View Full Version : Flyer refuses to go into bonding pouch...

10-16-2018, 04:53 PM
Hello! I'm new to the board and a fairly new squirrel mom.

I've got a 9 week old flyer who refuses to go inside of her bonding pouch. I dont think she likes it or just isn't used to it. I've tried putting treats in there but she just wants nothing to do with it. Any suggestions as to how I can get her to like being in there?

Also, when I have her out to play, she'll just try to run back into her cage and it hurts my feelings because I just want to spend time and play with her. :( I know she isn't quite bonded yet but I try to spend as much time with her as possible.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

10-16-2018, 09:22 PM
First of all, Welcome! :D :Welcome:

The only thing I can really think of is that she's not used to your presence quite yet. Try being around her as often as you can, within sight so she can see you ^^
Some babies take awhile to warm up to bonding pouches; try, try, and try again is about all you can do.
If she gets too uncomfortable with it, she could just be afraid of something new.
Take it slow and easy <3
You've got this!

10-17-2018, 12:26 AM
Here is a link from the National Flying Squirrel Association about bonding.
I think you will find it helpful.


10-17-2018, 05:45 PM
Hello! I'm new to the board and a fairly new squirrel mom.

I've got a 9 week old flyer who refuses to go inside of her bonding pouch. I dont think she likes it or just isn't used to it. I've tried putting treats in there but she just wants nothing to do with it. Any suggestions as to how I can get her to like being in there?

Also, when I have her out to play, she'll just try to run back into her cage and it hurts my feelings because I just want to spend time and play with her. :( I know she isn't quite bonded yet but I try to spend as much time with her as possible.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I have raised flyers and found if you just give her time and attention she will give in.. as for the pouch put it in her cage so she can get used to it and put some of her blankets/cloth in it so it can have her smell.. don't wash your hands or wear heavy colognes or perfumes body spray ect… they have sensitive noses... they are tiny and get very nervous and cautious so they wanna stay close to where they feel safest.. just try those tricks and give her time to adjust and it may take a few months but she will.. after u see her going in and out of the pouch then u can take it out and try again.. and you don't have to put it back in unless you wash it.. lol also wash her stuff with unscented sensitive laundry detergent like you would for babies.. just because of the sinuses... hope this helps :blowkiss

10-18-2018, 06:34 PM
Thanks so much for the advice everyone! I am always so worried that I'll do something wrong, but this board has been so helpful for me since I got my little Medli and I just want to make sure I can give her the best life. :) I just have to learn to be more patient with her and shell get there.