View Full Version : 12 week old with 4 days of pungent, runny diarrhea

12-27-2018, 09:14 AM
Our little boy has had non-stop diarrhea for several days. He wont eat and just lies on heating pad. Got into vet yesterday who gave him Amoxicillin 2x day and Metrodianizole 2x day plus pedialyte. He has now had two doses of each with pedialyte. He has resisted every type of food and you can see his little bones as he has lost so much wait. He just wants to lay on heating pad and drinks some pedialyte. What can I do, what food can I try, I am scared to death he might die. Please help us.

12-27-2018, 11:20 AM
Our little boy has had non-stop diarrhea for several days. He wont eat and just lies on heating pad. Got into vet yesterday who gave him Amoxicillin 2x day and Metrodianizole 2x day plus pedialyte. He has now had two doses of each with pedialyte. He has resisted every type of food and you can see his little bones as he has lost so much wait. He just wants to lay on heating pad and drinks some pedialyte. What can I do, what food can I try, I am scared to death he might die. Please help us.

If you can "see his little bones" he is dehydrated, if he's dehydrated he won't eat.
How old is this little and what has his formula/ diet been up to the diarrhea?

12-27-2018, 02:57 PM
If you can "see his little bones" he is dehydrated, if he's dehydrated he won't eat.
How old is this little and what has his formula/ diet been up to the diarrhea?

He is 12weeks, eating monkey bites, squash , carrots, baby bok choy, few pecans

12-27-2018, 07:44 PM
The Vet said this was parasites??? Where do they get these and is there anything else I can do?

12-27-2018, 07:57 PM
Could have got them from his nest and mom. The metro should deal with them. As Step said, hydration is critical. Start with some pedialyte (warm it up so it is warm, not hot or cold).

The Vet said this was parasites??? Where do they get these and is there anything else I can do?

12-27-2018, 09:29 PM
The Vet said this was parasites??? Where do they get these and is there anything else I can do?

Did the vet say what kind of parasite? This is vital to know because different parasites need different anti-parasitic medicine. Let us know and we can help with suggesting a specific med.

You say the diarrhea has a strong smell. What color is it? You need to get the diahrea stopped. You can give him Imodium but I need his weight to dose it for you. Give pedialyte every hours as much as he will take. It sounds like your little one needs to be given sub-q fluids. Can your vet do that for you tomorrow?

What formula was he on? Try some of that and see if he will eat some of that. He needs nutrition also. Some people have luck with butter pecan flavored ensure.

Can you post a picture of him? Sending prayers for your little one.

12-28-2018, 10:40 AM
How is your baby this morning?

12-28-2018, 08:05 PM
Hello, I hope this advice doesn’t come too late. My little girl, same age, was in the same situation. Have you tried yogurt? A local rehabbed told us to go ahead and use a sweet one like strawberry just to get something in her, it was the first thing she ate in 2 days. Then we crushed up rodent block in yogurt and she ate a whole one. Best wishes.