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View Full Version : Mazuri Rat and Mouse Rodent Block?

Abbi's Mama
12-03-2018, 09:58 AM
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I can't remember.
My parents are supplementing their released girl's diet with squirrel block. She comes to the house every day, her face and hands right on the living room window, waiting for someone to bring her breakfast. They've been giving her Henry's block but I thought Mazuri might be more affordable, especially since they're just supplementing her diet anyway. Thoughts on this?
They also currently have another little girl, 3-4 months old, who they're overwintering and will be released in the Spring. Would it be okay to give her Mazuri blocks as well?
Any input would be appreciated! :)

island rehabber
12-03-2018, 12:28 PM
Mazuri blocks are ok; IMHO the Teklad 2017 or Oxbow blocks are better. I have a feeling your parents' little friend will not like either of those blocks, OR the Mazuri, after dining on HHB's. HHB's are far more tasty to squirrels than other blocks, which is why they were originally developed. Because most squirrels would not reliably eat other commercial blocks. :D

Abbi's Mama
12-03-2018, 09:08 PM
Ha! That's kinda what I was thinking. I figured once they've had HHB they prbly wouldn't want anything else afterwards. I love HHB, but they're a bit expensive and my parents are both on disability, so limited income. I was just trying to think of a comparable, more affordable alternative.
Maybe we just need to try making our own sometime and see how that goes over. 😂😂😂

12-03-2018, 09:27 PM
I have had best results with wilds eating boo balls made with ground Harlan Teklad 2018. There are several recipes in the “squirrel nutrition” section. My recipe consists of ground Harlan block and ground nuts (pecans, almonds, hazelnuts) half the amount of ground nuts as ground block. To this mixture I add veggie/fruit baby food and coconut oil or pumpkin oil until the mixture will stay together and can be formed into a ball. Store in the refrigerator.

The Harlan block can be purchased online. This is far more economical than HHB’s and most of my wild squirrels will eat them. I also offer them avocado, raw coconut chunks and fresh corn. The bowl is always empty at the end of the day. :grin2