View Full Version : HOw old is she?

Jazzis Mom
10-12-2018, 11:02 PM
She opened eyes 2 weeks after I got her. Attached is photo day after I got her and two days ago.

10-12-2018, 11:23 PM
Shes so cute! Their eyes open at about 5 weeks. What are you feeding her? She has come a long way!

10-12-2018, 11:23 PM
When did she open her eyes? Date?

10-12-2018, 11:54 PM
So tiny to now.. it looks like you’re doing an amazing job mom ❤️

Jazzis Mom
10-12-2018, 11:55 PM
She opened her eyes on the 11th and 12th. One one day and the other the next. She is still feeding 4 times a day her formula puppy emboli with 4%fat yogurt in it. In between she eats he protein blocks she had 4 today but hasn’t finished any of them completely up. Trying to get her to eat veggies but she doesn’t want them. She will nibble a bit but that is all. Give her a nit or a piece of fruit she lives it. So as of now we are limiting fruit and nuts. Trying veggies and protein bars. Any suggestions?

10-13-2018, 12:42 AM
Are you giving 4 Henry's protein blocks a day? Only give 2 as they are very high in vitamins and can make her very sick having too many.

10-13-2018, 07:41 AM
Mom, she is way too young for nuts. :tilt You're right, they certainly do love them but they are extremely unhealthy. If your baby gets hooked on nuts you will have a difficult time getting him to eat healthy. At that age I cut the Henry's blocks in half and give them 1/2 a block. It prevents the waste as they rarely eat the entire block. At this age I would give 1/2 block twice a day. 2 Henry's blocks is the recommended amount for an adult squirrel. A larger adult squirrel would get 3.

Formula is the primary food, blocks are next and then healthy veggies are the third item. I give babies (after they are eating the block well) kale. I then start adding veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, butternut squash, acorn squash, sugar snap peas, acocado. After they are eating well I give them a little fruit as a treat. I limit that also as they will get a sweet tooth and prefer fruit over veggies.

At this age they love small sticks cut from safe trees. I cut small branches from oak trees. They LOVE to chew them. :grin2

island rehabber
10-13-2018, 08:18 AM
Ditto what HRT4SQRLS said above -- no nuts at this age and very limited fruits, if any. It would be like giving a three-year-old human child Snickers Bars for every meal and then expecting them to eat their broccoli. :grin2
You've done a great job getting this baby healthy. At her age, a high-quality rodent block is good to keep in her bowl at all times, like Oxbow Rat & Mouse or Teklad 2016. When she is 8 wks old, maybe by next week? she can start with half an HHB to nibble on.

10-13-2018, 09:05 AM
She is adorable! What a lucky baby...:blowkiss

Jazzis Mom
10-13-2018, 09:54 AM
I hope I have not already ruined her eating habits. I won’t give anymore nuts. She rarely got them. Also the fruit I noticed she loved it so I have not let her have any fruit in the last week or so. I will start cutting the high protein in half. As y’all said she doesn’t eat them all. My dog ends of getting her leftovers. On avg I would say she has been eTing about
2 whole ones per day. Do I give her rat blocks plus these? I have mazurri t
Rat block.. she really doesn’t want veggies. Still too young or just keep trying? She weighs 192 grams. Sleeps through the night buts takes 4 feedings a day and seems to throughly enjoy those. Should she be weNing back by now?

10-13-2018, 10:16 AM
I just read back through your thread. You said she opened her eyes on the 11/12. I assume you mean of September. That would put her at about 9 weeks if that's the case. Some will start slowing down on the formula around then. Other will willingly take it until 12 weeks or so. You will notice that she will reject one feeding but anxious for it on the next. She might miss the midday feeding. Don't worry about it. Eventually she will go to 2 feedings a day and then one. At that point they are just about weaned. We offer it until they no longer want it. When I have a group that starts rejecting feedings I go with a bowl of formula. Some will readily drink from a bowl. I know of adults that drink formula from a bowl. :grin2
I also offer my babies Stoneyfield whole milk vanilla yogurt in a bowl. They LOVE it.

When she weans completely she will be more willing to eat the veggies. Keep trying but offer small portions. I do feed commercial rodent block to my babies. You can definitely offer the Mazuri. Others are Harlan Teklad and Oxbow rodent block. Make sure it's rodent block and not hamster, guinea pig, etc. Those are seed, nut and hay based. You don't want that.

When she's ready she will wean herself.