View Full Version : Not eating

11-05-2018, 10:01 AM
I have Henry’s picky blocks and Oliver won’t touch them. So I’ve tried maybe 5 different recipes and he won’t touch any of them. We’re going on days and he won’t eat. I put one in the morning and replace it in the afternoon. It’s on the same place as it was when I put it down. I know that everybody says “there’s no alternative to blocks” but if he’s not eating them then I would assume that’s not heathy either. So what are my options for him getting the vitamins he needs? There has to be another way because I think he would rather starve then touch the blocks.

11-05-2018, 10:14 AM
Try cutting one into 4 pieces and melting coconut oil and dip them in it. Put in fridge for 10 minutes to harden and offer that way.

11-05-2018, 10:15 AM
Try cutting one into 4 pieces and melting coconut oil and dip them in it. Put in fridge for 10 minutes to harden and offer that way.

I was wondering if I could use the coconut oil like that. I’m about to try it now. Thank you!

11-05-2018, 07:39 PM
Try cutting one into 4 pieces and melting coconut oil and dip them in it. Put in fridge for 10 minutes to harden and offer that way.

Okay so the coconut oil didn’t work. So I took a bunch of the blocks out of the freezer and I’ve mixed them with 8 different things and he still won’t touch them. He’s even started eating his cage and just lying around not active at all. I’m not sure what to do.

11-05-2018, 07:53 PM
What else do you feed him?

11-05-2018, 07:57 PM
[QUOTE=Spanky;1281365]What else do you feed him? [/QUOTE

In the morning he gets a block and before I go to work he gets some vegetables. When I get home he gets another block. He gets sticks and pine cones and anything else that squirrels eat where we live. He doesn’t like any kind of fruit. And he only got the veggies after he was eating his blocks but after he got the vegetables now he doesn’t want the blocks.

11-05-2018, 08:24 PM
Okay, I peeked at some of your other posts without reading them entirely because it seems like you have struggled with him not eating block from the time he started eating solids. Since you are feeding solids before he ever started eating his blocks well you have chosen the blue pill. Never feed any other solids to a baby squirrel until they are eating their blocks well (this is for the other readers, future readers and lurkers on this thread). Or maybe the red pill? Intentionally or not it is the more difficult path that you now travel.

A squirrel's cage should have bar spacing of 1/2" precisely to prevent them from bar chewing, which can and will cause a misalignment of their teeth. Which is an extremely bad thing.

Know that a squirrel has never starved itself to death if they have access to food... even if the food not what they prefer. Much like the idea that a toddler has never died from being required to eat their broccoli before being served desert. And much like a toddler, a squirrel (being highly intelligent) will play upon your emotions... so this requires some tough love.

Here is my suggestion. Get some pet store rodent block (Envigo (formerly Teklad), Oxbow or Mazuri) and feed only that and the Henry's. Nothing else for now... not until he starts eating block. Were it me, I would also offer formula a couple times a day (he is still young enough). He will eat the block. He will not starve himself to death (but he may get you to believe he is) I promise. He'll eat the Henry's like it is a nut over the others.

Once you have him on the right path, give him his block before his veggies and no veggies (or fruit or anything) until he eats the block. It is very much training IMO, they will learn to eat the block if that is the only way to be served their veggies. After some time Oliver will respond like this (note there is no other food in the cage... and will not be until they eat their block):

(I should make a new vid of Zain (mature male) eating his block... same deal.. he knows when the block is gone, he gets the goodies (but not until then). Avocado is his favorite right now.

11-05-2018, 08:34 PM
Okay, I peeked at some of your other posts without reading them entirely because it seems like you have struggled with him not eating block form the time he started eating solids. Since you are feeding solids before he ever started eating his blocks well you have chosen the blue pill. Never feed any other solids to a baby squirrel until they are eating their blocks well (this is for the other readers, future readers and lurkers on this thread). Or maybe the red pill? Intentionally or not it is the more difficult path that you now travel.

A squirrel's cage should have bar spacing of 1/2" precisely to prevent them from bar chewing, which can and will cause a misalignment of their teeth. Which is an extremely bad thing.

Know that a squirrel has never starved itself to death if they have access to food... even if the food not what they prefer. Much like the idea that a toddler has never died from being required to eat their broccoli before being served desert. And much like a toddler, a squirrel (being highly intelligent) will play upon your emotions... so this requires some tough love.

Here is my suggestion. Get some pet store rodent block (Envigo (formerly Teklad), Oxbow or Mazuri) and feed only that and the Henry's. Nothing else for now... not until he starts eating block. Were it me, I would also offer formula a couple times a day (he is still young enough). He will eat the block. He will not starve himself to death (but he may get you to believe he is) I promise. He'll eat the Henry's like it is a nut over the others.

Once you have him on the right path, give him his block before his veggies and no veggies (or fruit or anything) until he eats the block. It is very much training IMO, they will learn to eat the block if that is the only way to be served their veggies. After some time Oliver will respond like this (note there is no other food in the cage... and will not be until they eat their block):

(I should make a new vid of Zain (mature male) eating his block... same deal.. he knows when the block is gone, he gets the goodies (but not until then). Avocado is his favorite right now.

His cage does have the small bars but when I’m home he gets to run around in the utility room. It’s about 10 x 10 and he likes to run on the top of his cage and that’s when he’s chewing on it. And I’ll try to be strong and not let him get to me. I just feel so bad when every time I go in there he’s like waiting on something to eat. And I’ve tried everything with the blocks and he will eat them and then all the sudden nothing. And then I try something different. It’s just a pattern that’s so frustrating. And I still try to give him formula but he turns his head and refuses. But I’ll keep trying. Thanks for the help!!

11-05-2018, 09:40 PM
His cage does have the small bars but when I’m home he gets to run around in the utility room. It’s about 10 x 10 and he likes to run on the top of his cage and that’s when he’s chewing on it. And I’ll try to be strong and not let him get to me. I just feel so bad when every time I go in there he’s like waiting on something to eat. And I’ve tried everything with the blocks and he will eat them and then all the sudden nothing. And then I try something different. It’s just a pattern that’s so frustrating. And I still try to give him formula but he turns his head and refuses. But I’ll keep trying. Thanks for the help!!

Just an observation, but it seems like he has you trained! :embar It can easily happen; in fact it happens all the time. Be strong and know you are doing what is right Oliver. As sure as not feeding a human toddler a diet of fast food and preservative heavy sugar treats (Twinkies? Although this is not a good parallel in this specific case, but know that rodent block is essential), you are doing the right thing for your Oliver! :thumbsup

11-05-2018, 10:21 PM
Just an observation, but it seems like he has you trained! :embar It can easily happen; in fact it happens all the time. Be strong and know you are doing what is right Oliver. As sure as not feeding a human toddler a diet of fast food and preservative heavy sugar treats (Twinkies? Although this is not a good parallel in this specific case, but know that rodent block is essential), you are doing the right thing for your Oliver! :thumbsup

Cage is completely cleaned and he has a block. I’m curious to see if he’s touched it in the morning. One more question. What about his chewing? Can he have any twigs or anything? I didn’t know if that counted as “food”. And yes he does have me trained!! He’s just so darn cute and I just want him to have whatever makes him happy. I think it’s a good thing I don’t have “real” kids yet!!!

11-06-2018, 01:12 AM
I’ve had real kids twice and I promise it makes no difference! You will fall in love just the same caring for these babies be prepared ❤️.

11-06-2018, 01:47 AM
How old is your baby now?

You may want to offer some formula - warm, even in a shallow bowl - with a touch of baby cereal in it (I use oatmeal and prune) to spark the interest along with nothing but blocks. That way, he'll have a choice of 2 things, both nourishing, and he will get used to his blocks. Spanky is right... he won't let himself starve.

You could give him a small branch, to sharpen his teeth on (I use apple tree, or maple - not the red maple, the silver one - or oak) although the Teklad blocks are excellent for that too.

11-06-2018, 07:46 AM
How old is your baby now?

You may want to offer some formula - warm, even in a shallow bowl - with a touch of baby cereal in it (I use oatmeal and prune) to spark the interest along with nothing but blocks. That way, he'll have a choice of 2 things, both nourishing, and he will get used to his blocks. Spanky is right... he won't let himself starve.

You could give him a small branch, to sharpen his teeth on (I use apple tree, or maple - not the red maple, the silver one - or oak) although the Teklad blocks are excellent for that too.

He’s about 14 weeks old. He stopped formula on his own just all of the sudden. I still offer it (I’ve try it different ways) but he runs away and stars rubbing his mouth on everything. He’s very stubborn!!!!

11-06-2018, 10:02 AM
Okay, I peeked at some of your other posts without reading them entirely because it seems like you have struggled with him not eating block from the time he started eating solids. Since you are feeding solids before he ever started eating his blocks well you have chosen the blue pill. Never feed any other solids to a baby squirrel until they are eating their blocks well (this is for the other readers, future readers and lurkers on this thread). Or maybe the red pill? Intentionally or not it is the more difficult path that you now travel.

A squirrel's cage should have bar spacing of 1/2" precisely to prevent them from bar chewing, which can and will cause a misalignment of their teeth. Which is an extremely bad thing.

Know that a squirrel has never starved itself to death if they have access to food... even if the food not what they prefer. Much like the idea that a toddler has never died from being required to eat their broccoli before being served desert. And much like a toddler, a squirrel (being highly intelligent) will play upon your emotions... so this requires some tough love.

Here is my suggestion. Get some pet store rodent block (Envigo (formerly Teklad), Oxbow or Mazuri) and feed only that and the Henry's. Nothing else for now... not until he starts eating block. Were it me, I would also offer formula a couple times a day (he is still young enough). He will eat the block. He will not starve himself to death (but he may get you to believe he is) I promise. He'll eat the Henry's like it is a nut over the others.

Once you have him on the right path, give him his block before his veggies and no veggies (or fruit or anything) until he eats the block. It is very much training IMO, they will learn to eat the block if that is the only way to be served their veggies. After some time Oliver will respond like this (note there is no other food in the cage... and will not be until they eat their block):

(I should make a new vid of Zain (mature male) eating his block... same deal.. he knows when the block is gone, he gets the goodies (but not until then). Avocado is his favorite right now.

He will eat the block. He will not starve himself to death (but he may get you to believe he is) I promise :laugh2:laugh2

11-08-2018, 10:44 PM
Thank y’all for all the help!! We are successfully eating our blocks now!:bliss I’m so happy I know he’s getting the vitamins he needs.