View Full Version : Water consumption

10-18-2018, 06:22 PM
Benny is an approximate ten-week-old male. He is weaning. He really only wants formula twice a day now, morning and evening. The hours in between he munches on veggies and Henry block. However, he has not yet attempted to drink any water from his lixit. At what point do I get concerned about dehydration? I've never had a squirrel not at least investigate the lixit.

10-18-2018, 06:31 PM
Benny is an approximate ten-week-old male. He is weaning. He really only wants formula twice a day now, morning and evening. The hours in between he munches on veggies and Henry block. However, he has not yet attempted to drink any water from his lixit. At what point do I get concerned about dehydration? I've never had a squirrel not at least investigate the lixit.

I presume that’s the hanging bottle with ball? If so you could put his formula in it and roll the ball so it’s on the outside for him and present it next scheduled formula feeding. If he gets a little you will know at least he knows how to use it. This is how I started my first. But, he barely touched it until he was weaned. Hope it helps =)

10-18-2018, 08:17 PM
I had a similar question with my three who are currently weaning; at least, this is what I assume is their on-again, off-again formula consumption.

I used a wireless camera pointed at the water bottle to catch movement; I discovered that they were using the bottle, but not in any way that I could really see. The camera let me catch them at it when I wasn't able to stare 24/7. I worry too; thus the camera. :peek1
