View Full Version : Hey Ya'll:):)
camping momma
10-30-2018, 07:59 AM
Hey there:):) Guess I need to introduce myself... I am a relatively new Squirrel Grandma... My husband got a call about a pinkie that someones dog found outside... he brought it home for our oldest (26) to take care of... We all have "sucker" tattooed on our Well, between her and myself we have gotten this handsome baby boy thru the first 13 weeks of his little life... While she wants to keep him, I myself think he needs to eventually be returned outside... I currently have him out of town living in a camper with me to give his "mommy" a small break...
I guess my biggest question to anyone that can help is : What is the best way to ready him to survive on his own outside? I'm afraid we have already spoiled him rotten... When he's out of the kennel ( about 12 hrs a day) he runs free and I have had WAY to much hands on activity ( I know I'm bad, but he's soooo dang CUTE!!) What are the best tools we can give him? Also, it is already cold and we can't put him outside when he should be ready after being inside for most of the winter, so that's an issue also... ( I read that by 3 months you start putting them in a kennel outside for a bit everyday then at 5 months you release them).. again, we have "SUCKER" tattooed and worry that in the middle of winter he might freeze without the proper fur and tools he needs... Thanks , and nice meeting all of ya:):):)
Camping Momma
Thanks for helping this little one. It would be best to keep him over the winter and plan for a spring release.
There are many great threads here from how to build a safe release cage to step-by-step release.
What is his diet? This is very important, they are at risk for developing Metabolic Bone Disease if fed too many high phosphorus foods (this includes corn, seeds and nuts). People instinctively think squirrels live on nuts and this simply isn't true.
Please check out this link:
I realize it says for "pet" squirrels but it applies to squirrels living in captivity until release as well.
Other helpful links:
10-30-2018, 09:26 AM
Hey there:):) Guess I need to introduce myself... I am a relatively new Squirrel Grandma... My husband got a call about a pinkie that someones dog found outside... he brought it home for our oldest (26) to take care of... We all have "sucker" tattooed on our Well, between her and myself we have gotten this handsome baby boy thru the first 13 weeks of his little life... While she wants to keep him, I myself think he needs to eventually be returned outside... I currently have him out of town living in a camper with me to give his "mommy" a small break...
I guess my biggest question to anyone that can help is : What is the best way to ready him to survive on his own outside? I'm afraid we have already spoiled him rotten... When he's out of the kennel ( about 12 hrs a day) he runs free and I have had WAY to much hands on activity ( I know I'm bad, but he's soooo dang CUTE!!) What are the best tools we can give him? Also, it is already cold and we can't put him outside when he should be ready after being inside for most of the winter, so that's an issue also... ( I read that by 3 months you start putting them in a kennel outside for a bit everyday then at 5 months you release them).. again, we have "SUCKER" tattooed and worry that in the middle of winter he might freeze without the proper fur and tools he needs... Thanks , and nice meeting all of ya:):):)
Camping Momma
Yes, he does need to be kept over the winter.
The best way to release them is to do a "soft release." You build, either in your yard or daughter's, an outdoor cage - something big enough and tall enough for him to experience outdoors but built with an eye toward predators that may try to get in to him - i.e., sturdy built, 1/2" hardware cloth and 2x4s. In the spring when the leaves are out on the trees, he would go out there to live where he can see and hear "the wild" but it cannot get to him. After a period of time you will know it is time to open the door so he can leave. Some will return to the release cage at night so you will have to leave the door open by day and when it gets dark go out and close it (better for him to be locked out than to be inside with predators (talking to YOU raccoons!) able to get IN with him.
Sometimes if you do this at your home you will end up with a squirrel that stays nearby and stays friendly with you. Those bonds can last forever sometimes!
So that would be ideal. You keep him in and play with him during the winter or he will be miserable and bored; then in the spring he can start his transition.
camping momma
10-30-2018, 10:22 AM
Thanks!!! I will definitely look at those pages!!! Rocky is currently on a diet of raw vegetables and a few limited fruits, he also gets protein blocks, rodent feed mix, and walnuts, almonds, and sunflowers kernels, all Unsalted of course:)))
My daughter is currently building an 8 foot enclosure outside for him with a couple doors only he will be able to get in, and a 6 foot enclosure for the inside...I just wanted to make sure it won't hinder or hurt him waiting till spring... If we release him or not I feel he needs to spend time outside and hopefully make friends so we feel better about him being
10-30-2018, 11:17 AM
Hey y'all. Do they say that in IL? Honey, you're speaking my language now. :rotfl
Are you from the south? :grin2
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard
Don't worry about him getting too friendly. They all do that when they're young. They are driven by instincts and those instincts tell them that they are wild at heart. It is very common for squirrels to reach a point where they start 'wilding up'. It's nothing personal, it's just what they do. Often they will pick a 'favorite' person as their adored ONE. This person can do anything with the squirrel because they are 'special' in the squirrels mind. Well.... everyone else is reviled and has no place in their world. They can get quite aggressive to other members of the family. That's pretty difficult when your precious squirrels decides he hates your kids or husband, etc. It can really create some difficult family dynamics when you have an attack squirrel in the house. :eek :rotfl I know it sounds funny but we have seen it played out many times.
I'm going to bet some money here... after overwintering ONE squirrel I was SO ready for spring to come so that I could release my girl. I bet by spring your daughter will be just as ready for him to go to the trees as he is ready to go. In addition to that 'mean thing' they are also VERY destructive. They will destroy your house. If you thinks kids are destructive, you ain't seen nothing yet. :laugh1
Enjoy your friend through the winter but I think you will be ready for release long before spring comes. I know, I was! :tilt
Diet is critical. I can't emphasize that enough. Limit nuts and seeds. They are only to be given as treats. They are EXTREMELY unhealthy for captive squirrels. Too many will actually cause death. Right now is the perfect time to learn about diet... BEFORE there is a crisis. Metabolic Bone Disease is deadly and the best part is that it can be prevented with a proper diet.
camping momma
10-30-2018, 12:28 PM
Hey y'all. Do they say that in IL? Honey, you're speaking my language now. :rotfl
Are you from the south? :grin2
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard
Don't worry about him getting too friendly. They all do that when they're young. They are driven by instincts and those instincts tell them that they are wild at heart. It is very common for squirrels to reach a point where they start 'wilding up'. It's nothing personal, it's just what they do. Often they will pick a 'favorite' person as their adored ONE. This person can do anything with the squirrel because they are 'special' in the squirrels mind. Well.... everyone else is reviled and has no place in their world. They can get quite aggressive to other members of the family. That's pretty difficult when your precious squirrels decides he hates your kids or husband, etc. It can really create some difficult family dynamics when you have an attack squirrel in the house. :eek :rotfl I know it sounds funny but we have seen it played out many times.
I'm going to bet some money here... after overwintering ONE squirrel I was SO ready for spring to come so that I could release my girl. I bet by spring your daughter will be just as ready for him to go to the trees as he is ready to go. In addition to that 'mean thing' they are also VERY destructive. They will destroy your house. If you thinks kids are destructive, you ain't seen nothing yet. :laugh1
Enjoy your friend through the winter but I think you will be ready for release long before spring comes. I know, I was! :tilt
Diet is critical. I can't emphasize that enough. Limit nuts and seeds. They are only to be given as treats. They are EXTREMELY unhealthy for captive squirrels. Too many will actually cause death. Right now is the perfect time to learn about diet... BEFORE there is a crisis. Metabolic Bone Disease is deadly and the best part is that it can be prevented with a proper diet.
My family is originally from Mississippi... so the hillbilly never grew outta me:))
Thanks so much for ALL the GREAT info!!! I have been studying up since the first post, didn't realize that Spinach was a no-no....
I actually use a nut as a treat to kennel him back up when I need a small break during the day (like 2 minutes to He usually let's me know when its bed time an crawls in his bed by himself... LOVE our boy soooo much, but he is a 306205306206
10-30-2018, 12:32 PM
OMG! I have the same lamb chop but a lot bigger (its a large dog toy) I use to to sleep with tho (no dogs ever touched it) I have replaced it a few times actually. Its the perfect cuddle size. I should get a mini one for my lil Ash so we can match!
camping momma
10-30-2018, 03:03 PM
OMG! I have the same lamb chop but a lot bigger (its a large dog toy) I use to to sleep with tho (no dogs ever touched it) I have replaced it a few times actually. Its the perfect cuddle size. I should get a mini one for my lil Ash so we can match!
LOL!!! Rocky loves his Lambchop!! he has had it since he was a pinkie!!!! He gets a lil upset when grandma messes with it🤣😂
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