View Full Version : Feeding Victoria, quit formula?
Snicker Bar
10-20-2018, 07:00 PM
My new little paralytic is about 200 g now. When we awaited her last week she just looked somscrawny and bony, and being crippled too I just figured she needed formula plus foods. She nibbles some veggies and block, but not much. But feeding formula is becoming a fight this week. She’ll take a couple mls, then squirm to be done. I have no idea what her age is. She could be older and malnourished; she has upper incisors just starting to grow, and the sharp , longer lower baby incisors. Do you simply stop formula after a certain “weight “, if you don’t know heir age and they’re getting fussy about it? Or just offer in a dish ?
Dish is what I do. Was she getting formula before she came to you? Pic!
Snicker Bar
10-20-2018, 09:16 PM
I was told she was already eating wild foods; but the rehabber did offer milk . I think she just had so many... idk how much or how often . I’ve tried to offer her formula at least three times daily as she looked not much bigger than the 7 week porkers I turned over to a less burdened person who could overwinter and soft release them. But just now, l did a closer exam of her mouth- she has that kind of beaver look the pinkie I lost had,
So without pulling her mouth, just gently pulling her lips away this is how her teeth appear. Is this a malocclusion? There are no red holes in the roof of her mouth, but her lower teeth (tips) seem to be pointing toward her palate . Should I trim or just wait and see? She has things to grind on,
Here’s a cute pic first ,
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