View Full Version : Feeding question for peanut
12-04-2018, 02:56 PM
I have a feeding question,
Is it ok to feed Peanut Rat/ mouse food?
He has all his front 4 teeth and I believe that he is trying to wean himself
I have been feeding him baby food/ plain yogurt/ water ( sometimes evaporated milk)
I only give him fruit and vegetables baby food.
I have got him some bananas which I know he loves and
I知 gonna try sweet potatoes ( from produce dept)
And broccoli.
I just want to check about the rat/mouse food.
Thank you so much!!!
Yes, he needs to be eating a rodent block for 80 % of his diet and the other 20% is veg, outdoor greens with occasional fruit and nut.
Here's a link to the squirrel feeding pyramid:
How old is this squirrel and what kind?
Rodent blocks are rat blocks and include Oxbow, Harlan Teklad (Envigo), Mazuri, Kaytee. A supplement you can offer which meets his vitamin and mineral needs is called Henry's Healthy Blocks. Here is the link:
12-04-2018, 05:15 PM
What is he attempting to wean himself off of evaporated milk??
Has this baby not been on formula?
How old and can you post a picture?
12-06-2018, 03:17 AM
I have been feeding him.
1/2 evaporated milk and 1/2 water.
And then he started having runny stool so I
Got some plain yogurt and baby food...
Green Beans, Apples, Bananas, Pears,
Apple/Pear/ food and began mixing
That in with his food as well.
I gave him a piece of banana a few days ago and he held it
And ate it. I知 not exactly sure of his age, he has his 4 front teeth, he sits up
He baths himself. He is also starting to chew/naw on things but my husband works
At a saw mill and brought him some small wood blocks home.
I also just noticed on his sides the skin is peeling off, I am assuming it may be from not enough moisture. He walks and lifts one of his legs like it may be bothering him.
Also he seems to not have hair on one side of his tail. I知 not sure if it is from a fungus cause his skin looks fine. I知 gonna see if I can get some photos posted of him.
From what I read, the brand of rodent block I have is NOT suitable for him?? The brand is Wild Harvest???
Thanks so much!
12-06-2018, 05:31 AM
Please do post pictures so we can assess his age, condition, etc.
How long have you had him?
I would venture to say much of what you are seeing with his skin
conditions are likely due to bad diet, possible with the leg as well.
Squirrels nutritional requirements include a stable calcium content,
this is where a proper formula and a good quality block comes in
once weened.
Evaporated milk was not a formula for a squirrel, diarrhea would
be expected.
Attaching the feeding pyramid:
Also link on squirrel care this can be a HUGE help.
It's 6 pages long with the next button on the top right corner.
12-06-2018, 02:54 PM
This is not the first little one I have raised on evaported milk/wTer
And I assume baby food that he gets has the calcium
Inbaby food is good, lnever had problems with the other babies I fed
Evaporated milk, I just added baby food to it. But thanks!!!!!
12-06-2018, 03:42 PM
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