View Full Version : Too Gross baby food?

Snicker Bar
12-31-2018, 06:20 PM
I specifically asked for apple, but hubby and dd came home with the combo kind of squash /carrot / apple . I would puke if forced to eat anything with squash. Mine have never eaten yellow or acorn when offered. But maybe it would be good way to get them to eat these gross things? Is this combo a bit for others or a definite no? Just curious before waste a bunch of ingredients.

12-31-2018, 08:20 PM
I would sure give it a try. :)

Snicker Bar
12-31-2018, 10:37 PM
:eek: I’ll wear a face mask!

12-31-2018, 11:08 PM
My fuzzers luv butternut squash... as well as carrots and apples, so I guess it would be well worth trying. :)

Snicker Bar
01-03-2019, 07:31 PM
Well, in spite of my scars by vegetables ( mom was brutal about forcing them :yuck) the fur balls actually liked this batch :)

01-03-2019, 09:10 PM
Well, in spite of my scars by vegetables ( mom was brutal about forcing them :yuck) the fur balls actually liked this batch :)

Great! Now, see? I guess they approve of mom's cooking skillls :D