View Full Version : Age
10-29-2018, 07:15 PM
Ok so this being my first baby squirrel I have a ton of questions but I'll just start with age. I'm thinking maybe 3 weeks but closer to four now since I've had him for a week tomorrow.. eyes still closed hair on tail is starting to get a little fuzzy not much it was straight and flat but I can see a difference since my husband brought him home a week ago tomorrow. He weighs right at 100 grams as if today..
10-29-2018, 10:41 PM
A picture of your sweetie would be best at guestimating. When she opens her eyes, that is about the 5 week mark, so most use that as the guide as to age. (If she opens her eyes on a sunday, every sunday she us a week older) tho some may open sooner due to trauma/stress.
10-30-2018, 02:23 AM
I'm trying to upload one. I haven't quiet got it yet.. I've just found this board. It is amazing... thank you for the reply. I'll keep trying for the picture.. He's the first one I've ever taken care of. I've had him for a week and he seems to be happy and healthy we haven't had any problems so far so I would like to think I'm doing something right.
What are you feeding him, how much and how often.
Is this a gray or fox squirrel?
Here's a great link about baby squirrel care basics...
Once we see a photo we can help. I think they get bottom teeth nubs at 4 weeks.
10-30-2018, 09:20 AM
Pictures of Dusty:
My guess is four weeks old.
10-30-2018, 10:45 AM
Best indication is tummy fur.
It starts to come in from top to bottom during the 4th week.
They open their eyes when it is about 2/3rds down the tummy, with a little pink skin at the bottom, at the start of the 5th week.
During the 5th week they get fur trim on the inner thighs.
10-31-2018, 12:22 PM
I'm feeding him about 4ccs every three hours. He's just started taking 4. We were doing 3ccs. Also he's taking the milk replacer from walmart at the moment. It's got the probiotics in it. He seems to be doing really good with it.. I've ordered the good stuff from Henry's. We're just waiting for it to come in tomorrow. I'm a little worried about switching on him though since he is doing so well. Would it hurt to keep him on the one he's on for a little while longer? Also he only has his lower front teeth so far but I think he's trying to get the top ones. To me he acts like a baby cutting teeth..?? also his pee and poop is fine. He goes a lot on his own put I do still help him. He always stops in the middle of his feeding and he goes then he's ready to eat again. I just hope im doing all of it right. Oh and hes a grey. I just never gave it much thought as to raising a squirrel but this little guy has really stole my heart.. my husband laughs but says were cute because im constantly checking on "little squirrelly buddy" that's what my husband calls him. We've named him Dusty though. Thanks for all the help guys it is so very much appreciated and so helpful.
10-31-2018, 12:24 PM
I'm sorry. Also he had his bottom teeth a week ago when my husband brought him home to me.. and his little eyes are still closed.
10-31-2018, 12:29 PM
I'm so sorry I keep posting but I have one more question for now. Rodent block?? Should I put it in his carrier for now or wait? He chews on his blanket a good bit for the past couple of days even when he's not hungry..
10-31-2018, 01:02 PM
I'm feeding him about 4ccs every three hours. He's just started taking 4. We were doing 3ccs.
Feeding is by weight, 5% - 7% of weight. For example, if he weighs 100grams he should be eating between 5ml and 7ml at each feeding. At his age, that is 5 feedings daily. You can get an inexpensive digital kitchen scale at WalMart for like $12 if you do not have one. A scale is critical for feeding and for dosing meds if he ever needs them!
Also he's taking the milk replacer from walmart at the moment. It's got the probiotics in it. He seems to be doing really good with it..
The only off the shelf puppy formula that squirrel thrive and are healthy is Esbilac. Is that the one you have? If not you have been extremely lucky (part of the less than 1%).
I've ordered the good stuff from Henry's. We're just waiting for it to come in tomorrow. I'm a little worried about switching on him though since he is doing so well. Would it hurt to keep him on the one he's on for a little while longer?
Is the good stuff Fox Valley 20/50? We discourage / do not recommend the 32/40 version for smaller babies.
I'm so sorry I keep posting but I have one more question for now. Rodent block?? Should I put it in his carrier for now or wait? He chews on his blanket a good bit for the past couple of days even when he's not hungry..
Did you order block from Henry's? They are the best. I start placing block in with them when they open their eyes. Usually a half of block it will be up to a week before they really start showing a lot of interest, but starting this at a young age makes life a lot easier later on. No other solids until he is eating his block well.
Do you plan on releasing him? Feel free to ask any questions.
Here is a picture of the Esbilac:
10-31-2018, 02:44 PM
Yes mam. (Sir)? I have good scales. He weighed right at 100 grams yesterday. So 5ccs instead 5 times a day at approximately 25 ccs per day? So with my feeding journal I've been giving him close to the right amount I only need to change it to 5 every 5 hours? Is that correct?? The formula he has been taking is called PetAg milk replacer plus. It says a good source of prebiotics and probiotics. I couldn't find esbilac at that time and I looked it up for ingredients. It has the EXACT same as esbilac. I guess it's maybe a generic?? Also I did order the fv20/50. I read all the bad on the other. As for the block no i am going to order that right now. I wanted to make sure it was ok to put in his cage already. Again I apologize for all the questions and sounding crazy but I have learned so many things that I would have NEVER even thought about squirrels. It's definitely not like raising a baby pup or kitten. Which I've done plenty of.. but this little guy right here is something totally different. Scary but I'm so glad I decided to do it.
10-31-2018, 02:55 PM
As for releasing him I want to do what's best for him if that means releasing him then yes I am going to. That part already makes me so sad I'm almost crying just typing this. On a good note we do have 9 acres of nothing but woods in our back yard and some of the biggest trees in our front which will be awesome for him.
10-31-2018, 03:17 PM
As for releasing him I want to do what's best for him if that means releasing him then yes I am going to. That part already makes me so sad I'm almost crying just typing this. On a good note we do have 9 acres of nothing but woods in our back yard and some of the biggest trees in our front which will be awesome for him.
I can so sympathize. My first is on the porch which we converted to a release cage. If no other dominant squirrel runs him off I truly think he'll stay in my yard. I expected him to get more standoffish by now but he is actually getting more cuddly. He will run down my shirt and snuggle and try to sleep when I go in there to feed them the last time of the evening. He hasn't done that since he was a baby. If he does leave the area it'll break my heart but still I'll be happy he's where he wants to be. I've only had two others pets in my life that I was this attached to.
10-31-2018, 03:37 PM
Yes, try to arrange feedings to be 5 times a day. Once eyes open you can stretch the overnight out as a longer break between feedings.
PetAg makes both the Esbilac as well as the product you are using (and many others). They are not the same.
10-31-2018, 04:30 PM
Ok so my next question I guess is should I leave him on the one he's on now since the other should be coming in hopefully tomorrow or Friday at the latest.
10-31-2018, 04:47 PM
Ok so my next question I guess is should I leave him on the one he's on now since the other should be coming in hopefully tomorrow or Friday at the latest.
Normally you will want to transition- Starting with 3/4 of the current and 1/4 of the FV for a day or so, then 1/2 and 1/2 each, then 1/4 current and 3/4 of the FV to avoid any stomach issues.
10-31-2018, 05:07 PM
Also around what weight should my baby be at his age?
10-31-2018, 06:13 PM
I am in Georgia too and most of my healthy grey babies will open their eyes at 100 - 120grams, so yours is on track. There is always variance, but based on weight your baby is doing well.
I hate to ever tell anyone to stay with any formula but Esbilac and / or FV 20/50 but if you think the FV will arrive tomorrow (if it was shipped yesterday from Henry's it will be) I'd stay the course until the Fox Valley arrived to limit the number of formula transitions. On the other hand, my personal preference (and many other members) is half Fox Valley 20/50 and half Esbilac from eyes open (or a little earlier) through release. So if you got the Esbilac, it would not necessarily be a waste. :thumbsup
10-31-2018, 08:26 PM
I am also in Georgia, near Lake Lanier. My last set all opened their eyes at about 115g.
Get ready for a growth spurt during the next couple of weeks. He will double in size during the two weeks after he opens his eyes.
So you will need to check his weight daily to calculate how much to feed him.
He will still sleep a LOT during the next two weeks, even though he can see, so don't let that worry you.
Do five feedings per day for two weeks after he opens his eyes... then reduce it by one for each week after that. (7th week = 4, 8th week = 3, 9th week = 2, etc).
From the 8th week and up let him eat up to 8% of his body weight if he wants it, as their tummies get bigger.
Then offer him formula once per day for as long has he will take it.
Introduce him to blocks once his eyes open. He may shred but not eat them for a while.
This late in the year you will probably need to keep him through the winter... and release him around March. So plan on a bigger cage.
Be careful about letting him roam.. they chew everything, including power cords, window screens, and plastic bottles that could have poisons in them.
They can chew through a window screen and be gone in just seconds.
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