01-2019, 09:44 AM
Sending you a pm

01-01-2019, 04:04 PM
She hasn't fell while out and her cage is a duplex so if she happened to fall it would've only been about 3 and a half feet. You would think she would favor certain paws or would be sore in a certain area instead of all over if she fell idk though. We have other pets but they are all inside(never ever out) and I keep all of them on flea and tick meds from vet with the exception of her. We have her out daily and pet all over her and haven't felt any ticks or seen any signs of fleas. It could be possible but it's very unlikely though that Lyme disease would b a factor. My family out of state has finally found a vet that could see her and I have a friend who can has agreed to take her in under her rehabber licenses, but that won't b til tomorrow afternoon. I'm trying to find something a little closer but if not then heading to NC in morning. I can stay with family which will be helpful because at this point since she will probably have to to b admitted for a few days while testing ect is done and I will have somewhere to stay and rest before I have to drive back. (I have multiple Scelerosis so it will be a a rough trip for me too.) With holidays it's been a rough week to find someone to see her, plus I've had to check the regulations, permit info, ect for every state, and try to find someone who deals with Eastern grays regularly. I checked on her about an hour ago and she's really not well at all. I'm going to try to keep getting the calcium and fluids in her, but she's refusing to take the syringe. She is fussing and covering her face with her paws and she's so out of it she won't pick her head up or open eyes when I do get the syringe in her mouth. She was licking/suckling/swallowing fluids but today even if I get the syringe in her mouth and start a few drops into her mouth she's just letting it run out so I'm really warey about trying too much because I know even adults can get asperated on fluids and I dont need that complication with whatever is going on with her. Not looking good at all. I know u can do fluids IV, idk if that's something to consider overnight until I get her to Dr tomorrow afternoon or not. I worked under a license rehabber in NC for a few years, grew up on a family ran farm, and I was working on my BA in Wildlife biology when I got sick with MS so I'm pretty comfortable doing whatever medically needed to help her through the night, but I don't want to do something to cause more harm or something invasive unnecessarily. Praying she makes it til tomorrow afternoon so an experienced vet can take over. Please keep us in your prayers and if anyone has advice about what it could be or to help me get her through the night, ect please please don't hesitate to message, I'll b checking the board frequently. She is the sweetest gentlest squirrel I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, so I am desperate and open to any help. Thanks guys, this site has been a treasure trove of info and guidance over the past year or 2.

01-05-2019, 08:23 AM
How’s your sweet little girl doing?

Diggie's Friend
01-05-2019, 02:42 PM
Can you elaborate more specifically what you feed her?

Do you feed raw greens or other raw vegetables, if so which ones?

How much of nuts by measure daily do you feed her.

Do you feed any processed sources other than rodent block?

Has she had any issues urinating, or defacating? (sorry if I missed this in your post)

Would you be willing to get pH testing strips; they can be a good diagnostic tool in the absence of a Veterinarian.

Mission or URI are good choices. https://www.amazon.com/mission-test-strips/s?page=1&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Amission%20test%20strips